Every Raid Now

Look at the performances I linked in WCL. Fury and feral were close with feral slightly ahead…both gaining same growth on performance over time due to gear, then warrior logs took a dip…and then Blizzard decided to buff Feral. You can see exactly where they did it on WCL logs too, because they shot up immediately to top 4 and are now outpacing fury even more.

I know you are just trolling and wont actually do it, but reread the top of the thread. It’s exactly what Blizzard did. They saw warriors underperforming, and buffed feral.

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You sound like Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat 3 every time you say Pathetic.

Well, every time you say Pathetic I style on you with a Liu Kang Combo:

Forward jump → HK → HP HP Block LK LK HK Down LK

8 hit combo


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And after these feral buffs are in the game top teams are still taking a fury warrior.

Please stick to the topic rather than being your usual degen self.



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It can’t be that trash with the representation it has.

Yes it’s so bad in performance that it’s the 8th highest picked spec in raids.

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The teams that stand to lose the most are choosing fury warrior over 1 more lock, 1 more assassination rogue, 1 more unholy death knight, etc and your only reason for that being is, hes an officer? LOL


Already gave you my input on warriors.

Also, you quoting that post literally does nothing. Like, am I supposed to to be ashamed?

Maybe if you caught a post of me saying I love painting my toenails and braiding other men’s hair, THEN I would be embarrassed.

A few top teams where the fury warrior is leading the raid, but I linked WCL proving you are taking one off cases and painting with a wide brush.

The group of you going on 10k posts with 100+ posts per day regularly…need to really go outside and get a hobby.

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Oh wait, he just got promoted to raid lead now.

Most of those warrior parses probably come from GDKPs. That’s why warrior performance is so low while participation is high. Guilds don’t want to take them. Anyone who plays a warrior can tell you that right now. Those warriors then go to GDKPs, GDKPs that log in order to determine if anyone doesn’t deserve a payout.

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Someday you will actually provide truth.

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(Does a Shaolin bow)




Someday you will actually understand that wasting your life trolling forums was worthless.

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Almost as worthless as you posting here.

Inb4 quoting an irrelevant post of mine that idc about

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Lifes been going pretty good so far. Hows your fury warriors life going? You raid leading yet?

Citation needed.

The citation is

from their trustmebro.jpg file

How do you know? An assumption you’ve just made up on the fly? Are GDKPs filled with 25 warriors only? No other class parse numbers are affected by GDKP runs?

Do you see how many conspiracies you need to believe in order to accept this narrative?

Feral and Ret got buffs by providing evidence and facts. Not making things up. You will get no where with this strategy.

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