Every healer should have either battle rez or lust

50% disagree…all healers should have BR & all tanks lust.

I’m sorry dude, you’re genuinely ignorant of some pretty fundamental game mechanics.

Classified as melee: abilities that preferentially target ranged players will not target a mistweaver. Extremely relevant in raids, still fairly relevant in keys.

Melee quality interrupt: 15 sec cooldown. Ranged class interrupts are either 24 sec or 40sec. Your evoker interrupt is 40sec with a talent to bring it to a regular ranged interrupt. Shaman wind shear is 12sec because fast interrupts is a shaman feature.

Physical amplification; mystic touch. 5% physical damage buff. Only monks provide this effect, like only DHs provide the magic version chaos brand.

Healer dispels are all different; they all get magic but the other categories they remove vary. Priests can’t dispel poison. Druids can’t do disease. Shaman poison dispel is not part of their actual dispel and instead is tied to a totem with a longer cooldown. Monks and paladins are the only classes with both poison and disease.

Regarding the specific healing capabilities of different classes, all I can say is you’re ignorant of how other classes work and how they all have to react in emergencies and with and without ramp time.

Prevokers do not have a root/snare removing effect for others. Tiger lust and blessing of freedom are the abilities that do that. You can do it for yourself with your big breath cooldowns, but Prevokers other abilities related to movement do not cure snares. You may be confused because cauterize cures many debuffs that may also snare, but you do not have any ability to remove hamstring like effects.

Dismissing ring of peace in pve is just… Everyone reading you say that knows immediately your opinion is uninformed and ignorant. Anyone who ever experienced the difference it makes to have any monk for necrotic week or spiteful knows its value.

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  1. I’ve played every healer in this game. Just not all at high end game this expansion. I do know my healer basics and talents and synergies. I’ve been playing them for 17 years.
  2. While you could have explained things in a respectable manner and I would have absolutely enjoyed reading and learning what I may not know, you chose not to and went straight to condescension. So I’m not even going to have a conversation with you. Your words were wasted due to your attitude.

Yeah and it’s getting worse every expansion. One of the many reasons I abandoned the game and am totally devoting my hobby time to WoW. Healing in WoW feels so much more dynamic and varied.

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I actually think this actually speaks to how insanely OP those abilities are. When they become mandatory, they need to get nerfed. I lover Heroism but since they took it away as an iconic Shaman ability, I don’t care if they delete it from the game.

Priest have PI so that’s their lust. I think monks should have a breZ

[quote=“Sendryn-sentinels, post:124, topic:1590865”]
played every healer in this game. Just not all at high end game this expansion. I do know my healer basics and talents and synergies. I’ve been playing them for 17 years.
[/quote] If you claim to have actively played every class and still don’t know fundamental things like “healers have different dispels” I don’t know what to say.

I personally think you’re crazy, Priests most definitely don’t have hard time getting into groups, and Monks bring so much too.

Did you forget Close to Heart and Generous Pour, they are amazing and only brought by a Monk.

Just because people follow the meta blindly doesn’t mean they have no use.

Holy, Discipline and Mistweaver all have pushed 24+ keys already, mind you this is only second week into the Season and without full tier either.

I think if this thread was made mid to end of season it would have more merit then now, other players are doing just fine.

I PuG all my Keys, I’m close to 2700 IO, and I still get declined and I bring Lust, why?, because I don’t fit the team composition they’ve made, it happens, that’s normal.

Your name fits you. Because literally nowhere did I ever make such a claim. Learn to have a conversation.

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I think every healer should have a baseline kick. That includes Druid, without the stupid gimmick of it being in Cat Form.

Lust, meh.
Rezzes, sure, but that’s not quite as painful as no tank having it like Lust.

Might be part of the reason why they are the two least played classes. Monks lack a lot of things tbh…

Incorrect, Holy and Discipline both have a higher representation of played then Holy Paladin in M+.

The two lowest currently is Holy Paladin and Mistweaver, Holy Paladin at 10.8% and Mistweaver at 6.6%.

Holy Priest sits at 14.8% and Discipline at 11.6%.

All the info is given and available through Raider IO.

Personally I think why Mistweaver currently has such a low representation, even after receiving insane buffs, is strictly due to class popularity.

Heck I’d switch to Mistweaver in a heart beat, but I break like wet tissue paper playing melee :joy:, reason why I stopped playing Holy Paladin. If they were all ranged I’d never look back.

Blizzard would more likely remove those abilities from the other healers to even the playing field

Just macro it into 1 button.

Its correct to lust on trash sometimes. Especially fortified and bolstering weeks. But you are correct, ive fat fingered lust more times than id like to recall. Brez for monk makes sense. They gave it to pally.

It’s still a stupid global tax for a healer.

Then there’s Priests, Holy having no actual kick kinda sucks. I think Disc at one point got an AoE silence in beta but not anymore.

Back when drums use to be a thing…

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Should all healers have access to Power Infusion and Revival then?