Where? I just read they were seeing “problems”.
This sounds like a great solution, but please also add a 2v2 option, which would be shorter so require less of a commitment. Healers can be grouped in a 2-healer, 2-dps cohort with two healer/dps matches, and dps-only cohorts would still be round robin but with only three matches.
I feel like people really don’t understand the SHUFFLE part. If there is an under geared person they will be on everyone’s team at some point. If you get stuck with 250 gear and two teammates with 200 gear that means the next round you’ll face the 200 gear person, and one round youll go against both of those 200 geared people.
The real news I’m waiting is
-reputation account wide. Earn on one toon other toons can purchase everything without having required rep level
-remove pvp item upgrade. Conquest gear should be only obtained trough arena or weekly quest and push that gear to mythic equivalent, and honor gear to mythic dungeon 0 equivalent. I think something like that was in WoD , last expansion that was showing what world of Warcraft is, u til legion and expansions down the road didn’t ruin it.
-make cross faction stuff. People who wanna pvp turn the war mode on and that’s it. You can’t switch WM on or Off weekly and that’s it. BG don’t affect that
This would be a great way to satisfy those players that want soloqueue so they can just jump in and out of quick games when they have a few minutes. 2v2 would only require 3 matches to get every team combination! Combine that with the mentioned shortened games and you’ve got a pretty small time commitment!
So what I’m worried about is the situations where 1 dps player is way better than everyone when climbing rating.
If we take their example and the warlock dies first every game. The dps players will go 4-2, the healers will go 3-3, the warlock will go 0-6. Does this mean the healers gain nothing while the dps all gain rating because 1 dps player was undergeared? Maybe this doesn’t matter at a lower rating because the matchmaking is weaker when everyone starts at 0.
If the shaman healer dies first every game, the pally healer will go 6-0, the dps players will all go 3-3, and the shaman healer will go 0-6. Similarly to the above one, but this means healers will just climb way faster in this scenario.
If the rogue wins every game, the rogue will go 6-0, all of the other dps players will go 2-4, and the healers will go 3-3. In this case these games would really only happen for this rogue player until they got to the rating they should be at. But since everyone starts at 0 rating this will likely only be a problem for the first half of the season. But it will still feel bad to lose 2-4 because there’s 1 really good player in the game out of the 6.
The part I like though is people will probably learn a lot each round. You’ll probably identify weak points and strong points each game and you’ll learn to adapt as you play.
I hope they allow talent or gear changes between each round so you can further adapt if you find in the first round you are the weakest link so you change to be more defensive, or you identify you are playing with the weakest link next so if you have a way to save them then you can build around it.
I imagine they wouldn’t allow covenant changes between rounds, but I wish they would.
Tanks get the ol’ PvP shaft again.
That seems like a potentially flawed aspect of an otherwise excellent idea.
Solo shuffle takes too long and is too complex. The problem it solves is the occasional bad matchup. Quantity of games solves that problem. Sure people will ‘feel’ bad, but no one is bronze in overwatch because they’re unlucky with comps. Same for WoW.
Make it like skirms but track rating. Just keep no tanks, and 1 healer 2 dps per team. This requires minimal development effort, is far easier to understand, and results in quicker games. Keep it simple.
Tanks don’t have a relevant role in traditional pvp. You can’t taunt players to make them attack you. You shouldn’t do good damage, and you shouldn’t do good healing unless they balanced wrong.
Tank pvp should be like MDI M+ races against other teams. PvP as a timed dungeon race instead of PvP to kill other players.
I don’t think people are really understanding that this is an experiment in solo-queue’s and they’re working with it being a brawl so it’s isolated from things. So they can see what works and doesn’t work out.
That it’s the first step on a path leading to true solo queue’s for RBGs/Arenas(…potentially)
Then after this simplification if you really want to spend dev time on a new project. Make rewards/rating spec-specific. Otherwise the format will be dominated by rsham/Arms/Windwalker. Just high damage low coordination melee cleaves. If you’re judged on being in x percentile of your spec (shown as bronze-silver etc.) Then you can actually have diverse interesting games.
Though you’d win more as a meta spec, so would every other person playing that spec. So you could be gold as arcane at 1600 rating, but gold as Arms warrior could require 1900 rating.
A real fault. Taunts should work. We shouldn’t take extra damage. Tanks with shields or immunities up should act as a LOS barrier. Let us do what we do in PvP too!
But your dungeon race sounds fun too. I’d love a mode with two teams working from opposite ends of the same dungeon, boss in the middle and whoever downs the boss and the other team wins
That sounds nice, 3 melee, 3 RDPS, 3 healers and 1 tank.
Yes. All of this.
This is horrible. 1 person dies and you automatically lose? Ive seen ppl beat the crap out of the other team being 1 person down… not to mention 30 minute games? God
No traditional roles as they run flags and spin them… but no real roles, eh?
this still happening?
You’re bringing up a valid concern as gear currently has an outsized impact on the match outcome.
- What if the Shuffles worked like the Arena Tournament event realm: Create your setup from the “Solo Shuffle Vendor,” and then you’re set to queue for the shuffles.
That particular gear set would be exclusive to the Shuffles. However, any rating earned inside the shuffles would count towards the rating requirement for purchasing the conquest gear.
This is incredible, good job Blizz!