Every Raid Now

You should check again lol


But that’s clearly a lie?

It is not. Try again.

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Every raid before the 10th one brought a warrior.

I didn’t bother checking below the 10th which for some reason skipped bringing one.

You’re free to provide actual evidence of warriors not being brought anywhere.


Prot warrior flex position, lawl.

Try harder. Your trolling is too obvious.


On that list:

Raid 1: Prot
Raid 2: Fury
Raid 3: Fury
Raid 4: Fury
Raid 5: Fury
Raid 6: Prot
Raid 7: Fury
Raid 8: Fury
Raid 9: Fury

The data is literally linked to you in my post, all you have to do is look at it.

But I guess evidence is too hard for you given that, despite asking you to provide evidence that warriors aren’t brought, you did no such thing.

Cause it doesn’t exist and you’re just a crybaby.


Look at those DK/lock stacks.

I’m sure the warrior played a crucial role. kek.

Oh, so just whataboutism?

The claim was “no one brings a warrior” which is clearly, as demonstrated, an outright lie.

What other classes are brought is utterly irrelevant to the claim that “no one brings a warrior”.

You’re really effing bad at this.


You’re getting clowned. You should tap out

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The only people bringing warriors are GDKPs and those where the warrior is in a leadership position in the guild. A warrior brings no increase in performance to the raid.

Be sure to hop onto your alts to troll harder.


I’ve just linked you the speed clear category of WCL and out of the top 10 guilds, 9 brought a warrior and the ones who didn’t are 10th.

These are not GDKP guilds.

You’re so utterly clueless and utterly unwilling to look at data literally handed to you on a silver platter that I can’t imagine how you tie your own shoes.

As if I’d level more toons on US when my main account is EU.

1 level 12 is more than enough to post on these forums for a slight chance at devs seeing it.

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yet every single one of the top 10 guilds brings a warrior…

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Clearly the top 10 speed clears are all warrior GMs and GDKPs.

I feel bad for warriors that this is one of the people arguing for them. Yikes

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Funnily, that #10 rank is the only group out of the 50 fastest Ulduar clears logged that didn’t bring a warrior.

I really should’ve kept going rather than stop at the first one that didn’t bring one, but it is what it is :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s almost like the clear times are because of the lock/dk stack in those groups rather than the warrior they bring to soak up the drops no one else can use.

Who cares, warriors are still brought despite your utterly idiotic claim that they aren’t.

For the fastest clears ever.

Where is your evidence that they’re not?

You are claiming they are brought for performance because top guilds bring a single warrior(and not all do). The truth from those logs is the single warrior is not brought for performance. So why bring them? There is no reason to outside of guild leadership flexing their position to play a class no one wants in raid.

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Nope, I’m not.

I’m disputing your utterly idiotic claim that warriors aren’t brought to raids.

With evidence.

Of which you’ve provided none.

You have nothing but your QQ feelings and tears cause you’re most likely just a really bad player.

Just git gud.

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Okay :clown_face:

Yes, literally. They still bring warriors, absolutely nothing has been mentioned about the warriors performance.

You can clown emoji all you want, it’s clear to everyone reading this that you’re merely holding up a mirror.

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