Every Raid Now

Last week during this argument they were slightly ahead in overall now they’re not.

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Which is why you aren’t getting a buff


Really? So 0 warriors are brought to raids? Ill be even more specific, 0 fury warriors are being brought?

Statistically that is an impossibility and the top players are bringing them so you are wrong.

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I’m so glad ret and feral got buffs and fury didn’t.

I said what I said.


Yo can you share your copium with me please I’m running low

Not only do I know what copium means, I don’t know what message you were trying to convey , or if you even know why you responded to me.

I was saying rets with be the absolute worst spec in the game, while simultaneously having a legendary weapon.

I’m beating ret paladin by 39 dps so I’m not getting a buff. You’re a literal troglodyte.



Nono I knew what you were saying and that you’re wrong. Have a good one!

You he sims say otherwise, all three of the ones that are out! YOU HAVE A GOOD ONE BROTHER!

You truly are dense huh?

You’re not getting a buff because you’re going to scale.

Literally what BLIZZARD has said.

My wife left me for a warrior

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Because he is a Mage main who unironically thinks Warriors were too entitled in vanilla and he now wants to be the head of the anti Warrior cheer squad.

I wouldn’t worry too much about what some sir who sold boosts all the way to sixty and got tilted over someone else getting a flask set thinks.

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I’m not even giving you my opinion I’m just telling you what blizzard said you don’t need to accept what I’m saying I’m just telling you what blizzard said you remember those guys right they make the game

Can I buy a boost?

I’m not sure what your server does for boosting.

I’m going to assume you can. Someone is always selling boosts

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Rets got a buff to bring them in line with fury warriors. Buffing fury warriors now literally goes against the whole purpose of buffing rets in the first place.

Fury will scale better with TotC gear. Rets wont get better until ICC 2-set

Blizzard literally has explained it…

These clowns can’t accept it


Um not really. The buff in ilvl on Ulduar gear basically makes the gear from ToGC a minor upgrade at best. The gear upgrade from ToGC won’t make a big difference. There’s nothing magical about Fury scaling and 6 points of item levels from phase 3 bis aren’t going to make much of a difference.

The thing that results in Warriors doing okay in ToGC is the prevalence of cleave fights.

… if only Ret was good at cleave fights …

You will see both Fury and Rets doing well in ToGC. Simply due to the fight mechanics.

You guys will scale to middle of the pack in ICC, what’s the issue?

If blizzard posted right now that every night your character has to sleep because of circadian rhythm, so now if you want o play wow your character can only do so from 8-8. I bet your lame a$$ would be on the forums defending it.

Blizzard was right to buff rets, to be fair they didn’t buff them enough. To say it because of fury warriors performance was the reason for the buff, was idiotic at best. I am literally tired of typing out why warrior is underperforming, everyone on the forums tired of typing out to you why it’s not right. your constant presence on warrior threads is illogical, the game won’t be any better, your character performance won’t go up nor down. the only reason you could possibly do it is for the pleasure that you are getting for making people feel bad.

Warriors have 3 bad specs, no proof of scaling, other than blizzard saying they will. I play ret/ele/balance/fury. My ret will forever have a raid spot becuase of the 50 things it provides raids, the warrior probably will as well, but why would you take one. It’s dead last on performance. You would be better off bringing anything else. I honestly feel bad for you dude, you spend so much time bouncing around from 3 different threads foaming at the mouth wanting warriors to be bad.


Blizzard has warriors where they want them because they will scale, idk why you can’t grasp this.


All you can talk about is daddy blizzard. You LOVE this company dude. Good for you.