Esports Welcomes the Lich King’s Return!

Further proof that wotlk isn’t Classic WoW


Can’t wait to watch a 20min tournament since the bracket matches will take sub 30 seconds

“Esports welcomes”
Thats nice im pretty sure its safe to say the community does not, esports and trying to chase it, is a major contributor to the problems of retail.


Its not a true esport, its a blizzard esport.

Excited to see some top tier wotlk arena, I absolutely loved the tbc arena tournament stream. Was just cool seeing really good players at this old game battling it out.

IMO, forcing a traditionally non-Esport game into being one is a large reason why this game fell off over the years (coupled with other changes as well). changes get made to classes/the game to support the Esport side at the detriment of those who don’t care/participate. Games designed to be Esports I have no issue with, I just don’t play them. Games changed around forcing themselves into being Esports does annoy me.

Best guess is this is because Wrath was when this all started, but my memory is hazy on that, adding in the Esport touch to arena and eventually dungeon runs. Not my cup of tea. WoW should not be an Esport game.


I could be wrong but if memory serves, WoW was removed from Esports during Cata. Then they made their own to do at blizzcon

I think the heroic strike buff had a big part in it


You’re more than likely correct in that.
I recall a big push in Wrath then a lul in the branding effort.

If only it was possible to harness the endless seething of (Trans-)Blizzard over Defense of the Ancients and the hundreds of millions of dollars that went to Valve/Riot Games.

Perpetual motion machines, flying cars, life on Mars!

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W3 players basically creating the MOBA genre
no blizzard support
League comes out
“no wait that’s our idea!”

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blizzard, claims all maps you create in wc3 refunded.
wc3 players: byeeeeeeeeeeee

“how did they see through our clever trap!?”
Did they do the same with the other RTS games like SC2? I do miss fast as possible maps from brood war

The biggest issue here is that blizzard does not understand you cant force people to like an ESPORT.

ESPORTS are like a fart, if you force it, its gonna probably be poop. The only sucessful esports are the ones that grew naturally, but blizzard does not understand that and is upset they missed out on DOTA.


So do people on the esports teams bypass the 10h queues?


Nail on the head tbh, you got it



I read the bit this going to be normal gear runs.

That I found interesting actually. It won’t be like MDI where its the same comps in the same BIS perfect gear. maybe lacking BIS…this will see different comps. time will tell.

I mean this stuff is stil boring as hell to watch, for me, but this change up is stll a bit cool all the same. its outside the box thinking anyway. I can give blizzard that one.

I liked watching Arena esports back in the day. I am certain some people will be interested in watching this. This could actually be pretty neat.

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Please do not call this Wrath of the Lich King Classic, way to many changes for that.

Call it something else like:

Wrath Reforged !

Vanilla Ice !

Devs Gone Wild - Wrath Edition !

Honey, I shrunk the expansion !

Game of the Frozen Throne !

Kinda hate to be to harsh on you all, but you are messing up my favorite expansion.



Esports, boo… We don’t care about Esports…


Watch them ditch this like they did HoTS and every other eSport.

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Esports, the worst thing for a game.