Every healer should have either battle rez or lust

In this day and age, bres should just be a healer ability and fine for it to stay with DKs and locs (don’t know why paladins needed it given their already bonkers utility package).

Bloodlust/heroism should be flat out removed from mythic+. It’s far too critical of a utility that any half decent group is going to base their group comp around. I disagree it should just be given to tanks and I say that as a tank who wants it big time. It only really makes sense to go to warriors who should have had it all along via a shout.

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Both should be an extra action button in group content for all healers

I’m against homogenization of the classes and do strongly believe that there should be distinct play differences. That said, all healers should have a brez, and all pure casters should have lust.

Ring of Peace, melee classification for ability targeting, and a melee quality interrupt. Both disease and poison dispel. Omnidispel as a major cooldown. More powerful snap reacts/saves than other classes. Aoe stun. Instant snare and root in the class tree. Physical damage amp debuff. Other-castable sprint that cures root and snare.

Monk has a huge amount of utility and versatility, it’s just not what is necessarily being sought after. Mostly because it doesn’t come out and kick you in the eye until you, eg, try to do bracken without the appropriate dispels, or don’t have it available in moments when kiting becomes important.

Mist is good! it offloading important stuff like lust and brez to other group members is inconvenient but just changes group composition rules. Otoh, brez is in a thousand places now and drums exist. i think people get a bit obsessive about a pld or dru healer because it makes group composition easier. Rather than give mist other utility, I’d prefer if they made the brez more widely available, like drum. Make it an engineer crafted consumable instead of an embellish equivalent, for example. Having to get to the target is enough of an extra tax I think.

Why don’t all DPS or tanks have it either?
Why don’t all healers have ring of peace? This is the main reason I love my monk.
Why don’t all healers have spirit link totem?

The answer to all of these questions is the same thing: classes are meant to have strengths and weaknesses, and homogenizing things all because some people refuse to play anything other than ONE class isn’t a reason to ruin that dynamic.

I disagree. Infinite battleres means content needs to be tuned around it, and I’d rather ‘messier’ fights where you’re not supposed to die than fights you need to memorize perfectly or you die. Lost Ark was both.

Yes, you hit enrage with too many Bres, but it’s a completely different dynamic to combat; calling it ‘better’ means you should go play FF14.

Also, healers in FF14 are far too similar from my experience. I’ve only played Scholar and Sage at cap, and while I know they are barrier healers so it’s to be expected, I’ve seen how Astro plays with a lower level one myself. Compared to WoW, FF14 healers are much more alike.

Ultimately, my argument to both of the people I quote is this: stop trying to make everything the same under the pretext of ‘balance.’

Yes, as a shaman I’d love a Bres, but I went engineering for that. Do drums still exist? They may not be as good, but you work with what you can.

All priests have mass dispel, so Bursting is trivial for all priests really.

The engineering brez isn’t even engineering required! Anyone can get those bracers and Tinker them. Engineering it yourself gets you the ability to set your tinkers up to have the guaranteed success brez combo, mainly.

Drums and bracers isn’t as good as a real lust and brez, but it’s not bad either.

Yeah I am specced in my engi tree to increase my success chance. Guaranteed is better for sure, though…

I mean to be fair, I have been engineering since vanilla (when I was an orc shaman,) so I’d be engi anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy priests have mass dispell just the same as disc and shadow.

Feel like OP doesn’t understand classes being different is what gets people invited to keys.

Monks have alot of upsides over other healers that he’s just blatently looking over.

Blanket debuff against what you are fighting.

They are probably the most mobile healer in the game, meaning you can get out of stuff and get straight back into healing quickly. Meanwhile as a Paladin I am just jogging around waiting for it to end so I can get back into my job.

You have an aoe stun, which the only other healer who brings that is Shaman.

They also do pretty good damage over other healers being because they heal through dpsing which helps on speed of the key. As paladin I am lucky to do 20k dps if I literally am not healing and full on dpsing. I’ve seen MW Monks do upwards of 65k on pulls before. That’s a huge advantage to just look past.

Each class has it’s ups and it’s downs. You act like your monk just brings nothing at all to the table.

Your argument for priest was rather silly too. I mean they have the only HP buff in the game, the best ST dps buff in the game, they have a angel resurrect ability when they die that nobody else gets. Mass dispel. I mean… they have a lot already. They are pretty much exclusively taken on bursting weeks too.

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Ring of Peace is fine for battlegrounds, but I personally wouldn’t use it for PvE. The AoE knockdown doesn’t work on everything, but is useful and mostly the same as a warrior AoE stun.

Melee classification for ability targeting? What does that mean?

A melee quality interrupt? What does that mean? I have the same one on my Resto Shaman and Prevoker.

Many healers have dispels. And I specifically mentioned the cooldown, which is the only distinctive utility they have.

I don’t even know what “more power snap react/saves” means. I’ve got the ability to save people on my Priest and Prevoker. My prevoker has three— one of which I don’t even have to cast, because it’s a passive.

Druids have instant snare/root. So that’s not distinctive.

I don’t know what a “physical amp debuff” means.

And other classes have the ability to get out of roots and snares. Prevokers can even help you take less damage across bad stuff on the ground, while you move faster.

I said “distinctive.” As in, “unique.” As in, “something others can’t do better than them.” The answer is only one button, as far as I know.

I never said it was bad. Though, to me, it’s still a worse version of Prevoker.

No they shouldn’t. Priest certainly shouldn’t get either because they’d be extremely overpowered. (PI, Lust or PI, Brez)

No you’re wrong. Your teammates should learn to play without needing crutches (lust brez)

There’s drums too you know so lust is absolutely not necessary (you can get for example mark of the wild from a druid instead of lust from a shaman and still get drums)

Not to mention, there’s already many classes that can bring lust,

Hunter, Shaman, Evoker, Mage.

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… Ring of peace is absolutely amazing in PvE. Much more niche in raids, but PvE encompasses a lot.


Yes Ring of Peace is ALWAYS taken for m+ and deciding not to take it would be foolish.


I disagree but only because I think they should have a new mechanic instead of leeching onto existing ones.
Ideas, off the top of my head:

  • A protective dome that shields from death for a few seconds
  • Aura to make all outgoing heals a certain % more powerful for 10-15 seconds
  • A travelling buff that gives extra mitigation or bonus health that jumps a finite number of times
  • A temporary ressurection that grants bonus stats and power for a limited amount of time and then they die again

There are so many options that could work with some tweaking, every healer using the same or similar toolkit is drab imo.

So two things that I can look at Monk and say “distinctive utility.” But I still say Prevoker is just a better version of MW right now. I also hate how they changed MW, though. Sure, they gave people the option of ranged healing, but it sucks. I just want original MW back.

A big reason why Monks don’t get added is because they don’t bring anything to the M+ group. That 5% damage buff is not as good as a Rez or a BloodLust

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Nah make it so all class and all spec have brez and lust and have several stun/CC as well.

Yeah because mass dispel and pi are useless

Why are priest healers popular without a lust or rez?

Why for all of shadowlands were the meta healers (Paladin then priest) both healers without a battle rez or Lust?

Maybe there is more to it?