Ever have someone Like a post

No? And how do you know that my real name is Joey?

Do I know you?

Okay, can we all agree this whole notion of “Oh, somebody is looking at my public post history/public armory that is open to public or liked my year old public post, they must be stalking” is just plain silly? I’m starting to see more and more of it on the forums. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, no it’s not awkward, it happens to a lot of people, myself included.

Edit: Apparently i got a like from the OP on my 1.3 year old thread that asks about combining world zones into one big open world. Okay then, thanks. :man_shrugging:

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Posts should be locked from all activity if no one does anything in them for like 10 days. Necro’ing threads is beyond annoying. One day last week like 3 threads hit front of GD from like 5 months ago because someone wanted to post in it.

I armory every frequent poster I come across. It’s just a habit. Hell, I expect them to do it to me which is why I don’t have my forum set to private. :man_shrugging:

Public forums are gonna be public. Deal with it folks.

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bah I ran out of likes… how is that a thing.

Forums? Probably once or twice. It’s really creepy when I get comments on my Youtube videos or even Steam screenshots from 6+ years ago.

@OP, stop being weird. Sometimes a thread is necro’d and people don’t notice so they may like a comment you wrote quite late.

I want a serial liker… so lonely.

Switch toons for bonus +1s!

Yeah but it’s less ironic if I use a different toon to deep like people in the thread.

Worst thing is you still get results from the old forums when searching something but when you click on it it’ll just send you to the forums front page. Such a tease!


I only armory people when they pop out of the woodwork and demand things like an increase to the duration of the deserter penalty. Then you can find out ‘interesting things’ relevant to the discussion like how the person has an honor level of 12.

Once in a while I’ll armory ego-centric types who brag about how great they are at everything just to check out their ratings and note how it’s really just their spec/gear carrying them.

Other than that, I rarely armory. If anyone armories this toon, I wouldn’t know why as she’s just one of 5+ that I play. :smile:

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Oh, I certainly do that too :rofl: Anyone who has an opinion against PvP vendors and has an honor level of 8 is going to be laughed out of existence over it.

Why would anyone be against PvP vendors? I understand the hate of PvP gear being different from PvE gear as that has caused a ton of problems in the past. But if there is gear for PvP why be upset about a vendor for it?

Usually it’s trolls. It’s why I pull out their honor level, zero rated history, no HKs, and laugh.

Has to be as PvP vendors dated back as far back as Classic. As someone that only PvPs via unrated BGs and very rarely at that. I don’t give a crap if pvp players have access to gear via vendor or not.

I don’t think it’s awkward I love when people are as obsessed with me as I am obsessed with me.

To follow this up though I do find the lack of awkward from this particular experience stems from it not being awkward period. As in liking a post isn’t as odd as the people who quote out of context at a later date or what have you it’s just how the forum works.

BUT for the record I do love when people are keen on me.

Edit: to say if someone knew weird random things about me it probably would go over my head as being odd I never told them, it would just give me an excuse to start talking about myself lol a good Segway back to the topic that is me

Um yes on many occasions but I actually kinda like it…

It’s like having a secret admirer :smiley:

I like it, feed me all the likes! ohohoho!


There you go another like


That actually is some ego there. They aren’t likely ‘stalking’ you. They most likely were just reading through that thread for some reason and read your post.

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