Every Raid Now

You understand the gear in the future is exactly the same gear that will be there when we get there right?

It is literally never that simple.

Even in those Sims he tells you he’s not right… he even said that each of the Sims is at least 250 DPS off.

Oh so you think ret won’t be dead last? You think they gonna scale?

I personally don’t think they will scale that well but I also don’t think warrior will either.

But I have no data to support that it’s just an opinion.

I think fury will end up C tier

Then why do you spend the majority of your free time on the forums arguing? Are you a bot?

Yes I am.

Warrior tears sustain me

Where are the tears?

They’re busy sustaining me

I just want to point out that paladins have 2 S tier specs and an A tier dps with S tier utility. Warrior has an F tier dps spec as arms, a B tier tank spec, and a B tier dps as fury…all with no utility.

Irrelevant to the fact that their DPS role was borderline unplayable.

So fury, which is better, is fine?

You can’t just arbitrarily drop fury warrior’s DPS a tier lower when it deals more DPS on average than ret, and significantly more on the top end potential.

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But fury is beating them.

Thanks for finally admitting that fury is fine

I don’t know which sim you’re using but ret does 14k in ICC, 16k with zone buff

Unless that sim shows that, I would recommend not trusting it.

The github sim is very far from perfect.

He’s using the GitHub 1.

Yeah, that thing is pretty far off the mark. They have to adjust it phase by phase

Nope that’s his holy Bible

Imagine thinking Sims for a phase that is over 6 months away is correct…


It’s been pretty accurately almost 600 dps underballing classes for Ulduar

Those Sims could 100% accurate which we both know they aren’t close to that and Blizzard still shouldn’t use that as their source for buffs or nerfs.

When you said rets have a tier dps while simultaneously being the worst in the game you kinda lost credibility

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As if any of you had that anyway.


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Of course I do, everything I say is backed up by Warcraft logs, therefore possessing credibility. You say nothing that brings any value to any of these conversations besides
You are a joke.

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