Every healer should have either battle rez or lust

I think all healers should just be able to battle rez. We’re already limited on uses no real reason to limit the people who can.

A brez or lust would be nice. I run most of my own keys and usually have no issues finding players with those spells.

Id rather have an interupt.

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Mass dispel and PI. Pallys have LoH, Blessing of Freedom, etc.

There is. Monk utility is mediocre compared to others.

For all the people saying all healers should get battle rez, do you mean all healing specs or do you mean all specs that have a healing spec?

Like if all healing specs get one do then dps/tank specs that have a battle rez lose them so it’s a “healer” thing? Because that would be bad imo.

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Honestly, most of this thread is about how Monks just need better utility or how not everyone needs brez or lust.

All healing specs but why would other classes then have to lose them?

So would brewmaster and shadow priests get them as well?

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Nah. Give i t to healing specs, and allow the classes that have one to keep them.

That seems crummy. Ret and feral get a battle rez as dps utility and WW and Shadow wouldn’t.

I’m more pointing out actually that battle rez, and lust, are class abilities not spec/role abilities.

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I guess.

You could always give WW other utility. But I wouldn’t mind healers all being able to brez, with other dps having it as a utility on a class by class basis.

I play priest and have Brez via engi bracers that everyone has access to soooooooo…

Give us more utility and they may get rid of all our defensive cooldowns. Diffuse magic, Dampen Harm, Fort Brew, Touch of Karma…

I may not bave Brez or lust, but I’ll be the last DPS alive.

That said, MW changes have been nice, but I hate its reliance on faeline stomp. Absolutely hate it. You become a melee healer who doesn’t have proper mobility. They gave it a 7 second lingering effect and reduced its CD to 20 seconds, but ultimately those are band-aids to a clunky mechanic.

If visual clutter and anti-melee mechs didn’t exist out the wazoo I’d be fine with it, but I don’t even want to heal on this character despite said band-aids.

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To be fair, I was speaking of Mistweaver. Not DPS. :wink:

Yep! Which is why I keep saying that Prevoker is just a better version of MW.

You forgot the Rez Mage ehem*, I mean Red Mage the FF14 Jack of all trades DPS support Job, this class its so good to have in any group content… for its quick rez option to what other wise would have been a wipe!

God I love this class so much… feels so good to play, I miss it.

I’ll probably be passing by when “The Dark Throne” patch is release, if after Evoker new Spec nothing is added as impactful as that after a while to WoW.

Sub out Touch of Karma for Life Cocoon and it’s pretty much the same thing. As my post implied, I’ve played both and merely spoke from a DPS perspective since it’s my current main spec.

Well you’re not wrong, but… I feel it’s a vague argument since MW is kinda worse than all the healers right now.

As someone that plays shaman… I’m still salty they gave lust to mages. Then Hunters. And now these damn Dragons too?!

Priest brings PI and mass dispel.
Monk brings 2 buffs.

I’d be fine if they took one of those away and gave them a res.

PI, mass dispel, damage reduction

monk doesn’t really offer anything to the group.
Heals? others can do better
Damage? others can do better
Utility? others can do better

It’s not just the BR/Lust but that is a big part of it. There is nothing that they really excel in

Not sure I agree with title of OP.
But I do agree that MW monk feels very lacking when trying to pug m+ (last time in BFA). I learned healing with MW but have switched over to other healers.

  • Brez is actually the MOST fun to use and I still remember some great moments that saved close runs.
  • Kick/stun is very fun to use, it is the reason I enjoy Shaman in m+. Shaman has the most stops of any class.
  • Lust is not interesting to use, just another button to press, but it is powerful and helps group formation.

Monk has kick/stun, but I don’t find their passive buff that interesting. RoP, port is only fun in PvP in my opinion. Overall, for healing enjoyment I think monk misses out & would need something more.

Well, monks are the most mobile healer by far. they excel at that, even tho pres evoker is close. They’re also pretty tanky.

But I think that what you’re saying is kinda the point. They’re well-rounded and even tho they don’t top anything, that’s unique in itself. They’re pretty good at everything.