Every Raid Now

So your solution to ret paladins would’ve been telling them to just stop being a dps and be a healer or tank?

The only thing that matters to these guys is their spot in the loot prio. Ret being viable threatens that, so now they throw a hissy.

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I think anyone on these forums would take a warrior with a good personality than you. If these forums are any indication as to how you are in game people arent taking you because… Well… Look at your posts.

You cant accept people dont want to bring you and want to blame the class than yourself.


Who care that ret got buffed tho, it doesn’t affect our gameplay at all. They end up being the worst dps in the game. They started at the bottom in naxx and they will still be at the bottom with a smourne and two piece t10. This troglodyte paladin up here will still play it and claim it’s because of the gameplay when it has the lamest rotation in the entire game(I know I play one). Ret pally will not supercede warrior loot prio because they’re literal poop pieces. Blizzard just dropped the ball again by barely huffing the absolute worst spec pve spec in the game.

Ret is better than fury atm and much better than arms. Prot pally is much better than warrior tank.

Warrior doesn’t have a single spec that is A tier, let alone S tier. Fury wont even be high A tier until getting full BiS in ICC…and will still have zero utility.

Ret isn’t better than fury, fury is just a hair better. A ret paladin is much more welcome in a raid than fury tho. Unless you don’t have the crit.

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So… as blizzard said?

It’s fun to see this lie. You ask “why do high end guilds bring you if you offer no damage?”

And that answer is… (you do bring stuff sport)

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no you take 1 of each.

Yeah they’re bad. They’re dmg is dog, that’s why u take one.

Y’all still crying for buffs??


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Pointing out class is weak af=crying? Aight brother

You bring nothing that other classes don’t bring(only the other classes offer more dmg and utility). The only warriors being taken by high end guilds are the ones where the warrior is a GM. Otherwise they are going to GDKPs.

Deny it all you like but a warrior sets the raid back in every metric. Raids take a performance loss by bringing any of the warrior specs. Not just one spec, all specs.

You can actually bring 17 warriors and clear the entirety of ulduar. Prot warrior mt, prot warrior off tank, they’re so good that the best guilds are doing this. That’s how good warriors are. Don’t get me started about arms, we brought 15 arms warriors once and shattered boss kill times.

The argument being made here is that because the top guilds bring one, it’s fine. As if becuase the raid has brought one warrior it somehow justifies the fact that the class is required to do the content. That guild would have cleared all the content faster than ALL of your guilds literally without the warrior. They could literally have 20 people in there and still do the raid faster, the warrior happening to be there is irrelevant.

Pointing it out like three different threads is blizzard already talked about fury warriors…

They literally already addressed all of this

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Who knows what you’re talking about.

Which part was confusing to you?

Lol the desperation!

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Coming to terms with your issues is the first step to improving your situation.

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I’m praying for you


You are regressing again.