Every Raid Now

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“I don’t like them putting buffs into the fishfeasts that turns the friggin murlocs grey!”

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Judging from fishfeasts evidence it appears theres atleast 10 other specs that should get buffed before fury is even looked at

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What specs would these be?

Every spec below fury

Combat has less parses than fury. Am I entitled to apply for a buff?


Take this list.


Sort by “parses” then buff everything below fury which is 8th.

Yes, but youre gonna have to wait until gladiator warriors get some love

Make a few hundred cry threads and then yes.

I assume you’re considering all specs available to a class right?

Not people playing the worst spec of their class with solid other options when looking at parse count.

Fury is the best of their 3 specs, going Arms or Prot is even worse. It’s not like they can just respec to a good spec.

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But I thought fury was so bad no one was using them?

If anything you should be asking to buff protection warrior not fury

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I just wish fury dps wasnt so inconsistent at lower gear levels. Once your hit and expertise is capped, doing your normal rotation on a raid dummy and sometimes holding 1.9k dps and other times 3.2k dps just feels terrible. Meanwhile i jump on my similarly geared ret and hold 3.1k every time. Supposedly that inconsistency improves at higher gear levels but it’s still demoralizing for now.

Yes I do way less damage when my mage is naked vs having my gear on.

Itll get better. Dont really have any doubt Blizz is gonna buff you at some point. Just hang in there

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Blizz isn’t going to buff warriors. They’ve made that clear. They want warriors as the anchor class. The anchor for GDKPs that is.

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Somebody has to be at the bottom.

At least you’re not playing Ret in Vanilla Classic.

Yea, one class has to be at the bottom on all three specs…

It contradicts what Blizz said when they started making balance changes, but sure, paladins can continue to derail threads about warrior buffs I guess.

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Like I said, I don’t mind Warrior buffs. Your mistake was just provoking me.

That’s on you.

Turns out this has been wrong all along.


Also still waiting to see the massive exodus from fury to feral.