Every Raid Now

Okay, ret vs enhancement comparison:


5% spell haste/20% melee haste.
10% AP.
Spellpower buff.
Strength and agility buff.
Mana regen/healing stream.

Blessing of kings/blessing of might/blessing of wisdom.
3% damage.
3% haste.
3% crit.
Judgement of wisdom/light.
And dsac.

6 raid buffs vs 7 if the ret specs dsac.

That’s just off the raid comp tool on wowhead and excludes tremors, groundings, purges and cleanses.

Let’s see…

Shaman can cover…

Fire Res (along with paladins)
Frost Resist (along with paladins)
Mp5 (along with paladins)
Nature Resist
Str + Agi
Tremor totem
Grounding totem
Armor (along with paladins)
Raid crit + sp (ele only)
Physical damage taken buff (resto only)
Boss attack speed slow (enhance only)
10% raid attack power (enhance only)
Self battle Rez
Short cooldown interrupt

It’s not like paladin is the only class with a laundry list of various buffs/debuffs/utilities

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Your suffering pleases me.

Paladin has the largest utility set and was buffed. Druids also have a large utility set and were buffed.

Warriors have almost no utility, are dead last as a class on performance, and they need a buff.

Not hard to understand. Troll elsewhere.

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They will buff themselves through the power of scaling! You’re welcome!

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They aren’t. They are a pretty mid-tier DPS spec when they are geared and played right.

If you are dead last, that’s a you problem at this point.

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Arms is last place, fury is high bottom tier, prot is mid tier. Arms was always behind ret yet had next to no utility. Ret was buffed tho. Blizz said, “we are using fury as a base”…and feral was following same slope on performance as fury…then Blizz buffed feral. Blizzard has contradicted themselves at nearly every turn when approaching WotLKC.

You’re either just ignorant or trolling. Either way there is no discussion that can be had with you.

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Blizz specifically has called out arms as the warrior “pvp spec” that they have no real intention of making viable.

And yes, for the hundredth time, Blizzard shouldn’t have buffed feral. Blizz agrees that they shouldn’t have buffed feral like that when adjusting their rotation.

The specs blizz tried to make PvE viable… Are PvE viable…

There is no need to buff fury now when it will improve on its own as the phases come out. Fury is already pretty much fine as you reach full BiS in this phase.

And they immediately regretted it.
The feral fiasco pretty much ensures furies aren’t getting buffed.
You should focus on getting prot warrior buffed to prot pally level. That’s a much easier fix, one that even blizzard can’t screw up (nerf AD so there’s no auto-save).

No, all warrior specs can get a buff.

Furies will get a buff when they fix munching. You probably think that’s not enough but given what you saw happen to feral, do you honestly believe furies will get anything more than that?
If you bring up ret change, Blizzard wisely tied that to a glyph. I suggested they attach reducing the penalty to titan grip by 5% to a glyph.
That’s really the only fair way to address this but again… after what they did with feral… I’d be surprised if they make any changes outside the munching bug.

5 out of 10* None of our 5 raid teams will bring one unless it’s prot.


Just checked for updated numbers

All the top ten brought a warrior. Majority being fury

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All of our raid teams bring a fury warrior. The 2nd tank for Algalon is usually a warrior who uses their prot dual spec or a feral druid.

A warrior who tanks on one or two fights in the instance is not a prot warrior. It’s a fury warrior with a prot offspec.

Again, 5 out of 10 ( 2 of which were prot ). I checked too.


I could fully agree if so many of the bosses didn’t require just 1 tank. The current situation is closer to dealing with Fury as the content is on farm. I am not claiming it’s not possible to use a warrior in every raid, simply that Slicy was wildly incorrect in his claim.


Slicy said most of those guilds bring a warrior… said most were fury… which part are you claiming is incorrect?

Are we looking at the same thing? I’m looking at the top 10 fastest clears. All 10 have a warrior, 7 are fury.

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That’s what I’m seeing as well… hence why I’m asking him what part of what you said was inaccurate.

The problem has never been that warriors are incapable of killing bosses. It has always been that nobody will even consider bringing a warrior in the first place.