EULA CHANGES RUMORS - Have your say - Source in Original post now

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For anyone not wanting to follow the link here is OP’s source:

So included in my original post is now the source for all this.

  • I tried to include it as a picture but apparently I suck

The dream. Realm merges or free Xfer from low pop realms. Cross faction grouping. Better bot detection and a reduction in boosting services.

They could fix boosts quite a bit if the WoW token created a separate gold currency that could not be traded with other players. I’m sure there’d be a work around like using the Auction house but it would be something

Ah yes. Random discord posts.

Truly the most trustworthy of news souces.


I agree that it’s not fact…
But isn’t it worth discussing?

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Here’s what will happen if boosting becomes a bannable offense. Boosting requests will still be handled over Discord. A cheap item will be put on the AH for a large sum of money by the seller. The buyer will buy it. Community then commences boosting service.


It’s in the source now

Seems super fake.

My money is on an over enthusiastic Asmongold fan who saw his latest reaction video about RMT and wanted to stir up some drama.

Solid idea actually :smiley:

Yep. they have all bit given up on gold sales in TBCC. Many reports of after your 3 day vacation…the gold is still there. that’s assuming one is daft enough to use a straight mailer.

Overpriced BOE sales is a thing in wow. And retail has it worse. I see carriers now taking gold this way. They didn’t sell the raid carry. They sold them a BOE green for 500K…then took them on a raid because they are just nice people.

This…I’d jsut see carriers not selling the carry. they are jsut really friendly guys/girls, taking people on raid runs at the the end they tip them 500K gold.

Like another industry out there. You aren’t paying for their services. You are paying for the time with them. whatever happens happens.

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Not really. Because if they’ve gotten to the point of drafting an actual post that means it has gone through management, the lawyers, marketing etc et al and there is absolutely nothing you’re going to do about it. This will never end up being like the RealID topic, or flying.

Well let’s just hope it was all BS and that nothing comes of it.

Not if you actually think about it logically.

Why would Blizzard ban a huge source of income? People ain’t buying tokens cause they need to buy flasks for this week.

How would Blizzard enforce it? The discussion, like most discussions on WoW’s black/grey aspects would just move to discord. You’d basically have to monitor EVERY single discussion on the subject and every single trade.

The amount of false flags on any system Blizzard designs to try and counter boosters would be incredible. Ever carry a friends alt or the GM’s GF for their weekly 15? System has detected you. Ever give away a large amount of gold to a friend/guildy for their legendary, or simply because you lost in gambling? System has detected you.

Believing something uncritically just because it’s written vaguely in legalese is silly.


I’m going to need to see a more reliable source than that before I believe it.

That it’s fake.

Yeah, the wording of “urge all such organizations to cease doing business” feels very much written by some pleb who doesn’t actually understand the finer details of the law. It isn’t quite “do the needful or we will hack your IP” levels of bad but the language is just not right, it comes across as very fake.

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I see alot of people saying it’s fake,

And you know what you are probably right.
But what if you aren’t?

Is the removal of boosting and making it against TOS a thing you guys want?

We are correct. This isn’t something that came out of the blue. This would have been months in meetings and planning. The president would’ve known about it. And guess what? He sells carries for gold. Don’t think he’d be advertising that if he knew it was going to be against EULA.

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