Every healer should have either battle rez or lust

Anyone can use drums for lust, so no one is excluded from this in game.

No what im saying is that finding a class for your group and making sure you have a brez is easier than finding a healer with lust.

Which is why i said every class should have lust.

The medicore non hard core people feel they NEED a lust and i know thats not the case.

Group consists of 5 people and you can guarentee basically that one of those 5 people have a brez. THREE of the tank specs have a brez.

Im more in favor of us all having lust because then you remove needing a certain class for your dungeon. I dont want lust removed because i think its cool for lack of a better explanation. Its just cool and i like it and its also fun trying to beat those bezerk type boss raids and like when to use it for certain phases etc etc. Its just cool lol.

The average group feels like they need a lust so by giving every class lust you make the whole grouping up with who you want based on ilvl/IO THAT much easier and less challenging

Let’s just remove any reason to ever even select any class at all while we’re at it.

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The average group is not pushing +23, which was the premise of your statement for giving it to everyone.

Also. Drums, no?

At what point do we draw the line and say that classes are allowed to be different.

Get engineer wrist and problem solved.


The average group that are pushing them. Are you reslly this dull? Lmao. Like obviously the average of EVERYBODY but the average of ones that are doing it come on now

Classes are different absolutely. Lust gets certain players where they shouldn’t because “oh well we need a lust” and then they are either god awful players or just doing less fhan they should be for that level of a key

Do you find many god awful players timing +23s atm?

Cause I mean. You are calling me dull, but then talk about how god awful players are timing the highest m+ in the game right now.

imho i think tanks should have a Battle rez also what if the healer has a o crap moment then we are boned

What 23s are we talking about? Im more so referencing last season so maybe we just arent on the same page

our brez was changed from a zombie player to player class
which was a waste on a healer

As a healer, you really don’t want to be the one using lust. It actually costs a ton of mana. Plus, dps often know a little better when lust should be used (like bursting a boss add).

Monks have slightly less group options, that’s true. I don’t really think that impacts them as healers so much in reality. Every healer has niches and groups that they don’t work as well with. You wouldn’t want to take an Rsham to dungeons where there’s alot of spread, etc. Monks are tagged as melee, which is super helpful for a healer.

So yeah, out of 10 groups maybe there’s one that needed a battle res and they choose an rdruid instead. But maybe there’s a group that wants the phys debuff or rop or whatever. So it all washes out.

Unless you brought two people that can bRez to a 5-man grp, there’s no change for an “o crap moment”… if the bRez dies then your group is boned, no matter who had the bRez.

Priests have mass dispel and PI. They don’t need anything more.

Monks need better tools for M+ healing overall–I don’t think lust or a brez is their issue tbh.

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Disc priests.

Holy Priests should be able to brez

On Fortified weeks in Nokhud Offensive, that was actually the best time for lust. :smiley:

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I think that this would be more of a non-issue if drums had not been nerfed so hard.

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nope, classes are different for a reason, stop being a FOTM reroller.

Hey don’t forget us hunters! we used to be able to Brez with a certain spirit pet. Sadness that they took that away.

2% of base mana is a “Ton of mana”?

My essence font (core rotational ability) costs almost 4x that.

I’m a FOTM reroller for playing one of if not the lowest ranked healer on the tier list?

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