Every Raid Now

I mean we can all agree paladins are the best. But after that the most seen class in the best speed clear guilds in the world are warriors. 2 sitting in the top 5.

Seems they are VERY capable and it’s not really worth trying to use them to make your case in your pity party

DK has best ST threat especially on pull. They have better defensive/more defensive cds and offset dmg taken with healing done. If you are talking about tank buster bosses you bring a pally. If you want AOE bring pally If you want threat bring DK or Feral. When are you ever bringing a prot warrior? When your pally is sick or you want someone to sunder and do not want to bring a fury lol

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Pally tanks have problems with threat?

Because paladins are busted good tanks. If they came to earth nobody would say anything bad about prot warriors

This is a case of everything looks bad against prot paladins when they’re in fact just fine

Ulduar tanking problems are never about threat. It’s always about tanks getting chopped up.

Every raid would rather run a Pally/Warrior or Pally/Feral

The thing is they are bringing prot warrior because its the lesser of 2 evils. Bring a trash dps which ultimately slows the run down or bring a weaker tank than pally supplement it with MD/tricks and go faster. If warrior brought no buffs it would not be taken to the raid at all.

Depends on the boss Algalon is the only real tank buster and maybe yogg 0 last phase adds fresh respawn. The issue is not even can a prot warrior do the job its warriors as an entire class are the weakest in the game.

Same with almost every class/role except Pally tanks/healers, Priest healers, dks, rogues and warlocks.

What class when looked at as a whole is weaker than warrior? No classes are even close to as weak as warrior. Hunter I would argue as a runner-up as they are a pure dps class with 2 of the worst dps specs in the game but still way better than warrior.

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If we removed all buffs it would probably be 21 warlocks 1 tank 3 heals lol

I don’t think that looking at class as a whole is something that should be done. Roles are a better metric to judge balance on.

I am also not disputing that they are the weakest at the moment, I am saying that being the weakest is not a good reason to buff them. If they become so weak that most top raids are bringing no dps warriors then they need buffed, but that’s not that case.

Mains a paladin

This is the equivalent of “let them eat cake”.

Not all classes can be looked at as a whole because the specs are wildly different.

I commend your attempts to reason with the forum dregs, but it will not be fruitful. They will move goalposts as much as possible to keep you arguing. Would be nice if it wasn’t the same tiny handful of trolls that seem to oppose warrior buffs, then maybe an actual discussion could occur.

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Why can we not look at classes as a whole? Once all classes are somewhat close we can talk about specs but to complain warriors do not need a buff while being the absolute worst class as a whole and it is not even close is silly. Let us recap that once again They are the worst dps by an actual large amount from 2nd worst in arms. of the 4 tanks Warriors are taken only because they do not want to bring a dps warrior which is reflected by the 45k total prot parses but they are viable sure just worse than pally and DK and potentially better than only feral which is debatable. And finally they have their “best” spec which is Fury who ranks 2nd from the bottom if you remove “PVP specs”. The best case for warrior is mediocre but viable tank or trash dps.

I cannot understand how asking for a buff on the weakest class by a mile is met so negatively when they buffed the strongest class overall and the 2nd strongest class lol


I literally just explained why.

Some classes like say mage can be talked about as a whole, others can’t like warriors or druids.

Ok so you conveniently ignored the part where I compared warrior spec by spec and it is still trash?

Warriors: Easy for paladins to say when they’re so strong!

Everyone else: Where were you the last three years with this take?

It’s fun to watch such blind hypocrisy. Please carry on!

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Please balance my dps spec around my tank spec which in turn should be balanced around my healing spec /s.