Every Raid Now

I don’t disagree, but instead of complaining about other classes like the OP of this thread does just explain the issues fury has.

They did not buff any classes in TBC or Vanilla. Why are you spouting this nonsense when it literally does not apply.

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Rogues as a whole need a buff.

F tier tanks

F tier healers

With sun lumped in B tier dps

Overall c tier class

I already ruined you in the other thread, what argument are you bringing to this thread? You bounce from forum to forum advocating against the buffs for the worst class in the game.

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It’s why everyone is laughing at warriors for crying

Who?? Who is it?

Which of the 3 warriors are you again?

Perfect dps balance below. Based on roles and not class, because let’s be honest, if you need to use an entirely different set of gear it’s basically a different class.

Note: These are only separated by Pure/Hybrid. Any other position in the list is just simply where I typed it and is not a “ranking”.

Pure Classes
These should be within 5% damage of each other.


Hybrid Classes
These should all be within 10% damage of the the pure classes.

Unholy Knight
Frost Knight
Shadow Priest

And yet when the game is designed around spending 99.9% of your time in a single role that doesn’t really make sense.

Tell me why fury warriors should be 20-30 percent lower than the top dps? You’re never ever to do that, you just spew out about how the best guilds bring one, and how in vanilla warriors were overpowered.

Why is this a governing factor of anything?

I don’t know, ask the devs because that was their philosophy when making the game. I guess pure dps feared they would be replaced.

Yeah the devs didn’t know that when a Druid was feral dps spec and gear that’s all they could do. When the game was in its infancy, they had thought anyone could actually do it alll at anytime, when that’s just now hit it works.

Who is everyone I see the same 3 people which does not actually mimic my in game experience where everyone has a brain and knows warriors need some love lol. I understand your whole world is the echo chamber of forum trolls and I feel bad for you. If blizzard is handing out buffs Warrior is the weakest and could use a buff not rocket science.

Weakest class in the entire game. All three specs, garbage.

Blizzard isn’t handing out buffs though.

Yeah honestly if you were to create a fresh character there is actually 0 reason to ever pick warrior lol.

Warriors did you get your buffs yet??

Did Ret and Feral not receive a buff? The issue is they opened Pandora’s Box. Had no specs been buffed warriors wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

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Ret got a buff, feral got a change to fix a certain playstyle, but ended up being overturned.

But here it is straight from the post.

If anything, I think that with the way the feral thing turned out, they will take a much more hands off approach going forward. It definitely hurt chances at anything being buffed in the future, rather than helped.