Every Raid Now

I agreed ret shouldn’t have been buffed. I think I was agreeing with your hypothetical (that you don’t agree with).

“After all, why give Paladins a DPS spec when it can tank/heal really well?”

Agreed ^

Every class has a DPS spec. Even priests, and they have 2 healing specs.

We are here to stay. Get used to it.

paladin is still the worst dps

feral dps was ok, if you could use all the gimmicks and terrible otherwise. They wanted to fix the gimmicks and overbuffed them.

you don’t fix overbuffing feral by buffing warrior

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No it isn’t. It’s above fury right now.

The worst dps spec right now is arms. As a class warriors are the lowest performing. The entire class doesn’t even have a high A tier spec let alone an S tier(unlike paladins who have two S tiers and an A tier).


Who cares if you’re the worst dps spec? As far as I can tell that’s completely balanced given paladins have the top tanking and top healing specs in the game, for the entirety of WoTLK.

In fact I’d say prot paladins are overtuned to a much larger degree than ret paladins were ever undertuned. Riddle me that batman.

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you’re looking at all percentiles. look at like 90%

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Don’t entertain their lies. Ret isn’t the worst. Just call them out for lying.

90th percentile is where warriors aren’t even sundering or shattering throwing because the fights are too short. Given 90th percentile warriors tend to be in 90th percentile dps guilds.

The rest of us try to contribute to overall dps. Or have guild members that are putting out worse numbers due to lack of skill with their respective classes and thus sunders factor in across a longer fight.

A lot of good warriors are in lacklustre guilds because of how underpowered and unnecessary we are beyond a single warrior per raid.

i am not ret. dps is extremely well balanced in wotlk. it’s almost never this close

if any balance changes are needed it’s with tanks, and heals


Well you didn’t need a dps buff given your two S tier specs that already outshine every other tank and healer. It was already balanced other than the specious argument that every class needs a dps spec for PvE.

Why can’t paladins roleplay for the best tank and healer across an expansion? It’s not like hunters, warlocks, mages or rogues get a second role type. Let alone in S tier for both.

:joy: :rofl: :clown_face:
I think that’s where the conversation ends. Troll elsewhere

aff lock is the best dps

MM hunter is actually the worst non pvp spec, but they have surv, so ret is really the worst. almost the same anyway and likely skewed because the good hunters r surv.

regardless, theres only an 18% delta btn aff and ret.

meanwhile the top guilds have 0 blood dk tanks and 0 rdruid. Nearly every competent guild has a prot pal MT and 2 holy paladin and 1 disc. Dsac is completely overpowered,


“I have a life” spoken by every lifeless nerd, I’m done.


I mean i literally have a life, how i dictate my time is irrelevant to you.

Not sure why me posting on the forums causes you to lash out like this?

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You are playing wow. You are a nerd too

There’s no such thing as a hybridized class, the specs, gear and basic encounter design make the different roles mutually exclusive.

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hybrid is any class that can provide healing or utility via mana and not just damage/tank a target.

Imagine feral v rogue. A feral has battle rez, innervate, gotw, 5% crit, bleed dmg + some other utility like a minor armor debuff. Rogue traditionally could only expose, but now they also have 4% phys dmg and a couple other buffs, and also a ton of CC/utility outside of raid to deal w/ a hybrid in a world pvp or dungeon type situation.

In classic, the world and overall stlye of the game made hybrids stronger, justifying a stronger hybrid tax. In wotlk the game streamlines more, non-hybrids get more tools to counter hybrids, and the off-role hybrid strength was reduced, making it so the tax was much smaller in wotlk.

Its a very real concept and was openly talked about profusely through much of the game’s history.

In short, if you had class A) as a warrior and B) was a paladin that was literally 100% of what a warrior could do, but could also heal and rez and buff, then class A becomes obsolete. Every class has damage, utility, survivability, healing, etc attributes and the class design warrants a stat budget for these strengths. It makes no sense for a class to be objectively better than another in every way (cough* feral v warrior right now). What does make sense is different strengths and a game design that requires you to use all those strengths for a variety of gameplay.

how convenient…

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And it’s concept that has consistently proven to never really work well in WoW for the reasons I described.

Some games handle hybrids well, WoW does not and never has which is why the hybrid tax was always BS. And started to just be ignored.


I tend to agree, Ziryus.

On paper Abralan your argument would make sense. But in reality, the results speak for themselves.