Every Raid Now

That’s a really weird thing for a druid to say. Blizzard has even stated multiple times that druids are supposed to be “A jack of all trades master of none” class, where their utility makes up for not being dedicated to pure dps, pure heals, pure tank. That was old Blizz though. This is ActiBlizz, where anything goes and people posting 100+ times per day gaslight the community.

Where have they said this?

It was from the original vanilla, like original original vanilla class descriptions, which was never really true, was even less true after the druid class revamp and was null and void by TBC.

I feel like quoting something from their design philosophy from 15 years ago might not hold true anymore.

Glad we can agree that druid is a hybrid class.

Here let me help you quote properly, you seem to have failed at it.

No reason given as to why it is untrue. Good try though. Maybe you can get 8.5k posts today.

Well here’s another description of the druid class from blizzard :slight_smile:

Druids are versatile combatants, in that they can fulfill nearly every role – healing, tanking, and damage dealing. It’s critical that druids tailor the form they choose to the situation, as each form bears a specific purpose.

That’s a hybrid class description lol…and you’ve still not given a reason why they aren’t a hybrid class.

Getting closer to that 8.5k post count. Maybe a touch of grass to celebrate???

Actually it’s not, a hybrid can’t fulfill a tank or healer role and can only do a dps role badly, so can’t really fulfill the role.

Here, let me use an analogy for Fishie, Ziryus.

Say you have 3 cups (each labelled either DPS, Healing, or Tank). You also have enough soda to fill exactly 1 cup.

It’s better to fill 1 cup all the way than to divide it 3 ways.

Blizzard went from trying to have Druids fill 3 cups miserably, to having them fill 1 cup the right way. That was their balance design evolving from Vanilla to Wrath.

Great, now I’m thirsty.

except my raid doesn’t perform poorly. He’s performing how he should be relative to the raid fight. And on some fights they are good

I love this guy, he goes from forum to to forum all day every day, saying warriors dps is good when it’s the lowest overall dps in the game in ulduar. Get a life dude.

Show me on the doll where the warrior hurt you

You have to admit there’s quite a few bad actor Warrior players lurking on these forums. Yama, Fish, Bladetsar.

All they do is hate on ret paladins/feral druids all day.

Would be a lot easier to get what you guys want without that hate. Try some math/statistics instead.


they can’t

their only quantitative evidence is that bad warriors are doing comparatively bad dps

Ehh. I’ve seen some smart cookie warriors who love all that math.

Not to mention I think we are on patch 3.5, not 3.3.5 as some believe. That means a 30% cut to Armor Penetration.

Now mind you, if they reverted that right now, PVP would be flooded with physical DPS and clothies would run for the hills.


Pretty much.

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Actually, average Warriors are doing comparatively bad dps, not just bad warriors - and I think that’s an issue. Though it’s not fixed with a blanket buff. There’s a reason decent Warriors do so much better than average Warriors and a blanket buff would cause the top end to do too well without addressing those reasons.

Because the top end warriors have rogues using IE and are not shattering to help raid. The top 10% of warriors pull ahead because they are in raids that cater to padding numbers on WCL.


Yeah except you don’t have to completely make a new character in order to fill one of those other roles.

Sometimes I wonder if you brain has an on/off switch you didn’t flip the entire way.

Scarlet the simplest way would be to make heroic strike apply sunders. The bad and average (and above average) warriors have to apply sunders as the average boss fight length is longer so not applying sunders is a net dps loss. It’s actually more dependent on the raid around the warrior than it is the warrior itself. A 4000 gs warrior will do more damage utilising that technique in a 90th percentile dps raid.

90th and above parsing warriors can skip it because the fights are so short. It’d be a skewed buff that would bring up the lower warriors who are forced to waste 5-10 GCDs per boss fight early on, which doesn’t apply anyway to those other high parsing warriors.