Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

11/05/2018 06:31 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Sorry that it took so long to get a post up. I’m up in Maine for the week packing up my grandmothers Trailer. There’s no internet, so I’m stuck depending on my phones cellular connection. Which is rather dreadful were I am.

I’m not sure what Izzabelle’s going to do. Vanishing when this is over, still seems like a good idea to her. She’s going to try and recruit Smuggs’s aid in helping her to get away if she goes with that option

It’s alright, I was not so fast myself. I will get a post up for Sericon and Reavrix a bit later. Perhaps after Jericha.

As for Smuggs being recruited you may have to break his mental domination. Smuggs is a split mind, he would not be loyal to Isaik if he had his original mind intact. Once free he would easily be ready to help you escape with all his knowledge. Just because Smuggs helps doesn’t mean Sericon will, he has his own reasons for being in the legion. As for breaking Smuggs free? A good fight with a gnarly blow to his head should do the trick, or you might wanna try to force it out magically but that might be much harder. If Isaik feels he’s losing Smuggs he might try to intervene but if it happens during a fight it might go unnoticed!
Sorry I don’t trust him.

As for Izzabelle she is first going to try and talk him into helping her. Remember Izzabelle was raised by a Gnome and the Wildhammer Dwarves. She isn’t going to outright attack Smuggs because the idea of attacking him goes against how she was raised. She is going to first try and get his aid through other means. If that doesn’t work she will use her rogue skills to try and escape. She needs his help in disabling Orion for a few seconds, so she can flee. Izzabelle knows Orion is there and also knows why he’s there.

Although the ability to run might be taken off the table, if things play out right. After all Fel and void don’t mesh well together.
After reading it again part of Master Isaik’s post really confuses me.

He says that Izzabelle was irrational and paranoid when he dealt with the Soul Thief’s infestation the first time. I don’t recall her being either of those. I will have to go back and read it again. She didn’t become paranoid and irrational until this time, but I might be wrong.
11/06/2018 02:56 PMPosted by Yuiko
After reading it again part of Master Isaik’s post really confuses me.

He says that Izzabelle was irrational and paranoid when he dealt with the Soul Thief’s infestation the first time. I don’t recall her being either of those. I will have to go back and read it again. She didn’t become paranoid and irrational until this time, but I might be wrong.

So sorry my dear I might have accidentally misposted that. I have edited it to make more sense and be more including of the other forces influencing Izzabelle’s mind.

11/06/2018 08:06 AMPosted by Jericha
Sorry I don’t trust him.

As for Izzabelle she is first going to try and talk him into helping her. Remember Izzabelle was raised by a Gnome and the Wildhammer Dwarves. She isn’t going to outright attack Smuggs because the idea of attacking him goes against how she was raised. She is going to first try and get his aid through other means. If that doesn’t work she will use her rogue skills to try and escape. She needs his help in disabling Orion for a few seconds, so she can flee. Izzabelle knows Orion is there and also knows why he’s there.

Although the ability to run might be taken off the table, if things play out right. After all Fel and void don’t mesh well together.

First I must say Varicar is going to be frustrated, there seems to be nothing he can do in terms of Jericha. When writing you sometimes put yourself in their shoes, I feel his stress level and it is high! Forcing that poor robotic minded homunculus to choose between ensuring the survival of the group or breaking the terms set in place by lord Salkeen. I truly wonder how this will play out!

As for Izzabelle, you don’t have to actively fight the gnome, we will be fighting plenty things already. When the time comes to free the true mind of the real Smuggs, we will see your choice. Once he is of his own mind, I’m sure he can make something to temporarily disable Orion to facilitate their escape.

I ensure you I have prepared for many paths, you can make any choice!
11/06/2018 04:50 PMPosted by Isaik
First I must say Varicar is going to be frustrated, there seems to be nothing he can do in terms of Jericha. When writing you sometimes put yourself in their shoes, I feel his stress level and it is high! Forcing that poor robotic minded homunculus to choose between ensuring the survival of the group or breaking the terms set in place by lord Salkeen. I truly wonder how this will play out!

Jericha lets out a derisive snort... “yeah, yeah poor Varicar, not sure if he saw this coming, when he went to Isaik about my void becoming unstable. If he does try healing me it wouldn’t be a surprise. Just as my attacking him for doing so probably wouldn’t surprise you.”

