Ever have someone Like a post

This should be the worst that life gives you.

Frustratingly I can find old forum threads via google, but when I click on them they bring me to the new forums “home site.”


Yup, that sucks. Thousands and thousands of pages of fun and sources now gone.

it’s not really stalking, sometimes we do a wow related google search on something and the first page shows posts that are months and sometimes even years old here on the forums and most of the time nobody really pays attention to the date, just see something they agree and like/reply.

I find it a mildly pleasant surprise.

It gives me a feeling like:

“Hey. Its nice that something I said a while ago and forgot about struck a small chord with someone. Even after all this time.”


“I am glad my position holds up for someone else.”

It is usually more of a good feeling than creepy.

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I am relatively new here and l love to read. I have no idea what is new vs. necroed until I start reading. If I see something funny, clever, or that I agree with I will heart it no matter how old it is. I do try to refrain from commenting on old stuff though. The thought of me giving someone a heart could possibly freak them out never occurred to me. Guess I just assumed everyone enjoys getting hearts. :slight_smile::heartpulse:


Okay in that regard, yes I do. Sometimes I’ll get a like on a good or witty comment I made I had forgotten and it makes me smile.

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I still get likes almost daily on this thread that’s over a year old: Bring back 5mans

You ever google something WoW related and find the forums as a result? Happens a ton. Go there, read through, see something you like/answered your question along the way…hit the like button.

I don’t think anyone cares to stalk you on these forums, OP.

I don’t get this too often, but there are two post of mine that I still get occasional likes on even though the post are now several months old now and one is related to a 8.2 topic.

well you could stop posting your opinion on a open forum if that’s something that bothers you…


The old forums were VERY useful for that very reason. Having them gone lost a lot of useful things


I know whatcha mean

I agree. There is. Or exploration date on entertaining, intelligent and compelling prose.

Also, it has always struck me as odd that a, say, 1 year old thread is considered a necro-post, yet we don’t bat at an eye at us referencing the fact that Blizzard just necro’d patch 1.12 for classic


I sometimes do this when there’s a necro and I don’t notice… just start clicking likes and then I get to the -X Months Ago- page break and go “Oops!”

I’m guilty of doing it when threads come back, I don’t always pay attention to how old replies are.

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No doubt a Vulpera who wants a worgen bf. Forbidden cross-faction love.


you look? i haven’t clicked a thread twice in years and have no idea how to look up if someone “liked” whatever nonsense i spouted off…

probably why i still have a more-or-less positive view of y’all. i guess it would be amusing to see how many don’t care for my lack of caps but :man_shrugging:

Could be that they were just on the forums or search stuff on google and it took them to your forum. I’ve done that. Ended up on a post that was a bit old but answers the question I had so I like the answer

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You see the little character portrait at the top right of the page? There should be a blue number on it. That number is your alerts, each one is either a like or a response to your post. Click the portrait and it will give you a list of the most recent likes and responses.