Eredar should have been an Allied Race

I don’t think the Eredar should of joined the alliance it was pretty dumb if you ask me. But Velen doesn’t seem to care at this point.

The reason behind this is likely linked to his son and Illidan’s speech in the cinematic back then. He has changed since then.


If Man’ari Eredar had to be playable, this is probably the best way to go about it. Pretty much the only thing neat about the Lightforged as its own “race” is I’m pretty sure that draenei to LFDraenei is the only “race change” that can canonically occur.

Like a normal draenei steps into a magic light-machine, passes the trials and steps out as a Lightforged. That’s kind of neat, I guess.

Still should have been barber shop options like the Man’ari


I remember when people thought they would be able to get a free lightforging for their draenei, but no that didn’t happen.

Allied races have had so many specific quests and concepts that it would probably break things to roll them back into their main race.

Also you would probably still need to have void elf, nightborne, and vulpera (and maybe Kul tiran with their unique skeletons) as stand-alone main races.


There are enough allied races. Damn things have turned into a “flavor of the month” gag.

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Still a waste of a slot for the Alliance. Should have been something better, like Sethraks, as an example.


No more low-effort allied races. Five of the ones we got in Legion and BfA are flat-out recolors, two are model hacks with different animations, and people still insist on whining about them taking up spots on the character creation menu and saying that Blizzard should undertake the mechanically improbable task of deleting them from the game and giving their parts to their parent races.

Having eredar as simply barber options for draenei spares me from having to make a new character or pay $25 to race change my existing draenei, and from having to listen to the cries of how eredar paladins don’t make sense, how they should have paladins anyway because it doesn’t matter, their racials being broken or underwhelming, how they should’ve gone to the Horde for arbitrary reasons, etc. It also spares the devs from having to make a whole third draenei variant due to the community’s misguided belief that older races have priority.


TBH this is how most of the allied races should had been

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A thousand percent. And take the opportunity to redo the racials.

I always pushed for Eredar or possibly Man’ari for Horde to give them an excuse to have Draenei Warlocks. Then you make all their racials based more accordingly to their previously associated Legion powers. Always made sense to me. Would’ve much preferred that over Lightforge Draenei.

Blizzard should just let people pick their faction at character creation at this point.


You know, at this point they might as well. Canonically, the entire faction war is essentially over…


No they shouldn’t. They should have stayed as enemies.

And yes this includes dark iron dwarves.

For what reason? So that the game further collapses on its premise, because one mere Night Elf Druid wishes to go back to the glory days? The faction war has been over since Legion. It was a mistake to do BfA.

I agree with you on Nightborne, Vulpera and Kul Tiran but I would be very supportive of us taking back Void Elves into Blood Elves because we’d also get to keep Nightborne due to the skeleton being different so it would be a double win for Horde and we could actually get Void Elves the void based customizations they should of had to begin with instead of the bargain bin Blood Elf ones they’ve been shafted into.


No, they should have been cleansed of the Fel so thst they just kept their red skin but we’re no longer demons.

The fact they’re still demons is what’s dumb.

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What are you even on about? The legion were never part of the faction war. They are a cult hell bent on ending all life in the universe.

Imagine being an rp player and knowing less than others about the lore.

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This pic goes so hard

They should exist. It’s just they were executed poorly and inconsitently.

KT and zandalari were good examples of allied rades.

Vulpera and Maghar weren’t good examples of allied rades.

An addition of an allied race should include game depth and more ways to interact with the lore. They should have unique spell flavor where appropriate too (Zandalari did a great job with this with Paladin and Druids. The emphasis on the loa is important).

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