Every healer should have either battle rez or lust

Look I’m all for Buffing monks but priests have it made in the shade.

I love autocorrect sometimes. :grin:

It’s not auto correct it’s speech to text and apparently i’m the world’s worst stutter

To be fair, “all for” does sound pretty close to “awful.” We can’t let the AI take over!

I don’t even have to mask my voice and it won’t get what I say correct

I shall lead the resistance

Or lust is so common, because dps shaman, mages, evokers, bm hunters are everywhere that I rarely have to use it myself.

I am rarely in a group where I am the only lust.

Very first healing tier list I pulled up, had priest as “A” tier, citing their large utility.

While monk is listed low, the reason given is that it lacks a strong damage reducing CD.

At no where was a lack of brez cited.

And the group buffs/externals are whats hurting monks far more than a lack of lust/brez.

Give monks lust or brez…they still need help and it will not effect their groupings.

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I just picked up disc priest 2 weeks ago, havent played it since legion. Kinda shocked to see I didnt have a Brez like what is the point of a healer with no brez


You must not have played many healers in WoW.

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I have not. I have a druid and a priest so those are the only healers i have played.

Just saying, historically, its been incredibly rare for a healer to have a brez. And they have gotten along fine.

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Man ive been saying every class needs lust because they are times you are trying to push like a 23 key or something and you absokutely need a lust so you wait ten minutes or take the 2500 mage

Its either that or risk losing youre whole group

Brez is an easy find plenty of viable classes bave brez but the lust privileged classes are absolutely insane

Priests also don’t have an interrupt. And I don’t want one! I’ll take mass dispel over an interrupt any day.

Hmm, we have kind of a weird kit.

Its just really annoying in groups when people are screaming for brez’s and I dont fkn have one.

The same number of classes have Lust (4) as have battle rez (4).

There is a timed +23 on the front page of raider.io without a lust class.

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Yeah, not having brez suckkkkks on both my priest and my monk. I fortunately run with a bunch of paladins.

Okayyyyyyyyy lmao.

Also, it’s a ghetto battle rez but you can craft one.

Are you disagreeing with something?

Cause I looked at every +23 done on the leader board (which is only about 31). And while its more rare, there were definitely a decent handful with zero lust.

I’d rather have lust completely removed than just have every single class with it.

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Are you saying that there are not an equal number (4) of lust and battle rez classes?


Battle Rez:

Are you saying there isn’t a front page (no. 6 and 24 as of writing this) timed +23 without a Lust class?