Every Raid Now

You saying they “need” a buff because logs are your evidence is irrelevant, because that’s where blizzard WANTS THEM.

This really isn’t hard to grasp…but you are a warrior.

With all that free time on the bench maybe read a book?

If anything the logs show fury is perfectly fine but prot needs some serious help.

I agree, prot needs Santa Claus

Ret was never borderline unplayable. They’ve always had S tier utility.

Ret had A tier dps before their buffs. They even scale in ICC. Isn’t that what warriors are supposed to do?

If ret had “A tier” DPS and now fury is beating ret in DPS that would mean fury is “A tier” dps.

Y’all don’t need a buff you’re already A tier.

Both both are geniuses. Lowest dmg is actually a tier.

I have a life what does that even mean?

You did genius, try and keep up with your own bull at least.

There really isn’t such a thing as S Tier utility in wrath. That’s why none of the classes were balanced around how much of it they brought. Classes also don’t typically get stacked based on utility offerings unless a specific boss needs it.

Raw throughput is what gets a class stacked.

You have a weird definition of A tier though…

Pretty much no one but you thinks that ret DPS was A tier before, or even after the buffs.

If you do, then it’s even more absurd that you are asking for Fury DPS buffs if you are already above A tier (by your definition that fury started off 10% higher than ret’s “A tier” DPS). And fury still is better than ret.

And no, ret really didn’t scale. The spec pretty much has the worst scaling of the DPS specs. ICC doesn’t “scale” ret paladins, scaling is a natural increase in DPS with stats. There’s a legendary that tosses us 1000 DPS (like it does warriors), a trinket that has a definition of “melee hits” not shared by any other item before or after it that was hugely favorable to ret, and probably the most powerful 2 piece set bonus in the expansion.

All that together, without the buffs to ret, would have brought us to the bottom third for DPS. That’s not scaling, that’s needing a legendary to even register as a DPS spec.

Warriors, by contrast, will be at about the spot rets will get with all of that, AND the buffs, without Shadowmourne… Because fury warrior scales significantly better than rets.

(And we aren’t even guaranteed to have a version of tiny abomination in a jar that is as broken as it was in original wrath, because those proc mechanics were so obviously a mistake as to not be funny)

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Eh, let Feral have their time in the sun. They haven’t been a viable DPS up until now all throughout our classic experience. With that said.

Making your own Ulduar groups is the best you have right now as a warrior to progress quickly and aquire loot. And honestly its a fair alternative to rerolling. Do your research, don’t be afraid to raid lead, and regardless of wipes and mistakes just keep trying. Also just perform and improve, then its only a matter of time when someone takes you.

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Blizzard has demonstrated multiple times their capricious nature. I am not held back at all by this argument that Blizzard has “made up their mind”.

They had “made up their mind” about nochanges at one point. Yet here we are.

That’s fine but using logs as evidence is silly when Blizzard wants them where they currently are

Wanting a buff is silly but at least it isn’t lying about how you’re using logs to prove your point when blizzard is using those same logs and wants them there

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Yes there is. That’s why paladins are an overrepresented class.

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No, that’s because their healing throughput is super high and the tank spec has a cheat death.

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A. That’s utility
B. It’s cute how you ignore all the other CDs here

“let them eat cake” -paladin players


dsac is the biggest thing that makes them op

It’s largely the throughput that makes them stacked. The cooldowns exist, but they are hardly necessary at this point outside of like… Algalon maybe.

It’s really not given that they don’t have any personal cooldowns and the things that hit the tank extra hard aren’t always the things that hit the raid hard.

It’s pretty much all ardent defender making them easier to heal and less likely to die. You get all the utility you need from the 2 holy paladins that are part of your 3x healer team in speed runs.

That’s what I was saying the 2 holy pallys cover everything.

Even for Algalon.

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No it isn’t. It’s their copious amount of RAIDWIDE CDs on short timers…along with covering more buffs than any other class.


They cover about the same sheer number of buffs as shaman.

They just heal for more, heal the tank at the same time as the raid without needing them to be stacked, and yeah, have cooldowns for when that matters, but they also usually pair with a disc priest to blanket shields, making those even largely unneeded when groups are high end.

DSac’s raid wide effect didn’t even exist at the time Ulduar was made. None of the fights require it.

No they don’t. They cover far more.