You wrote that Isaik was thinking about telling Yumara more about the tome that he carries, the one Jericha fears. As long as Isaik has the tome on him and Jericha views it as a threat, she will not allow Isaik near her. She will always flee whenever he is close. Although I will say I’m a bit curious as to what the tome is and what it does. Part of me thinks it has something to do with his betraying his old Master and killing all the other students. but I could be wrong.
Part of me thinks it has something to do with his betraying his old Master and killing all the other students. but I could be wrong.

Isaik gives a wicked grin... “Clever girl...”

It might be to something of that effect but as usual with my characters it is also something more...
11/06/2018 11:07 PMPosted by Isaik
Isaik gives a wicked grin... “Clever girl...”

“Yay! Now I want a cookie, but not from you, from Salkeen.”

On another note I really really really don’t want this RP to end :.(
Well this could be interesting, Izzabelle has zero experience in engineering. I’m not sure if her knowledge in jewel crafting is going to help here. Izzabelle might need to leave the ship, and fight outside and hope that Smuggs can get the weapons on both sides up and running. I’ll get Izzabelle’s post up later today.
11/08/2018 05:23 AMPosted by Izzabelle
Well this could be interesting, Izzabelle has zero experience in engineering. I’m not sure if her knowledge in jewel crafting is going to help here. Izzabelle might need to leave the ship, and fight outside and hope that Smuggs can get the weapons on both sides up and running. I’ll get Izzabelle’s post up later today.

Remember Izzabelle was raised by a Gnome and the Wildhammer Dwarves.

What?!? How can this be? Raised by gnomes? And you don’t know how to require some random machine you find based on parental knowledge of your gnomish upbringing?!? What did he teach you knitting?? This just won’t do!
11/08/2018 01:14 PMPosted by Smuggs
What?!? How can this be? Raised by gnomes? And you don’t know how to require some random machine you find based on parental knowledge of your gnomish upbringing?!? What did he teach you knitting?? This just won’t do!

What can I say he was a rogue not a tinkerer. He also said many times that my elf showed through whenever anyone tried to teach me engineering. However I’m an exceptional jewel crafter, and I can drink with the best of the Wild Hammers. Now get those weapons up and running, while I try not to get myself perished. Although he did once mention that it would be easier to teach an armless ogre how to knit than it would to teach me engineering.

((If you need me to change my post I will.))
Only a minor change I might suggest. The massive flesh sac is a bit far from us at the moment. We are at the moment near the center of the stomach being surrounded by bile fleshy and mucus like acid webbing. The flesh sac is incredibly large, and just above the ribs! Other than distance on the inside of our undead flesh friend your post is superb!
I changed my post to put some distance between myself and the huge fleshy sac. I didn’t mean to make it sound like Izzabelle was really close to it. I was just saying that it is something that has grabbed Izzabelle’s attention. I don’t want this RP ending so I see myself fighting to get closer which will probably last a few posts. However Orion has every intention of teleporting Izzabelle back into the vessel once the guns are back online.
I have created the first clone of Ahcirej, hopefully she breaks no rules... As I have so many characters to control do you want to control the homunculi Ahcirej when it’s made? I felt making Ahcirej’s clone different even in class might make it easier, she is a hunter who shoots arrows of light.

Her memories are not for copying but coping. It might be hard for anyone to join a full demon war unless they get some idea of what’s going on. So I gave her memories of everyone and what they are supposed to mean to her. Memories of as much as I could do she know what is happening!
Yes I would like control of Homunculi Ahcirej once she is made. As for Ahcire She breaks no rules, and I like the fact that she’s a hunter like myself.

Jericha will be in a rage when she sees her at first but won’t attack her. She is wary of anything that Isaik controls and creates other than Salkeen. In her mind anything he creates or controls can attack or betray her. So she is extremely cautious about letting them use magic on her. So she will still block Ahcire’s healing unless commanded by Salkeen to let it happen. She trusts Salkeen and it will take a lot to break that trust. The only thing Salkeen would have trouble with would be stopping her from fleeing in Master’s presence. Back to Ahcire I cannot see her being able to heal Jericha as light based magic actually damages her.

Ahcirej is going to be fully excepting of her, to Ahcirej she is another sister. Even if she is unable to create physical, mental or magical bonds with her.

