Every Raid Now

If you don’t want to perform those other roles this point is irrelevant :slight_smile:


Yep. I do have some tanking/healing gear, but I don’t plan to play either really.

Then you should have to reroll, not open rebalancing to a game where we all knew how it was going to play.

So you’re saying if warriors have a problem with their DPS they should reroll?


Jeez it must be nice for paladins that Blizzard overflowed two cups, then paladins complained their other cup wasn’t sufficient and they added some liquid to that one too.

Nevermind some other classes only get one cup, or two and neither are overflowing like paladins.

Ziryus I do not have the patience to deal with your stupidity today. It’s relentless and clearly isn’t affected by any ephemeral context so you’ll just continue being stupid regardless of what I say. Fishie’s getting a nice dose of it though, I find that funny personally.

Yea, I just stopped engaging with him after he said Druid isn’t a hybrid class then listed off how they do tanking, healing, and dps.

The losers with 8k+ posts are posting over 100+ times per day. They want attention because the thought of touching grass and sunshine scares them.

Hey look at that? You two finally found each other.

Go form a hateret support group or something.

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/shrug you were the one who said if someone doesn’t like something about their class they should just reroll.

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It is so crazy that most of the people saying “My raid brings 3 Warriors and it is fine.” All have sub 90 parses and/or haven’t even cleared the raid yet. If you are in a boomer guild who cannot clear the raid on week 14 or in a underperforming guild with 4 minute ignis kill times you are not exactly in a position to have an accurate take on this especially when the warriors posting are talking about decent/good raids. Yes we get it you can 2 night clear normal mode with trash comp and players but we are talking about 2 hour clears with decent kills and players.


But top raid guilds are bringing warriors as well?

What do they know. The best guilds in the world don’t know anything about raid comps

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Yeah they are bringing 1 Warrior and it varies between Prot and Fury. That 1 warrior is an absolute beast player and is always low on the dps meter. In context they bring 2+ of every other class. Warriors are weak atm it is really that simple. If top guilds were stacking warriors we could have a convo but they are not. They bring 1 max and the spec almost does not matter they use it for Shattering throw sunder and shout. So yeah warriors are brought half as much as the 2nd least brought class in the high end.

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Weird there’s almost 3 times as many fury parses as feral parses…

Some only bring 1 warrior.
Most only bring 1 hunter.
Some only bring 1 mage.
Some only bring 1 druid.

Most raids will bring 1 dps warrior, and sometimes also a prot warrior in addition.

But 3x as many druid parses than warrior parses. You are comparing a niche spec on a class with 3 arguably 4 viable specs to a class with 1 spec.


Hunter is actually the 2nd lowest represented class after warrior I would love to see a buff to MM of BM but at least we have a strong spec in SV. Druid is rarely 1 off same with mage especially if you do not bring a ret you will bring x2 mages. The difference between Warrior and those other classes is warriors benefit caps at 1. x2 hunter can be the replen for the raid if needed. Druids bring all kinds of buffs along with innervate and brez. Mages deal very good dmg as fire and and can fill the 3% dmg buff needed as arcane. Warrior however is almost always 1 and done.

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Do people actually use “representation” as a metric of needing buffs?

Just wondering if the playerbase was this stupid or if it was a joke

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So what you’re really saying is that fury is fine but prot and arms are lagging behind. Well specifically prot since arms is the same role are fury.

And yeah the domination of pally tanks sucks for every tanking class.

You can ignore representation then and look at the stats published by warcraft logs. Warrior has the lowest dps in the game as arms and the 2nd lowest “non pvp spec” in the game as fury. They have the worst tank spec with only 45k logs registered. Compare this to any other class and you can easily see warrior is bottom at everything they do. So when you play a rogue you can say Sub is trash but I can play combat or assassination and be fine. Paladin can say wow ret is so weak but I can play the best tank or the best healer in the game atleast. Warrior can say I am the worst at everything so I will pick the best of the worst specs i guess.

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Man where was this energy in vanilla and tbc… oh wait nvm