EULA CHANGES RUMORS - Have your say - Source in Original post now

So guys,

There is rumors of a change to EULA policy tomorrow regarding Boosting and more importantly Boosting communities. (up to an including removing them from the game)

I personally believe they won’t go down this track because as we have seen WoW tokens the biggest way to pay for these services are likely 30%+ of their income from the game.

I do the occasional boost so I acknowledge my opinion is biased.

What’s your take on this?


For gold, sure, but all too often people are seeking real life money and spamming the crap out of a bunch of channels, if they kept it to where they’re meant to advertise that crap, nobody would care.


You have a link to any other discussions about this? First I’ve seen this.


Rumors, huh?

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Completely fake.

Completely baseless claim.

That you just massively lied.


What happened? Ybarra find out someone was muscling in on his territory?


It’s a rumor I have been told by multiple people that have no connection to each other. Could be baseless and fake news, I am just interested if it happens.

My take is that you are using incorrect terminology.

In WoW, boosting is when Blizzard ‘boosts’ your character up numerous experience levels without any contribution of play from you. (The other way, of having a service play your character thru the leveling process for you, is already against the ToS.)

In WoW, carrying is when other players ‘carry’ your character thru content without any real contribution from you, thus cheating the system. Now that could be banned.

But, unless Blizzard chooses to hire and apply some proper moderation, it would not end it and likely not even end the advertising for it.

That is my take.


[X] to Doubt


I’d have mixed opinions if this were true. I’ve made hundreds of thousands of gold doing M+ boosts. On the flip-side, almost everything in the entire game is massively overpriced because of boosting, and while I’ve made hundreds of thousands, Mythic raid boosters make millions which means they have way more buying power than me.

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If said rumors turned out to be true I’m not sure I’d expect much. I don’t know how they could justify banning the practice of boosting, or logistically enforcing it, when they’re well within the game’s rules. As long as real money isn’t involved in it then Blizz can’t just tell them to stop. It would never work in preventing players from doing it.

But who knows, it’d probably just be some minor thing. Again if rumors turned out to be real.

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I’ve basically only been logging in on my 2nd account for like 5m or less each day selling stuff on the AH and in that time I see dozens of “advertisements” for carries in all forms of content.
It reaffirms my decision to take a break, possibly permanently, from the game every time.

The communities that do this stuff need to go.
If people want to sell their guilds services, let them do it themselves.
You’d have to be willfully ignorant to not think that these middleman services aren’t involved in RMT to “employ” so many advertisers while running giant discord servers and moving millions/billions of gold across every server.


I appreciate your input, Most communities advertise themselves as “boosting communities” (such as Hookan or how ever you spell it) not carry communities which is why I used that term, I will use carry going forward

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I don’t care either way. But I’ll believe when I see it.

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Realistically they can just advertisements for boosts in /2, the same way they ban advertisements for boosts in Group Finder. If you cut the spam by 90%, that wouldn’t solve the problem but it would be a tangible first step.

I guess my question there is would you be surprised to see these communities get removed etc? Boosters accounts suspended or banned etc?

Literally impossible to enforce.

Your friends friend who dogwalks for Bill Gates cousin isn’t a reliable source.

finally banning unsportsmanship in this great game is a very good decision.

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Can someone tell me how I can link a picture in my post?

I don’t think it would happen. I think if they do something, it will look like the same sort of thing they did with Group Finder. They’ll make it a bannable offense to spam /2 with ads, but if you arrange ads privately then they’ll look the other way. They’re not going to make it impossible for Limit or Echo to get private buyers.