EULA CHANGES RUMORS - Have your say - Source in Original post now

This is a very good point -
But also he doesn’t boost through a community. Just from his guild so it doesn’t seem to have the same issue as the one listed above

“Organizations” is pretty open ended. That could fall to guilds.

I know people want to believe it’s true, because they have a massive stick up their butt about this…but what does the person who made it up get out of it?

Attention I guess?

The “source” specifically mentions guilds as being allowed to sell their own services.

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Yeah, this will alienate not only boosters, but buyers as well. This is a bad move on both sides.

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Ah, my bad. I stopped reading because it was too damn tiny and fuzzy on my screen. Sorry!

Wouldn’t it be a shame if Huokan became a cross-realm guild.


The CEO boosts so nothing will be done about it.

You occasionally boost? You are so full of crap, you are in Accelerate, and boost/advertise like 12 hrs a day. Atleast tell the truth man.


the picture claims guilds are fine it’s cross realm communities that are the issue : So people like Huokan

I boost like 2 keys a week - Yeah I advertise for Accel tho

You are also support/audits for Accelerate, don’t act dumb.

Side note, there is no chance of this happening to gold only communities, the game would literally die.

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Honestly, I can see this happening and going down exactly the way botting did.

“Hey look guys, see we did these half-baked things! We care!!!”

Plus that language leaves so much leeway. “Boosting communities” become guilds. Tada!

Guess I’ll have to leave guilds on a couple alts so I can become a member of a “guild” to buy their services.

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I can imagine if they really did crack down on communities selling carries that participation across all end game content would likely plummet, especially as we get later into patches and guilds run out of personal incentives to keep running.


Sounds too good to be true.

Maybe they’ll add a 1st party MTX that buffs great vault reward ilvl if you’re too lazy to do a 15?

Or maybe they’ll add an official “services” ui to directly cut out and deprecate all the boosting communities.

Any more hot takes,

Because raw dollars is not their only motivation for doing things. As witnessed by removing flying which, according to some, has cost Blizzard /pinky one BILLYUN DOLLARS!

They’re going after cross realm communities and advertisers, which stand out readily. Just because they can’t keep it out of discord doesn’t mean they can’t strive to keep it directly out of the game. And the discord based groups can only hope they don’t get reported by a disgruntled, unhappy customer to draw the eye of the Blizz enforcement arm.

If your guild wants to sell an AOTC mount run in trade chat, feel free.

They tried to be nice by limiting the text for non-authenticator accounts, and that didn’t work at all. Now the other shoe drops.

DO IT or no balls!

Technically this could go either way (true/fake)

You need to understand a key concept here - the EULA covers the Platform not World of Warcraft itself. And while the “platform” includes World of Warcraft it also includes everything you can run on as well as all the websites , forums and support sites.

So logically it is unlikely they would put something in the EULA like “no boosting allowed” as this only relates to a subset of the platform and has no meaning outside of the video games.

However the EULA does have language in it basically saying that you as a player agree to any appropriate in game policies.

So if this change is coming it’s likely to be as an in-game policy that as the terms and conditions of the EULA state you agree to follow.