Error when trying to restore my deleted Paladin

Realm: Kargath
Character: Opheliapane
Level 51 Hunter
Attempted to restore 9/22/24 11:30PM PST

Realm: Kargath

Character: Kerriyoki
Level 50 Warlock
Attempted to restore 9/22/24 11:31PM PST

Realm: Kargath
Character: Cylance
Level 50 Death Knight
Attempted to restore 9/22/24 11:32PM PST

lv 70 warlock
realm moon guard
attempt at 9/22/24 1:24 pm pst

Realm: Lightbringer
Character: Opalarion
Level 70 Hunter
Attempted to restore 9/21/24 7:45PM PST

Multiple attempts made every day for a week or so:


None of my deleted lvl 70 alts will restore, everything else will.

hope it gets squared today during reset.

did anyone get help or fix yet?

Character: Xsite
Level: 70
Realm: Stormrage
Last attempt to restore today 24 Sept 2024
Around 6:40 am MT

I can delete and restore other characters except for her -I have checked to make sure that there is no other criteria preventing her restoration

Our developers are working on a fix, hopefully we’ll have more information to share soon. :slight_smile:


thanks. love the expansion. its my main.

1 Like

Servers are just up from september 24 maintenance. Tried to restore Moonär/Sargeras again… still not able to. Same error msg. Tried again with other deleted characters… Moonär is the only one having trouble so far…

Char: Moonär - Sargeras
Date: september 24 - 03:50 PM (São Paulo time)

Realm: Cenarion Circle.
Character: Ledo (Alliance)
Level 70 Warrior.
Attempted to restore 9/24/24 4:00 EDT

Sept 24 around 1:07pm PST
Sept 26 2:13am PST
Sept 26 12:55pm PST

Name: Dalaak
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
Date 9/24/24 8:23pm

Merçury- Turalyon
5:25PM Eastern September 25, 2024

Sheesh - Emerald Dream

Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Character: Athaer
Attempted to restore: 4:56AM 9/26/24

Stepbump, Area 52
Thursday, Sept 26 1:20pm PDT

Been redirected here but I click on the character restore button and it loads for a second freezes and crashes the game I don’t get to see my deleted characters at all
Realm Sisters of Elune

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Realm: Tichondrius
Character: Achlyx (Horde)
Level 60 Rogue
Attempted to restore 9/28/24 11:30 PST

Realm: Azgalor
Character: Taniaz (Alliance)
Level 60 Priest
Attempted to restore 9/28/24 11:47 PST

Realm: Azgalor
Character: Maximumtune (Alliance)
Level 60 Death Knight
Attempted to restore 9/28/24 11:48 PST

Realm: Azgalor
Character: Sönic (Alliance)
Level 60 Warrior
Attempted to restore 9/28/24 11:50 PST

Realm Runetotem
Characters Haymesh level 70 Warrior
and Calinei level 70 Priest