Izzabelle won’t really care either way. Also if you want to send Varicar somewhere send him to Izzabelle, I was actually going to have Orion go and retrieve him. Both Sericon and Varicar’s presence will make it harder for Izzabelle to want to flee.
Jericha will be in a rage when she sees her at first but won’t attack her. She is wary of anything that Isaik controls and creates other than Salkeen. In her mind anything he creates or controls can attack or betray her. So she is extremely cautious about letting them use magic on her. So she will still block Ahcire’s healing unless commanded by Salkeen to let it happen. She trusts Salkeen and it will take a lot to break that trust. The only thing Salkeen would have trouble with would be stopping her from fleeing in Master’s presence. Back to Ahcire I cannot see her being able to heal Jericha a

Ahcire is the cloned individual by Smuggs’s hand, you don’t think she might now have a slightly altered knowledge? A knowledge perhaps of medical equipment that might help preserve Jericha? There’s a reason I chose Ahcire to meet Yumara before she goes to war.

Ahcirej is going to be fully excepting of her, to Ahcirej she is another sister. Even if she is unable to create physical, mental or magical bonds with her.

I wonder how this will will look in the end, a army of Ahcirej clones all following the path of evil!

Izzabelle won’t really care either way. Also if you want to send Varicar somewhere send him to Izzabelle, I was actually going to have Orion go and retrieve him. Both Sericon and Varicar’s presence will make it harder for Izzabelle to want to flee.

I planned as much, but as always I try to give you a choice! Where did you think Smuggs would have taken Izzabelle once she was free eh? There’s only one guy he knows that can protect her from Isaik, Salkeen and the entire group of villains.
11/09/2018 03:45 AMPosted by Raveintis
I planned as much, but as always I try to give you a choice! Where did you think Smuggs would have taken Izzabelle once she was free eh? There’s only one guy he knows that can protect her from Isaik, Salkeen and the entire group of villains.

Izzabelle doesn’t want to bring Smuggs with her. She wants him to disable Orion long enough for her to get away. Bringing someone along that Isaik has some control over, seems counterproductive to her.
11/09/2018 03:45 AMPosted by Raveintis
I wonder how this will will look in the end, a army of Ahcirej clones all following the path of evil!

An Army of Ahcirej clones following the path of evil. While the original still has a chance of reverting back to the lights side.

As for Jericha as long as Ahcire doesn’t try doing anything to her, she won’t attack she will just be weary of her presence. Yumara is giving Nakano to Ahcire, within hopes that Jericha without Salkeen’s interference will except the healing of something that does not belong to Master.
Izzabelle doesn’t want to bring Smuggs with her. She wants him to disable Orion long enough for her to get away. Bringing someone along that Isaik has some control over, seems counterproductive to her.

Isaik have control over Smuggs when he breaks free? Hah! If Smuggs gets free and runs to his guy I can guarantee Isaik won’t have much if any power to do anything including influence Smuggs.

An Army of Ahcirej clones following the path of evil. While the original still has a chance of reverting back to the lights side.

As for Jericha as long as Ahcire doesn’t try doing anything to her, she won’t attack she will just be weary of her presence. Yumara is giving Nakano to Ahcire, within hopes that Jericha without Salkeen’s interference will except the healing of something that does not belong to Master.

The path of good welcomes all, I am sure I know a guy that might want to meet Ahcirej of light.

Ahcire is new, she was literally just born. How bad would it be if she tried to hug her sister? From Ahcire’s point of view this would be a big deal!
11/09/2018 11:50 PMPosted by Raveintis
Ahcire is new, she was literally just born. How bad would it be if she tried to hug her sister? From Ahcire’s point of view this would be a big deal!

I would probably knock her across the room if she tried it. I’m not going to see her as my sister and I’m not the hugging sort. Also I know my other half is in the gem between Salkeen’s horns. If she wants to climb into the gem and hug Ahcirej, I’m all for that. I don’t even like letting the real Ahcirej hug me.
Bzzzzzzttttt!!! I can think normally now, but I gotta play the con! I gotta pretend to still be loyal, but if you want to escape somehow letting Smuggs know would be the way. If not I’ll either try to escape myself or be recaptured...
Once this Titan monstrosity is destroyed my decision will be made.