Every Raid Now

Damn hippocrips.


Idk I think he just left cuz he got who his warrior is leaked.

He hasn’t killed any hard modes or anything.


Others who have had the same happen pop back up(red for example), Yama is too reactionary and bombastic to really disappear unless forced to by the system.

Though honestly I would prefer if it was because his main was found out and not a forced vacation, that would be the hilarious choice lmao. I think I have two hardmodes done? I keep my mouth shut on those discussions though.


The funniest part about red is that he still raids with the same people that were willing to replace him for a complete stranger…



buff blood dks

no, but seriously. buff blood dks

Why post on different chars?

purely wcl reasons

You should have read how to actually do it because you don’t need to even post to do it

I hope your logs are better than your reading skills

the literal written way to do it on wcl includes posting on the forums with the toon you wanna update /shrug

You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums. "

Again I hope your logs are better than your reading skills

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Agreed, nerf paladins

Nerf fury warrior cleave.

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I think Fishfeast devolved into a parrot guys.

Press F to pay respects.

Agreed, paladins are overrepresented in raids and pvp.

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I can’t actually update my wcl toon because Blizzard have deleted it. Can’t post on main as an avatar lol.

Wait so your character is deleted for real, or from WCL?

Nah, forum avatar - which I think is what wcl uses to update.

I can still play though ;p


My raid brings 3 warriors, we have killtimes faster than 4 minutes on Ignis.
We also did not have to wait 14 weeks to kill Algalon.

Our warriors are performing… good. Maybe not top, but atleast Panzerkûh showed with his best avg being 97.2 that he should have a decent idea how to press buttons and the other two are definitly not trashlevel parsing as well.

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It was the whole reason buffs started to begin with, ret paladins crying about representation.

I’ll say it again, they should have been relegated to S tier tank and S tier healer for the entire expansion. It’s not exactly unfair given no other class gets two S tier specs in anything.