Every Raid Now

Oh its you, was wondering where you went Riger.

Since Riger is here Fish, he can tell you that I really don’t have a problem with warriors getting buffs.

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Because they’ll have more than enough health by getting gear from other bosses. Commanding shout and imps are only needed when the raid is in Naxx gear. Stam values on Uld gear jumps significantly.

If WotLKC is being made for min/max players by the devs, and the devs make changes to classes that make warriors obsolete in min/max raids. That means warriors won’t be brought to raids for the target audience Blizz is catering too.

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The majority of top teams are still bringing a fury warrior to their raid.

Fury Warrior has 329k parses for Ulduar 25m, making it the 8th most popular spec, beating out 15 other specs, including feral druid.

Fear mongering only does so much when there is evidence to disprove it.

“I knew coming into wrath that the popularity of Dk’s and Paladins were going to make it hard to get a raid spot”

So anyway, I leveled a warrior.

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Ooh ooh, can I do one?

“I hate how many QQ threads there are about Ret paladins.”

So anyway, I made a QQ thread about warriors.



You are being purposefully disingenuous on the topic. Warriors are one of the least taken CLASSES in the game, both in dps and tanking. They do not have a single S Tier spec:



Also because as trash as Fury is, it is the best warrior spec as Arms and Prot are even more trash.

But I thought they were unwanted?

They are unwanted, but people play all classes even the bad ones and they have friends. And sometimes groups just need bodies. Options can be limited. Even awful specs in vanilla had parses.

You think the raid lead is purposely wanting Fury warriors??

Im not being purposely disingenuous, Im telling you that the top teams, the teams that min/max the most, the teams that are competing for races and sponsors etc bring a fury warrior. These teams have their choices of top players of every class/spec and they still bring a fury warrior.


The only top teams that are taking fury warriors after feral buffs are those where the fury warrior is an officer and they are molding the run to fit them.

Just go to WCL. The data supports the case that warriors need a buff. Sorry a warrior hurt your feelings and you’ve never felt the sweet caress of grass beneath your feet.

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Sounds like an opinion.

Im not saying warriors dont need a buff. Im saying you’re incorrect in teams not bringing fury warriors.


I posted the WCL that you continue to ignore. Sounds like you have nothing of actual value to say back.

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Fury warrior indeed. He just can’t accept the facts, so angry about it.

39 of the top 40 speed clears had warriors when I checked 2 days ago. #40 was the one without a warrior


You didnt post any facts. You can look through all the top teams logs as recent as today and see that they are still bringing a fury warrior, maybe its only 1, but a fury warrior is still present. Its not your fury warrior of course, for obvious reasons, but theyre present.

Yes I do, that’s why he has them in the raids.

They have pools of players to pick from.

Could easily replace 1 fury.

Yet they don’t???


It’s like the only thing you can post. Pathetic.

Fury is 8th most parses…


Your whole argument is literally gone.

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