Eredar and Ogres

The one I really want to say is the feltotem as they were with the legion like the eredar were.
But I just can’t see the alliance taking them :stuck_out_tongue:

Arakkoa for the alliance
Saberon for the horde

yeah but neither one of them resemble the races they are built off.
At least i cant see it

Saberon would balance out the worgen.

wait… wait… maybe stupid idea maybe genius i dunno yet… lightforged tauren, take the feltotem and have them do a full 180 and go lightforged, silver and golden fur, glowing horns, ooooh… leaving glowing hoofmarks behind them as they walk.
I could be into it.

They would be too awesome for the alliance though. Blizz would likely give them to the horde and throw us a bone and given us Wretched or some such.

so long as they can’t be rogues
“Hey where did he go?”
“Just follow the golden trail he left behind” :stuck_out_tongue:


nope, let them be the only tauren race that CAN be rogues. because it would be hillariously memey

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its not rogue related but I just thought of a cool racial for them because of it.

What if as a racial they could turn invisible and have a trail of prints go off in a random direction while leaving prints behind in the direction they are actually going. Would confuse the hell out of people in pvp XD

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Actually, you are onto something. Let them be rogues and warlocks, but not paladins.

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The Eredar are already playable on the Alliance.

Ogre rogue would be so cool

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It’s easier to sell Man’ari eredar as a Horde race. Would’ve been easier still if they were included in BFA, what with Sylvie looking for anything to bolster the Horde with.

Alliance counterpart could be Broken, upright or otherwise. I’m pretty sure they share a skeleton with the tauren model.

Still want ogres in the Horde someday, though.


I’ve always thought Alliance should get the Taunka or perhaps Taurens in the form of the Grimtotem tribe. The Grimtotems and Tauren of the Horde clearly don’t like each other. Maybe for some reason the Grimtotems look for allies to fight against the Taurens in the Horde by turning to the Alliance for aid.

Strong disagree!

strong disagree to your disagree


Yaungol, perhaps. Given everything the Faction of Peace did in Pandaria, I can see a tribe or two joining the Alliance.

Of course alliance gets the cool race while the horde gets trash. Ogres are garbage

Ogres are pretty much the most asked for race by horde players my man.

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Eredar should be Horde. Alliance can get High Elves.

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