Eredar should have been an Allied Race

Or at the very least they should have a different racial than Gift of the Naaru. Very weird to see this on my new Eredar warlock’s button bar, because I really don’t feel like they’d still be getting gifts from light elementals given how tainted by the fel they are.


The visual of the spell changes to a fel corrupted version when using the Man’ari skin tones.


Oh, well that is wonderful! They should probably change the name and icon too. But at least they did put a little bit of effort in.


Allied races should not exist. They are all off shoots of other races and should just be cosmetic options. Its not like any of them have their own starting zones. They all just jump to Org/SW and level from there after a pep talk from a someone at a starting point.


On the contrary, pretty much all allied races should just be rolled into the main race at this point


Eh, I would agree, especially since they’ve made them so easy to unlock at this point, but as long as they have unique racials, I’d prefer to keep them separate, even if it’s just a toggle in the main race.

But I understand them keeping them separate for clarity and lore.


I think Draenei should get the option to have the demon voice echo when they unlock the Manari appearances.


Honestly, it’s far more effort then what I usually expect of them so that’s something.


And they let you do it on a Horde toon, which is a bit of a surprise.

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To be fair, it has a fel green effect. But I do agree it would have been nice if they had more customization and new voices, and were Horde.

Maybe call it the Taint of the Naaru.

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Customisation doesn’t do it for me. Without appropriate racials, faction, and starting area, it just feels like cosplaying.

Darkfallen and M’anari especially as they are both races I’ve wanted to properly play.


Is it bad when I read that, my first though was: but Naaru don’t have crotches…?


Man’ari paladin & priests just feels super weird …

However… If Elune can forgive & purify a Satyr, I’m sure there’s some forgiving open-minded or curious Naaru that can penetrate some fel-hearts and give some light to those who are dedicated (There’s also the matter of the demon Lothraxion, who was a Dreadlord who became entirely holy).

So in the grand scheme of things, with the right lore – It’s not tooooo far fetched, so long as it’s written interestingly & you apply it correctly. :blush:

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Can warlocks still get green fire from MoP? That’d work well with those guys/gals.


draenei now have their corrupted forms and elves now can be undead. id love to have the felblood elves as well for unlock make it for all elves from the legion time period.


Yep. I happen to have it.

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Seriously. Full-fledged races wouldve been much better than allied races in every way. Better customizations, better implementation, and also ACTUAL starting zones…

But no, they just had to give us rushed out races, and some shouldnt have even been anything more than customizations for their original race.
Forever salty about it tbh.


Doubt that would happen, making a macro that just casts that ability and changing the icon is your best bet

Nonoa, can you perhaps add this as a request for the High Elf customizations regarding the Void Elves? Changed colored Void Elf racials? If the Draenei can get something like this, then the vocal majority should also have access to their correct racial colorizations.