Every Raid Now

The good ol’ “my raid performs poorly so the warrior is in top 3” argument.

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You do you bro.

I’m really not sure what side you’re on with that statement given both sides are arguing with that as their core statistical model.

The logs suggest warriors are underpowered and are underrepresented.

There are still more fury warriors than ret paladins raiding.

So your beef mainly seems to be that protection warriors are underperforming?

Warriors bad in Vanilla?

You high?

They were the ONLY tanks, and god tier dps

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I thought i laid that sarcasm on thick enough. Obviously they were broken good. They have been almost the entirety of this game. Im mocking them for throwing tantrums like children the first time they arent the busted class


Ehh, it’s hot where I live. Wanted to sleep but couldn’t.

Imagine getting roasted and the best thing you can come up with is I talked to people in here through the night. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

You’re insane Bladetsar. All I gotta say to you.

He’s just perfecting his victimhood.

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You’re so upset that I made a joke ability for paladins in another thread. It’s actually kinda entertaining you’re still fuming over it.

if you ain’t 1st, your last - Warrior

If that were it, I wouldn’t have really cared. I actually ignored you until you specifically targeted me, and for no reason btw.

So I roasted you and blew up your thread. The end!

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I made an emote of you casting a spell and your jimmies are still rustled. How narcissistic can you be to think I “targeted you”?

Please, no one say Serrannah’s name, even in a joking manner. They’ll stalk you and try to find your main to stalk you in-game.

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No ones going to risk catching a suspension to “stalk” you in-game. I’ve been posting on this forum for over three years and have never had someone come and stalk me. I’m confident that I’ve upset significantly more people on this forum than you have as well.

The only reason that low level Mage got found out is because he was talking a ton of smack about our parses. It took about two minutes of searching his post history to figure out his characters and to see his terrible parses. If you want to post on a low level, okay. If you want to troll on a low level, that’s lame; do it on your main.

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Dude, you referred to me specifically. That’s not narcissism, that’s a fact.

And suddenly you’re surprised I clapped back? Lmao

(Surprised Pikachu Face)

It’s all on you Fish

Seriously this. This is my main right here. My parses are meh-poop, and idc. I’m not a coward that hides behind some lowllvl DK.

That’s false and it happens all the time. People with low irl power get off on stalking people online. They even bragged about “exposing” people further up the thread. That’s why they are asking people for mains.

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There’s a report function as well as an ignore function. I really don’t believe it happens “all the time” based on my own experience and how many people I’ve made irrationally angry on these forums.

Like, what are people going to say to your main that they’re not already saying to you on the forums? I don’t even understand what you’re afraid of.

You are either being willfully ignorant or are new to the internet if you don’t think people stalk and harass others online.

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Was merely curious if you could prove you did any HM’s. You can’t.

Face it Fish. You’re a hypocrite, a liar and a coward twice over. You baited me and then go “StOp HaRaSsInG mE!”

Guess that makes you a fool as well. Don’t start something you can’t finish

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