Every Raid Now

Then they wouldn’t have a dps spec and none of us would’ve rolled it for the explicit intent of dpsing.

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What you quoted from Bladetsar pretty much proves in my mind that these Ret haters just want Ret deleted.

After all, why give Paladins a DPS spec when it can tank/heal really well?

In fact, I think they’d just really like to go back to Vanilla where Warriors got all the tank/DPS gear and paladins were buff bots.

Bunch of posts missing ITT.

Blizzard restored the thread after the Stier oppressed paladins and their degenerate allies attempted yet again to get it hidden and deleted.

Maybe third time is the charm?

Warriors need a buff.

  • All three specs underperform are not desirable in raid
  • Feral buff just made feral the better fury warrior
  • Pinkies had 2 s tier specs already, and a low A tier dps that brought S tier utility. Making the entire class overrepresented in raids
  • Previous “unintended gameplay mechanics” caused Blizz to nerf warriors, who were already doing poorly. Current “unintended gameplay mechanics” are being ignored(like rogues) or lead to a buff(feral)
  • Fury no longer sims higher than feral by a margin that only grows wider into later phases

WotLKC isn’t being made as a casual friendly remake of WotLK. It’s being targeted to min/max communities, yet the buffs/changes are being made in a way that excludes classes like warrior from being taken to raids. If min/max is the target audience, then the target audience is saying “we don’t want warriors”.

Can you show posts where you were supportive of buffing the underperforming classes in classic vanilla and bc when raid teams were stacking anywhere from 10-15 warriors?

use an imp somewhere and get most of the same value from a class that does way more damage

classic was no changes. And we had almost no changes. The raids were also far easier. Also the warrior stacking was because 1) boss debuff limit 2) world buffs 3) recklessness and execute phase and it came at the cost of warrior being bad in most other content. Hybrids also had a heavier tax as non-hybrids did not have the tools to even come close to challenging them out in the world at this time in WoW’s lifespan.

The biggest issue with wotlk and the “changes” is that is largely due to some misplaced nerfs at the very end of an expansion, classes in general are supposed to all me a lot closer in PVE, and blizzard started handing out buffs to rets and ferals despite both paladins and druids being more desirable for raids than warriors. And this was after blizzard said theyd only look to buff classes that were low or non-raid viable, of which warrior is the most applicable class but hasnt been buffed.

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Yet its ok to speak negatively of sweaty min max culture when warrior isnt involved in it but neglect to criticize min max culture when warrior was the biggest part of it. Thats what Im speaking about, the hypocrisy. It deserves no sympathy


Seems to be a common theme between Yama, Blade and Fish, hypocrisy.

F*** it, let’s make a new ability for them.

Reality Warping Rage

Your rage bar is always max, and your abilities do 100% extra damage. You are also immune to all damage and effects, death, criticism and logic, and deflect these back at the caster with your warped sense of reality.

There. Fixed Fury DPS.

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Please stop derailing the thread and stick to the topic.

The thread was brought back on topic and you still continue to attempt to derail it. Pathetic.

Blizz could also introduce a new legendary pacifier for warriors only in the next tier

Could be a legendary only obtained via fishing in the ignis water. Very low drop rate but if youre patient youll fish up Fishfeasts Lost Binky


there’s a bunch of reasons why people don’t do this, destro warlock is barely above fury on most fights (vezax and hodir obviously they are above), the imp buff is like 50% weaker than the fury and the destro lock requires the kitchen sink of contested 252 items when u can basically gear a warrior for free


No raid at this point needs the commanding shout anyways. My point was that it is no longer really relevant.

Warrior just offers no utility now that others offer…only better.

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Mage offers no utility.

Blizzard did this to themselves when they decided Wrath needs tons of changes including balance changes.

Warriors should have been nerfed in vanilla, they were broken. But the stance then and TBC was no balance changes (except seal changes to Ret lol).

Then they threw all of that out the window with tons of class balance changes in Wrath.

65% of the raiding population hasn’t killed algalon, what makes u think they dont need 2800 hp?


Not really. World buffs is why they did so well. Whenver a raid lost world buffs the rogues did about as much damage as warriors. Rogues also way more useful overall in classic outside of strictly single target raid dps. Other classes could have done a lot better as well with the debuff cap being removed.

Also with modern tools we got to see ppl min/maxing execute phases and reckleness timing with TTK timers, sorta of how we see now the snapshot meta making some classes more powerful than they were largely viewed as in 2008.

Classic was mostly no changes. They took a different route for TBC and an even more different route for wotlk, because the latter expansions cater to it more. Vanilla had super easy raids and overall was a more social and word building experience. Wotlk is like, raid logging, so its more important to consider the implications of making or not making changes.

Which is why most raids bring 1-2.

Kind of like warriors.

I like it. Patch it, ship it, sell it.

Sorry, am I getting on your nerves now? Thought I’d give you a taste of your own medicine.

Riger is my main - Blizzard seem to have deleted my Warrior avatar and don’t seem to know how to get it back. Ironically.