EULA CHANGES RUMORS - Have your say - Source in Original post now

Don’t worry, I’m sure THIS will the unverifiable rumor on the internet that is actually true.

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The language on the post makes it seem quite fake, but if this is true I’m gonna make this my main game again. I cant get over how destroyed the game is full of those freaking boosting ads, destroying any group content interaction.

I had to move from EU to OCE for real life situation and not having friends on the game is complete garbage, since none is searching for anything (no wonder Preach always tries to get people to join guilds to avoid the situation that one would create for themselves if they look outside their guild).

Hopefully the community will heal from the boosting bs and start posting for groups for Pugs. If they streamline a bit the difficulty and how raids/content connect it will be awesome. fk boosters and those that pay for it and brought this game to this misery, even infested itself in Classic with the shift in mentality from doing that all these years.

I know that the WoW token is the issue around the boosting but its gonna be better still without those freaking advertisements 24/7 on trade chat, and group finder. And hopefully the competitive raiding scene that has been suffering from being “forced” to do boosting if they wanna stay competitive because of the insane amount of gold they HAVE to spend.

If you take a look at a blue post announcing the changes to their policies with regard to multiboxing:

Policy Update for Input Broadcasting - May 2021 - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

You will see that it says “as activities which effectively replicate automated gameplay are contrary to the terms and conditions of the Blizzard End-User License Agreement (EULA).” So yes, they announce in an official posting that a decision has been made that a certain action now contravenes a ruling in their EULA. It actually says at one point:

“Prohibited Commercial Uses:…performing in-game services including, without limitation, account boosting or power-leveling, in exchange for payment;”

The words “including without limitation” means that they can define what that means and how far it goes. So really would they even have to change the EULA - all they would need to do is say that payment for carries was banned under the EULA.

I don’t know that they ever will, but then I didn’t think they would ban the use of input broadcasting software, which effectively smashed much of the multibox farming that has been in the game for a very long time.

Kind of like what happened with ads on the internet. Nobody bothered with adblockers when ads on most legitimate sites were those google plain text ads. No, adblock took off after it became the norm for ads to obnoxious animated monstrosities and popups that there was no escape from.

And now advertisers play the victim despite having done it to themselves. I expect similar from these spamhappy boost sellers if the ban comes to pass.

Yeah, I do have a hot take actually! Behind Huokan, the community that YOU audit and advertise for is also known for their trade chat spam, not to mention how shady it is for you guys to have 3 different people offering 3 different prices at any time of the day. Why not clean up your community to stop being a reason that these EULA rules might come into play someday, hmmm?

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When I see “Eula” written, I imagine a zaftig German girl with chronic flatulence.

I dont do it or partake in it sooooo i dont really care. Probably shoulda done some m+ boosting this season tbh

Idk why ppl ate always so up in arms about it

So, it could be legit, we’ll know tomorrow.

Keep in mind that even if this is legit, it’s not going to stop guilds doing boost runs or selling them. It’s also not going to stop individuals asking for boost runs. That’s all still going to be in place.

What this will affect, if legit (and I stress the word if there), is boosting communities only, so websites that offer boosting services, communities like the Houkan Boosting Community etc.

And they won’t really ‘go away’ they’ll still exist, but they’ll effectively be cracked down on if they continue to advertise their services in-game.

Any changes made will be to ensure that any real money changing hands goes through Bliz instead of cutting them out - of this you can be sure.

That’s…what the token does.


Would be nice if they did, and make sure anyone advertising for said ‘communities’ also get hit hard for it. Tired of boost spam, it was very manageable when it was just the ‘high ranked’ guilds on a server advertising. Which for some servers, was just 1 or 2 guilds anyways. The whole advertising on any server and having a guild bank to store gold, BoEs, etc, and transfer that guild when needed is awful.

What they should do, is apply the apparent forum rule of “Can’t advertise on realm forums unless you actively actually play on that server.” to also work for trade chat. Further, more people should report such messages. If they were getting consistently squelched(Auto-silenced) it wouldn’t be worth it, and you could push that you reported it as ‘disruptive behavior’ or ‘spam’ because that is what it is.

I understand spam can be annoying (despite there being alot of ways to avoid seeing it) but from what I saw in the source it wasn’t just about advertising but the act of actually boosting that was the issue, specifically advertising cross realm services.

I think boosting for any currency shouldn’t be allowed, to be quite honest. Feel free to bring a friend and what not along, but not for any exchange of currency. But the least they can do is to not let people advertise it within their game on servers said people boosting don’t actually play on, especially RP servers.

I remember seeing a lot of similar responses saying “it’s fake” when it was “rumored” Blizzard was going to ban multibotters who used input software to mimic keypresses. They made many similar arguments about how it wasn’t botting because it was still a person at the keyboard making 1 key press for a single action, even if it was mimicked between 5-10 characters. We know how that turned out.

We’ll see how this pans out, but if Blizzard does crackdown on it, those communities have no one to blame but themselves with the chat channel spam. Whether or not the practice of boosting itself “for gold” breaks any rules, the spamming definitely is, and let’s be honest with ourselves, no one advertises that hard just “for gold”. RMT is happening at some level, even if it isn’t necessarily at the level of the person being boosted.

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Indeed. It can be found conveniently in the Blizzard Shop.

If you don’t like the spam, fine, but I have no idea why people insist on making this out to be something nefarious. But maybe I’m just one of those crazy people who doesn’t really care about spam, since the last time I had trade chat on for any extended amount of time was back in Legion when I was contributing to said spam (trying to recruit for a raiding guild).

So at the core of it, Guild also use boosting as a way to fund their progression raid chest, Communities provided them an avenue for doing that.

M+ players of any high level often boost to pay for sub or consumables or to use in turn to pay for gear for alts, - M+ might be the hardest hit out the 2 now as Guilds are seemingly allowed to boost raid but I don’t see any mention of M+

hugs Beaupeep and wiggles toes

All will bow down to the almighty dollar.

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Perhaps, they could (and should) use other methods to make their gold honestly.

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Imagine 300 wipes on a boss like Mythic Sylv X 20 raiders X 2 potions + how ever many thousands of other things. - And that’s just 1 boss.

Yes, and one of the things that used to make bosses take longer to kill was the guild actually having to get their own supplies. Though even back then, sadly there were people that were farming stuff for the top guilds for basically nothing in return which only helped them stay in that place. Though that also happens currently with said boosting communities loaning out millions of gold to the top ranked during a race.

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