Another half-measure garbage carrot on a stick designed to appease us but not give us what we actually want. Look forward to more unsubs soon!
Solo-Q 3v3 with unfavorable matchups is not the definition of “fun”. I think this 6 players-shuffle is actually an amazing idea, fair and allows you to meet a lot of people, including the ones you fight against.
I completely agree with you Thestomic. This is not the solo queue that the community has been asking for. I don’t understand why people are concerned about “fairness.” Nothing is more fair than random teammate selection. No need for shuffle, just queue for the next match with more random teammates. All the shuffle does is increase the opportunity for some poor sap to lose six matches in a row. That doesn’t seem fair at all, and definitely doesn’t seem encouraging for new pvp players.
Are you planning to add a shuffle aspect to solo queue rated battlegrounds if that ever gets implemented? What’s the point?
Yes and Yes.
Its an Odd way of doing it. But I play with friends and we enjoy random Battlegrounds the most out of all SL content. It is super frustrating through the gearing difference in PvP honor/Conquest. But if we COULD actually improve our PVE gear through PVP like Skumnasty mentioned, It would make a whole different fun gearing route for a few of us who enjoy the game the way we do.
Spend your PVP currency to upgrade your PVE ilvl outside of M+ or ( enter X amount of hours here) In raiding.
SO a single person on your team can make you lose just by dying… nice…
This sucks.
You basically have 0 agency at winning, it’s basically just a healer matchup. Whoever has the best healer wins.
I mean…Kind of, But I mean Its not ALWAYS the healers fault when you die.
I played many pvp focused game solo queue obsessively.
League of legends
Dota 2.
I never really felt satisfied in getting a team together for this content cause typically people aren’t on the same schedule so it made it not feel as optimal to even bother playing like that.
I will say in destiny the trials of Osiris did make me play that way though… the fact it was only open during the weekend and the goal was to get 10 wins in a row to be able to purchase higher tier gear with each win the games getting harder and harder( if you had 8 wins you also fought people with 8 wins)
Tanks have no place in arena pvp.
so arena then?
Now that I’ve had the opportunity to test this on the live server, I stand by my statement. Geared and skilled players are encouraged to run in and just defecate all over the weakest opponent as fast as possible. Even if this was unintended, the shuffle aspect in practice only encourages hazing. I feel like the goal of it is to pick on the “new guy” and make him/her feel like a loser.
Seems like some developer participated in “speed dating,” and then tried to apply that concept to WoW PvP. Stop trying so hard. Adding complexity to content doesn’t always make it more fun. I don’t care if Solo Shuffle stays around or not. I just don’t want its failure to discourage the pursuit of the actual rated solo queue content that I want to see in the game.
I’d love to have something like Brackets or levels, depending on the Item level or even your own points depending in how much you win or lose, also different rewards for this specific content would be great.
Solo Shuffle is great! Can we have it be an official bracket with a ladder and ratings in 9.2.5?
I like this game mode but the points awarded seem to be totally random. Some games I win 3 rounds and get no conquest, other I win 3 and get +18 or +87. I’ve won 6 rounds once, and only received +15 conquest. Same thing with honor, some times I lose every round and receive +800 honor, others times I win more than 2 and receive around +300 honor. Again, seems random and some clarity would be nice.
Additionally, I have been placed with all different skill levels and gears, particularly games with 2k rated 2s/3s players, in a game with people in all greens ~200 ilvl. Some clarity here would also be nice.
I opened a ticket on both these points and was directed here as my outlet, there you go.
Short version: While shuffle is a fun mode, honor/conquest awarded seems random and ilvl, rating, honor level of players seems random. Is this all intended?