Every healer should have either battle rez or lust

ive been saying forever all healers should have a brez. if you have the ability to raise the dead combat shouldnt be make or break for that ability. i do think though that unless the class already had it it should be tied to the healing spec and not the class like pallys since there the most recent to get it.

death knights raise the dead it fits there theme

drums have been crap since they nerfed it

like thurbanks said priest feel amazing in m+ to me. ran keys with friends on saturday and it wasnt until 5ish hours in that i had my first death and with mas dispel i was able to help the healer out on some fights like the haste debuff in ulduman so we didnt have high stacks of it

What’s monks reason to be brought?

I don’t agree every healer needs a bloodlust move as it’s already bad enough people popping it at the dumbest moments like the start of a fight with trash for example
we don’t need more people doing that. If they add more bloodlust moves they need to make them not cancel out the others as it’s annoying when someone blows theirs for the lols and the group suffers as when we need it we can’t pop it as the debuff cancels it out if anyone else pops theirs. More battle rezzes may be alright so long as they make sense

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Giving Mages and Hunters the ability to use Bloodlust was a mistake, it should have remained with Shamans only.

They probably think the 5% melee damage debuff is worth it. I don’t know if it is or not. I really liked back in MoP when they had that one buff that was similar to
 the Druid one? The paladin one? Someone remind me.

They could probably use one more thing.

They also have a passive speed/movement boost if I remember right, although maybe it’s gone now? Just for Windwalkers.

I’m still playing this monk but so much has changed over the years for monks in general.

BrM still has the 5% melee dmg debuff, though.

So an entire class should suffer not having basic healing essentials because some idiots use them incorrectly?

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Bloodlust is not a healing essential thing it’s a temporary boost to attack speed and casting that improves damage output. They can have a battle rez which is more healer essential but a blood lust not so much

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If you feel that class balance is irrelevant to consider when discussing this, then I have no reason to answer your question. Since you dont care about balance.

But death knights are are part of that “historically” thing.

Its never been tied to healers only.

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You can also play those classes. Each class brings in unique benefits. You don’t see everyone with mass dispel, PI, poison dispel, decurses, disease cleanse, fist weaving either. If that’s the case, why not have everyone play one class in M+ for all three roles, tank. DPS and Heals. Variety is cool. :sweat_smile:

You made a false equivalency. Me refusing to go down that tangent with you has nothing to do with my opinions on balance. You need to construct your arguments better.

Giving healers that dont have lust/brez these abilities effects balance.

Those healers are already strong enough to stand on their own without those abilities. If suddenly giving a priest, for example
yet another tool. It would just make them overwhelmingly the top. Then we’d be back at this same topic, but with a different ability/class combo.

An ability cant be both “homogenized” and so unique that a class absolutely needs it to survive. If its homogenized, then that means enough classes bring it that you can easily rely on it being there, regardless of role.

You cant have it both ways. Its either homogenized and everywhere
or its not. And it being an homogenized ability seems to be the corner stone of your argument.

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Paladins were given ‘yet another tool’ in the form of Brez and it did not make them ‘overwhelmingly the top’. In fact they’re consistently mid tier for both s1 and s2. You could just as easily argue that paladins were, as you said:

Yet they were given them anyway.

Priests do have PI, so I think giving them lust would be overkill. So why not give them Brez, and then give monks lust? That way out of the 6 healers, 3 of them have lust, and 3 of them have brez, an even distribution.

You can’t argue “variety” when multiple classes already have the exact same abilities but with a different name tag on it.

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Ok. So it didnt change their usage?

If their usage didnt change, then your entire premise is lacking.

So we are back to you having no argument.

Monks having a lust would not suddenly make them any more desirable. As a resto shaman, I am not even sure when the last time I even used lust. Because so many other classes have it, that I rarely ever have to cast it myself. Lust is not why I am in groups.

Now remember
having these abilities give you a leg up in getting invited to groups was YOUR principle argument.

I suppose if drums were buffed from 15% haste to 30% haste, or Hero/Lust was nerfed from 30% haste to 15%, you’d have a valid point as they’d be equivalent. Drums are not useless but they are not at all comparable to a true Hero/Lust at the current time. The vast majority of groups running a +20 are going to have a true Hero/Lust (not Drums) unless there’s an SBG equivalent dungeon this season where you could get away without it.

Might not be why you’re in groups, but if I see a resto shaman with good experience I’ll take them over other healers because they have lust. When forming a 5-man I want both Lust and bRez
 so that limits what classes I’m bringing because it’s not simply given to the tank and healer roles during instanced content.

why put it on the healers lol
no thanks OP.

anyway, i think there should be a tank that gets lust! that would be new and unique :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Them lacking lust or brez is consistently cited as one of the most negative cons for the class in every tier list and ranking, so I don’t know how you can come to this evaluation and expect me to take you seriously.

If you’re putting together a SERIOUS group for Mythic+ to push keys, you MUST have lust and brez in your group. When you bring a monk to your group to heal, you just filled a slot with neither of these essential tools, which means you now have to get both from your 3 dps slots, which forces you into picking a shaman, mage, evoker, or BM hunter in order order to have lust. And then forces you to pick another more narrow selection that has brez.

By picking a shaman, druid, prevoker, or paladin healer, you have a lot more flexibility in your group composition.

So you either consistently play with a premade/friend who lusts for you, or you’re massively underutilizing your character, if that’s the case.


I can’t speak for monks
 But priests have distinct advantages

Don’t be greedy

Is there anything Monks have that’s distinctive utility? The only thing I can think of is that long cooldown ability that cleanses and heals. Otherwise
 do they even have utility? :thinking:


Compared to other classes, Monks have no advantages aside from a pitiful 5% physical melee debuff and a 3 MINUTE CD mass dispel, and they’re consistently discriminated against because of it, and rightfully so.

Group buffs? Nope
Lust? Nope
Brez? Nope
Externals? Not really. Chi-cocoon’s flat heal amount is much less desirable than flat %damage reductions which most every class has.

The only thing they do have in terms of utility is an AoE stun, and a long CC ability (paralysis). Thing is, there are several other healers in the game that also have these things in addition to the list of lacking stuff above.