Every Raid Now

Trust him bro.


Havent you heard? All the fury warriors are gonna be BM hunters now


They will all be Divine Feral Hunters.

Like angels with guns who consumed too much bath salt.



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The most high performing raids are not taking warriors. I linked the WCL above. Warriors are in the lowest percentile in every spec for performance.

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I was in a pretty good raid tonight that had 2 warriors in it! GASP!


You must be telling lies! Blasphemer!

Well no wonder the top teams arent using fury warriors, youre hogging them all


You’re a Paladin Deli. I’m sure that because you already have 2 S ranked specs (as Yama, Blade and Fish love to point out), you used the Holy Light to bend the colors of that picture. Clearly that is a Feral Druid.

Abuse your mystic powers elsewhere!


Imagine the following scenario:

You are a blizzard Developer, and tasked with taking care of Wotlk Classic.
You have a hard job already, because you constantly try to figure out how to fix all the weird bugs that appeared because the game is a makeover of a Legion client, and stuff happens that nobody even remotely understands, like how switching the server to phase 2 changed some crafting profession tabs…

You decide to head into the wotlk classic forums to get some feedback and inspiration on class balance, since doing something there might get you some recognition, unlike all the other software related work, which only gets you spite from people that are clueless about your work.

You see a thread where people want the warrior class to be buffed.

You enter the thread.

You read some stuff about underperformance, it sounds plausible.

Then you stop at a Bladetsar Post, he claims that either furys should be buffed, or Protpally should be nerfed.
You scratch your head, you can not understand this, at all, since you are a human being operating on logic and reason.

Then you see a Fishfeast post, blaming the “pinkys” for ruining their game instead of giving comprehensible feedback about warriors, and why and how they should get buffs.

At this point you lose faith in humanity and go back to your work.
You start to feel disgusted about warriors, and decide that buffing them should be last on your agenda.

I honestly dont understand you guys. You want warriors buffed ? Fine, why not. Pretty much everyone that raids profits from buffs to some classes and specs, no matter if by playing the class themselves, or by proxy (having those classes and spec in their raid already)

But like i already told Blade once, you are your own worst enemy. You are not here to advocate warrior buffs. You are here to fight a forum war.

If i would be advocating a buff for what i play, which is a protpally and thus absolutely not necessary at all, i would honestly not care about others telling me “no”. I would ignore them, at most provide an already prepared text from myself as a quote in which i explain my reasoning, and then move on advocating for buffs, taking other opinions for free bumps.

Some of you guys are so full of salt, and show such toxic behaviour and disregard to others, that i have to actively remind myself that i am infact in favor of warrior buffs, even tho people like you are in favor of it aswell…

  • Paladin had two S tier specs, and an A tier dps with S tier utility
  • Blizz says, “we are only buffing underperformers” buffs ret when paladins are over represented in raids already
  • Druids being a hybrid class sit comfortably in A tier with S tier utility Blizz buffs them
  • Warrior as a class is in low to high B tier across all specs Blizzard nerfs them Blizzard doesnt fix bugs with their class

Your post assumes Blizzard is acting on the game in good faith. They clearly are not. They certainly are not fixing bugs like you claim either, unless the bug improves warrior dps.

Imagine that.

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While their balancing has been pretty bad. I wouldn’t say some of it wasn’t justified. Ret would have been worse than current warriors, and current top parsing warriors aren’t doing bad. They just aren’t gonna beat warlocks, mages and dks which realisticly would have gotten nerf if this was retail, same as prot paladin would have gotten nerf if this was current.

But we know to a point how this expansion should work and buffing ret paladins didn’t change that. We knew that warriors wouldnt scale before in ICC and wouldn’t be the top dps for all expansion before that.

The druid changes were just bad and badly executed, I still feel they gotta adress that as they really just gave people ammunitions to ask for heavy class changes which I think wasn’t the goal.

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This so much.

If you guys wouldn’t stop s***ing on paladins 24/7, you’d get your message out much more effectively.

But you’ve already posted a rant about paladins as I’m typing this.

Your hatred blinds you, Fish.

Btw, enjoy this topic getting auto locked soon.


I’ve seen a few of your posts and they always seem to be antagonizing the poster or others in the thread. You then act as if you are a victim.

I’m a new player and judging by what I see on these forums and what I’ve seen in game I do not think this is the game for me. The community is terrible, gold/time focused, and self-centered. It’s not a good mix in an MMO. I don’t see how Classic would appeal to new players. Even Blizzard doesn’t seem interested in putting effort towards the game.


To be fair these forms are only visited by a very very very… very small community of people who actually play the game. The majority are actually playing right now enjoying whatever it is they’re doing.

Well, sorry it’s not your speed.

Most of the people you see me acting nasty to? They are pretty awful.

Otherwise? I just post a comment here and there.

My experience in-game isn’t much better. It’s dead almost everywhere except end game. Can’t find a single group to do dungeons or group quests with. When you can find a few people no one speaks. When I go to a city it’s nothing but casino spam, gdkp spam, and gold sellers trying to get you to buy from them.

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That wasn’t nor has it been my experience in Atiesh. There are constantly people leveling, running Ring of Blood, that kind of thing. It’s unfortunate that you’re not finding the kinds of people enjoying the game as well.

What server you play on? Just curious. You might be playing on a dead one