Every Raid Now

Neither can you apparently


Selling gold in your Discord isn’t though

:whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

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We don’t sell gold though, that’s just you making things up.

Take a screenshot of GC’s GDKP channel and post it then

:whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

OP has completely disintegrated from his original post intent to now sparring with other posters.

Mission Complete

Theyve activated their tantrum presence

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It’s like you are a broken record of projection

The stance dance nobody wanted.


Seems weird to enjoy an entire class being awful when they have set a precedent of making changes, but if that’s what does it for you I’m happy for you.

You made this entire thread about warriors.

Who exactly is projecting?


Their class isn’t awful.

If we arent careful theyre gonna go into berserker nerdrage

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Um sure?

It hasn’t even been used much since wrath launch.

EverQuest had a Beserker class and they had a cool down called Blind Rage Discipline.

When you used it the ability literally turned your screen black, so you had to make sure boss wasn’t being moved because you could no longer see anything.

Lasted like 12 seconds.


Lol wtf really

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Yea it was great rofl.

Literally full black screen.

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Sounds like one of the computers i had in 07 except it wasmt black screen it was blue :rofl:



Jeez, that sounds awful.

It was, although back then sometimes I was ok with an unexpected 5 min break lol

says the level 80 retail player. . .