Every Raid Now

Nah, I only care about evidence you clearly dont have. Couldnt care less about you personally.

You read through the discussion clearly looking for information on my main because you remembered this toon said something you didn’t like about the open air rmt market that is GDKPs.

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Yeah I did actually. You mocked me in another thread about whining, and here you are, a 200 entry post all about whining.

I absolutely clapped back at ya. I was also curious if you’ve even done the HM’s, because the other warrior whiner hypocrites like Yama and Bladetsar haven’t done much either.

I see little difference between you and them atm.

Yep. They were tugging on the wrong cape.

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Ive never once asked about your main. Ive said youre playing the victim card, because you were.

Ask me a question that only people who have completed HMs can answer then.

I mean, the point of you asking for mains is to demonstrate knowledge…yes?

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Unfortunately your proposal doesn’t work. All of the strategies are online.

If I asked, say, who you use to soak Big Bangs on Algalon, you could either say a rogue or a spriest.

You read through the discussion because you saw my toon and still felt upset that someone criticized GDKPs…

The above people are fishing for information on people’s mains and bragging about exposing people.

You clearly are one of the parties interested in finding that information out too.


So paranoid. I can tell you right now he probably gives 2 flying f***s about your main.

He’s just calling out your BS, like I am.

Okay then, so what does showing you my main do? Demonstrate that I read those guides?

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It shows you have the achievements for the kill.

I read through this discussion and saw that Blink mentioned an incident with Yama.

Dont try to insert importance where it doesnt belong.

Which means what exactly? That I know the fights?

So go ahead. Ask me the critical information to demonstrate that.

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Wrong, that you’ve beaten the fights.

Knowledge =/= Experience

“I just want you to show me you know the fights”

“I can’t ask you questions demonstrating knowledge”

See the circular reasoning? Even if I showed you my main, or any of the multiple classes I’ve got Astral Walker and zero light on you’d still move the goalposts. Your intent isn’t to demonstrate ability or knowledge on the topic, it’s to fish for information because you are still angry I said something you didn’t like.


Since fact checking isn’t allowed

I’m also a warrior main and I think fury doesn’t need a buff if anything they should nerf out AOE/cleave damage, it’s far too high.

You’re making it out to be much harder than it actually is.

I’m posting on my main. Right now. From Eranikus.

If you spun up a toon on Eranikus and looked at my achievements, you’d see I have the Starcaller Title.

And yeah, you said something I didn’t like. So I’m pointing out your hypocrisy (that you’re whining) and lack of experience.

Okay time to demonstrate your knowledge then:

Why is it too high?

What would you change?

How would that affect dmg?

Starcaller nice, you’ve completed a 10 man.

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More than you’ve demonstrated you’ve done atm.

So now you’re resorting to game development questions??

I said I was a warrior not a game developer.

I don’t need to demonstrate anything. My ego doesn’t ride on a game.

If you have anything to ask which requires knowledge from those fights. I can answer them. Otherwise you’re just looking to fish for main information which isn’t relevant to the discussion.

You’re nothing but a degen that lives on the forums to derail threads to be perfectly honest.