Essences.... please... account wide

Yet I still had more alts than now. Funny how that works.

Again did all the content, don’t care to do boring chores more than once though. I just don’t feel the need to have massive power gaps between myself and others. I would like others to catch up to my main easier. Including my alts.

Keep enjoying that massive and ever growing power gap though! Blizzard can keep enjoying their loss of subs.

Personally, I think having to regrind essences is bad for the game because the time commitment is too high. I cancelled my sub because I got tired of grinding dailies on my main and I no longer want to play my alts because I have to grind essences for them. I enjoy mythic+ and I’m casual as hell. I like to bang out the odd +10 here or there with the limited time I have. I got bored of doing dailies with that time to keep up my cloak and I don’t view playing my alts as an option any more because there’s just too much to do to catch them up and I do not have the time to invest in them.

I kind of miss the wrath model where I could just jump straight into dungeons to get gear and get rep from those at the same time. It let me progress by doing content I wanted. I didn’t have to get through a bunch of dailies to feel viable.

The number of alts I’ve had this expac has dropped each patch. I started with 5. I could handle doing a number of emissaries on each one if they rewarded something I liked. With the release of essences that dropped to 4. I got three easy essences (definitely not BIS) for my other 4 and kept going. Now in 8.3 I’ve got my main and a barely touched alt. I do not want to replay the quests for the cloak. I do not want to have to do dailies on all of them to keep the cloak up. I do not want to try to chase down BIS essences.

I feel burned out and I wonder how many people like me would rather unsub for the rest of the expac rather than try to regrind everything for an alt. I miss being able to just jump onto another character and feel like I could hit some gear-appropriate content for them.


Feels good man!

this thread is a pool of debotchery. enjoyable at some hours… horrible at the next.
many arguments have been said but it all boils down to this.
Will it hurt the game or will it benefit ?

Those still subbed will be rejuvenated by playing new characters who havent stepped into a vision or done there cape…
while if it stays the same no one will do anything besides there " main " character. Cycling through mythic + and raids until shadowland… or take a break… for a sizeable time…
and possibly never return at all.


Blizzard says a lot of things. Those of us who have been around a while tend to take their great pronouncements with a grain of salt.

Ah look, a normal raider who thinks Sims are gospel, never mind the 30% variance that corruption has per pull.

Maut ain’t patchwerk princess.


Again, you can mail rep tokens for your alt.

Again, that is the point. You aren’t worried about min/ maxing your alt in other ways, but not having bis essences right away is important?

You and 90% of the wow playerbase. It’s amazing how much easier it is to play the game in middle/ high school. It’s crazy how much free time people have without jobs, kids, spouses, etc.

Started in Wrath, accelerated in MoP. SoO was very alt friendly and it still lost millions of subs. Funny how alt friendly and no content often go hand in hand.


“You think you do, but you don’t”

This is basically what it comes down to and it’s very shortsighted of blizz to think otherwise.

All of these naysayers have not been able to come up with a single good (or even rational) reason against it for months. They just keep repeating their idiotic chant of “alts aren’t mains” or “gotta put in the work.” Most of them don’t get beyond wqs on their alts so they think that’s what everyone else is limited to as well.


Flying, nerf [class], and Alliance high elves.

says the guy playing classic lol. I’m no where near boomer age. I just appreciate character progression.

This is my monk - it’s finally showing in available characters to choose from.

Essences aren’t as bad as I imagined and what I’m going for interms of working on it are likely Crucible as main, Memory, Breath and Unbound Force as minor traits.

For an alt that I’m playing very passively in terms of talents I am enjoying it. :slight_smile:

Replacing Memory with Essence of the Focusing Iris once I get it.

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good to hear and thank you for keeping me posted. keep me up with latest info.
Do you find those to be your " best " for monk?

Most certainly not. However it’s more than sufficient for me to perform well at content at say m5/6 without any issues.

Tried m10 yesterday. We timed it but we performance wasn’t comparable.

I noticed though I’m not alone, both our healer and tank were also not using ‘best’ essences. Got 1/2 a mind to reroll to brewmaster because I lucked out with Twilight Devastation.

I’m sorry, but you obviously don’t know how Blizzard works. Not only are they not going to make it account wide, they are probably going to make you complete it on ALL OF YOUR ALTS before you can use it on any character.

Thanks for complaining. Now we will all suffer.

I swear - Blizzard is like the Donald Trump of video game companies.

if blizzard reads this, i would really appreciate account wide essences. even if its just rank 1s. just so i can put stuff in my empty neck slots. i dont mind getting rank 2 and 3 on my own. just dont make me look at those empty slots.

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Make alts playable again!! MAPA!

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all jokes aside brew master best imo

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You can get 3-4 Rank 1 essences in 2-3 hours of playing. It’s not hard.

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holy cow really? thanks for the info!