Every Raid Now

Man, I wish there were a second feral in my raid so I wouldn’t have to mangle… We have 2-3 fury warriors tho lol


/shrug I’m on pagle which is hardly a dead server and the only dungeon regularly run is the daily. Outside of that it’s pretty hit or miss even at max level and while leveling it’s not uncommon to simply out level a dungeon before finding a group.


Instead of buffing fury they should buff arms so we can get that nice trauma debuff :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah I guess you’re right. The levelling in Wotlk is different than in Vanilla Classic. And even then I do remember some trouble with doing dungeon runs.

We’ll happily and absolutely take a competent and geared Prot warrior. A 4200 Fury alt, never

holy smokes 75 posts on this topic alone, all just trying your darnedest to put those pesky warriors in their place, get a life dude.


Nah just people like the OP who can’t be happy when someone else gets something nice.


Basically describing wow post vanilla. The game since then has been built around end game

They wanna act like a child you tend to treat them like one

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This post pokes fun at Blizzard’s disconnect from the community and state of the game, not ferals getting a buff.

Reading comprehension is crucial.

For starters, Wrath isn’t Classic WoW. It’s simply 2 expansions deep into retail. The astounding thing is, even in that short timeframe, these progression servers have somehow managed to attract a worse playerbase with every player interaction reduced to the soulless exchange of imaginary currency.

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Don’t join high end raids if you are not playing the meta-class for that expansion.

This has been a case since vanilla classic.

I have a life what does that even mean?

Thanks for proving that your agenda is not advocating for warrior buffs, its envy and spite against others. That wont help you, outside of coping with your feels.

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So I guess you believe Blizzard is acting on good faith towards Classic?

That’s not what their actions suggests…

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the thing is, these warrior spammers are lying. their dps is around the median and high end guilds take them.

their dps in togc will be much better too.

they don’t need a buff


Agreed it should’ve just been a PvP spec, or they should have nerfed Prot/Holy to account for the balancing with hybridization. Why should a hybridized class have the best healer and best tank spec?

So by your logic both druids and paladins didn’t need a buff either.

It’s pretty much a circular logic they employ:

A: Fury warriors don’t need buffs, they’ll scale in P3 and P4!

B: What about ferals and rets who were also going to scale in those phases?

A: Omg stop hating on rets and ferals! Get a life!

The fact you actually agreed is just the cherry on top. Thanks for proving my point, hater.

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