Essences.... please... account wide

Ion. Read this quote and just do it. Your youtube supports said it before 8.3. We’ve been saying it before 8.3. Stop being stubborn and appreciate us that we’re still trying our best to love your concept, but should be improvised.

Be on FFXIV’s developers level.

They are just completely radio silent. no qna. nothing. Doubt they even go on the forums.

Yeah I know, but they’re losing players and if Shadowlands isn’t good which it probably won’t since Ion loves his concepts. Shadowlands is exactly going to be what it is like Cataclysm expansion was actually a cataclysm.

You can buy them both from the ah…

raidbots /simbot/report/vMBoHXBrm7SKRFWKE2fz9H

Add the .com

That’s you.

That’s you with R3 IS belt you could buy from the AH. A million gold for a 1.2k dps increase. A 1.6% increase is game-breaking pay to win?

Until you come down to reality. And realize that just looting the bow from skitra is nearly the same increase.

And the IS R3 is still less dmg that the skitra bow/ gw combo.

Then, that is you without coral. Doing 1.1k less dps than you would with with a 445 coral.

Yup, this game is pay to win!

Yes for me its 1.6% increase. But i have earned ALL of my gear, and am also high m+ and mythic raid geared. I have 0 BoEs. Johnny who’s never played WoW would get a lot more than 1.6% increase for buying those pieces. Would he not? And he wouldn’t even know where to begin on how to do any raid or dungeon. It affects the game because we get new players who dont know how to play the game who just dump money to buy gear to get a high ilv without knowing how to do anything.

Not comparable. Supply and bottle necking is the issue. Where you can personally create a dark moon deck but cant craft a rank 3 inf star. yes you can buy both of them… but you cant farm a rank 3 inf star reasonably.
Im all for crafted BiS just not BOE trash drops being BIS because of a poor system.

So… you shout the game is pay to win. Link a click bait video of a guy telling people the game is play to win, that sells carries himself.

Then, when I link you an actual sim of the “game-breaking” pay to win items being actually the same or worse than items you can get from just playing the game and not buying anything off the ah…

You switch to “but what about new players”

LOL. Outrage culture at it’s finest.

So… farming the mats to create an rng card, that combines with a full deck of rng cards into a trinket that is bis for multiple raid tiers, that is also commonly bought and sold on the ah is fine.

But players looting boe items and selling them on the ah, like has been done since day 1 of this game. is not okay? Again, LOL.

Do you know what pay to win means? You shouldnt be able to have gear equivalent to my hard earned gear just by dumping $1000.00 to blizzard. What are you on? Its crazy you guys are okay with BOEs and are crying about BOA essences.

Tokens have been in the game for 5 years. They were added to stop the demand for chinese gold sellers that were hacking accounts, botting, and ruining server economies.

Boes have been in the game since day 1. BiS boes have been in the game for years. Players have sold carries since day 1.

But now, in 2020, because of corruption, you are outraged. Okay.

I’m not crying about essences. You are. You are the one raging that your fresh alt doesn’t have bis essences right away.

Which is weird because you are outraged about boes.

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if one is allowed, the other should be too. I just want consistency.

Boe’s have always been allowed, again, since day 1. Reptuation and achievements have never been shared to alts, since day 1.

They are literally being consistent.

perfectly fine. because you can create farm it reliably. ya rng is there but not to the same extent of a boe .

its on the same level of picking up a legendary item off a dead corpse. It makes zero sense.
not when it can radically change your damage. when i mean radically i do mean radically.
if it was just a boe we wouldnt even be talking about it. its the fact that they have insane corruptions range.

I’m in an average mythic guild. We’ve looted many boes. Sold about half. They aren’t that rare.

And I just linked a sim. Where your “radical” bis in slot boe was a 1.6% dps increase.

can you relink? Must have missed it.

ofcorse there not rare. Thats not the issue. the issue is having a corruption effect that can really change your damage.

Ah yes, the online therapist. The ultimate weapon for an internet troll.

Reputation isnt 100% bound to characters. Some achievements are BOA. And just because a new system is introduced, it doesnt mean it CANT be BOA. So i dont see where theres any consistency to anything. Looks like they just pick and choose what they want to make BOA without any thought. I would be fine with BOEs if they couldnt get corruption. Because at least corrupted Mythic gear would always be better than BOEs. BOEs should be nothing but a stepping stone to better gear. Not the best gear.

Literally the first bullet point. Since you like to link Wowhead.

how so? I’ve done a significant number of relevant keys, a fair bit of heroic, and done 4-5 mask runs and despite this I don’t feel anywhere close to being done with gear. With socket farming being a thing I don’t think i’ll be done with gear this patch for months to come.

“Hey guys, I have rank 2 infinite stars on a piece, but I’m just gonna be smug and say it’s because essences aren’t needed.”

That’s you. I haven’t had a single decent corrupted piece drop. All I get are useless ones like “You get % more Versatility from items” and such.

You also have Rank 4 in your main slot and 1 rank 3 in subslot. Conflict and Strike rank 1 does not differ much as rank 3, because it’s meant for PvP. Your ONLY non rank 3 that actually matters anywhere is your flames.

Your current gear: 46,700:

Without your CORRUPTION - - 40,000 - you lose 6-7k DPS JUST from taking off your corrupted gear, which is all RNG so your other toons will never guarantee to get one.

Also, Feral Druid essences have very little impact on their DPS, it’s how the spec works Let’s do it on a spec that actually cares about essences, like mine.

Rank 1 in all essences: 44,000 (make sure you look at the bottom changes, otherwise it’ll just report having all of them)
Rank 3 in all essences: 48,000


And to give you an idea of how strong your corruption effect is, my dps with a single infinite stars corruption: 54,500 DPS. That’s a 6-7k dps increase.
This doesn’t take into account classes like healers that get a massive utility buff by some of the essences.

But sure. Keep thinking because your specific spec doesn’t care about rank 3 essences that it’s the same for every spec.

Sigh dude my alt is never going to be as powerful as my main whether I had to do the stupid af essence grind a hundred times.

Missing out on corruption from the chest every single week is a big deal with how important it is. Way to continue to completely miss the point.

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For those saying alts should have to do the entire grind just like mains, consider the person who is the common denominator of all of those characters. How many times can you watch the same movie? Maybe you enjoyed it the first time. Perhaps the second or third time you watched it, you caught small details that you’d missed before? How was the sixth time watching? Repeating content is tedious and boring, no matter how enjoyable or engaging it was the first time.

That’s been my main beef with Pathfinder. All of the content must be done on a single character, I can’t level several characters through all the content splitting it up between them like I had been. Legion helped a bit by having class-specific content (though I saw the priest order hall far too much, I like priests) so that despite one character having done Suramar entirely, I had more to explore with each new character. Incidentally, only one character has done Suramar. I’ve seen that story, I don’t care to see it again.