Every Raid Now


We use a fury and other raid uses a prot war


I was told that if you only bring them if theyre… what was the stupid comment… “leftover warriors”


Jeez now talking to someone else to run as fast as you can from the point you made.

The majority of warriors you take in your guild is only because you like them as people. And that’s fine, but acknowledge that if everything else was equal, people won’t take warriors due to their sub-par dps and extremely low or non-existent utility.

Made even more apparent by the most recent buffs to other melee dps.

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They will and they do. As proven

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I think that’s far less proven than the fact you admitted you take the majority of warriors due to the player’s personality.

Tell me, how do I, if joining a new guild, best display my personality to engage a routine raid spot? Is there a quickfire method to doing it to get into a pug also?

You’re ridiculous.

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Im at top 25 speed clears all have warriors. How far can i go

PeOplE wOnt TakE thEm


You’re utterly ridiculous.

I’m still waiting on an answer to my question. I need to display my personality to overcome my lacking dps and non-existent utility. Guessing you don’t know how to do that.

Posts 17-21 for anyone interested. Slicy admitted the reason they take 2/3 of their warriors is because they like them as people. Confirming what I said one post prior. The following 25 posts are Slicy trying to run away from their accidental slipup.

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This is not okay how dare warriors not be in the top 5 for 2 whole patches after being number 1 for 6 patches and top 3 for 5 patches. it just isn’t fair think of the poor warriors and their crystal flask sets and leather and mail and 4 weapon swaps and 4 (soon to be 5) legendaries please


You’ve already been buffed nonsensically. Butt out druid.

I also didn’t have a warrior in vanilla or TBC. I routinely have to reply that to someone who just ‘chimes in’ after having read zero posts apart from this one. It’s becoming a routine occurrence.

I found it!!!

#40 doesnt have a warrior!

Sit and talk? We talk to everyone before they enter our raid

Its been a tough go for them. A whole few months not being broken. They dont know how to handle it


Misquoting, very mature.

You ready to concede you only take warriors due to factors other than their dps and utility?

Let me copy and paste from two posts ago, since that’s too hard for you to read:

I… didn’t have a warrior in vanilla or TBC. I routinely have to reply that to someone who just ‘chimes in’ after having read zero posts apart from this one. It’s becoming a routine occurrence.

My raid only takes 1 mage (me) please buff mages by 15%.


Nobody cares when you started playing your warrior. The fact remains they’ve been broken for the entirety of this games life and its their turn on the bottom.


Actually you care, you just said so.

“Its been a tough go for them. A whole few months not being broken. They dont know how to handle it”

Not only are you not able to read what I said, now you’re unable to remember what you said.

Oh crap I responded! GOT HEEM

Maybe that will get you your buffs

Disengaging into nonsensical gibber gabber.

Seems to be the way it always goes with people arguing against warrior buffs.

I wonder why that is…

I miss Yama I mean Knaztor.

We found out who he was and he disappeared…

Baby come back.

Thats why. I… I just said it like two posts ago…

Yep, you’re attempting to punish me for playing warrior when it was strong in the past. Utterly ridiculous and thankyou for proving my point.

You’re scraping the bottom of the barrel with these arguments now.

First it was “People take warriors for lots of reasons (in my guild ours are indentured, but never mind that)” > deflection for 25+ posts and some nonsense about speedrunning, as though it’s the main paradigm of running raids > misquoting me > personal insults > making no point at all > suggesting I be punished for warriors being good in past expansions, despite me having never played them.

You also admitted warriors are on the bottom so thank you for that. I’ll just quote it back to you from now on, I have no further interest in discourse. If you want to report it fine, but Blizzard will have to see someone fighting as tooth and nail as you against warrior buffs eventually conceding several points.

Somebody has to be on the bottom.

People take warriors.

Idk what to tell you.

Most raids have 1 warrior.