Every Raid Now

Still waiting on that evidence all those warrior parses are from GDKP’s :slight_smile:


So they must be gms and raid leaders of the gdkps that happen to be so good theyre the #1 raid group in the world.

Pugs are killing it man


My guild likes me just fine. I’m only an a-hole to people on the forums because they chime in on these discussions when basic English isn’t one of their primary skills.

Yeah, it’s just you.

Cause you’re acting the way you do.


Fury is in a interesting spot they are near the bottom as far as DPS is concerned but blizz does not want to do anything that might upset P4 content. At this point most warriors will be very unhappy if after being at the bottom and not changed because of ‘Muh scaling’ but then end up being only middle of the pack at end of expansion. Anything other than top 3 will be a tidal wave of tears and angry war mains.

Prot on the other hand is doing content but they are no were near the top. It’s not at the point of grieving your raid to bring a prot war but pally’s currently offer so much more overall. The tank situation really should be looked at to bring other tanks more in line of what is potentially offered by just running 2 paladins.


Are rets outdpsing fury warriors?

They’ve already upset P4 content with buffs to ret, feral and nerfs to UH DK. The sad thing is even before the ret/feral buffs you could use 1 of each for their support/raid utility which something fury doesn’t have and the “utility” arms brings can be brought by better specs.

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Its not the case that guilds are ignoring bringing warriors, so its gotta be you.


Statistically you’re 100% wrong.

I’d like to thank all the trolls for continuously bumping the warrior threads with their seethe. Y’all are the real degenerate champions.

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It’s utterly irrelevant anyway, what Blizzard is gonna see is a bunch of kids whining about other classes.

None of you have stated why you should be buffed beyond “dey got stuff”.


The number of warrior parses statistically say you are wrong.


IN FAIRNESS, the number of Bladetsar parses says he’s right.


Ziryus barely has a grasp on English, I wouldn’t bother.

Oh lordy, this is…

…certainly something else that would actually give you cause to report me properly rather than your Cartman levels crying.

0/10 for effectiveness.

As if I give a hoot? I’m Danish, English is my second language.

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Danish people can’t insult others with any effectiveness?

Not to a degree that Americans can understand apparently.

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I’m not American.