Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

A decision will need to be made... As The Sentinel, I see things that others do not. When the fog of battle clears you must make a choice, the losers will be left with nothing! You have yet to see this side of Varicar...

Just had to post that for now, it’s 5am here and I have yet to sleep, I’m like a plane going down and won’t last long. I’ll try to get a response up later when I awaken. Don’t be afraid to choose the heroes path, the story can go any sort of direction.
11/11/2018 04:32 AMPosted by Varicar
A decision will need to be made... As The Sentinel, I see things that others do not.

Decisions, decisions what will it be, this choice I make could kill us all. We are all tied to Jericha in a way that has yet to be discovered.
11/11/2018 04:32 AMPosted by Varicar
Don’t be afraid to choose the heroes path, the story can go any sort of direction

Would they accept the monster I’ve become, the creature they have made me? But still this decision cannot be made lightly. The lives of Jericha, Ahcirej, Yumara, Orion, and Izzabelle are hanging on it.
((I wanted to ask if you are going to be holding off posting any replies in the IC thread until after the forum mitigation tomorrow?”))
11/12/2018 08:55 AMPosted by Izzabelle
((I wanted to ask if you are going to be holding off posting any replies in the IC thread until after the forum mitigation tomorrow?”))

Probably should but I probably will post some anyway. I’ll have to save the posts just Incase. I’m hoping things don’t get too wrecked, losing any bit of this thread would be hard to salvage.

Basically Sunday’s are lull days for me, I just don’t got energy for anything! It is the day right after work to so it’s recovery, I post most on mondays!
11/12/2018 03:06 PMPosted by Isaik
11/12/2018 08:55 AMPosted by Izzabelle
((I wanted to ask if you are going to be holding off posting any replies in the IC thread until after the forum mitigation tomorrow?”))

Probably should but I probably will post some anyway. I’ll have to save the posts just Incase. I’m hoping things don’t get too wrecked, losing any bit of this thread would be hard to salvage.

Basically Sunday’s are lull days for me, I just don’t got energy for anything! It is the day right after work to so it’s recovery, I post most on mondays!

If you do post, post before the forums go down, so that I can read them... I saved the IC thread to my computer. I also went through the lounge and saved the posts that transitioned Jericha from the lounge to the Ered'Kiel, And I saved the Infernal testing starting from when I joined it.

I'm hoping that they realize that most RP threads last for months some ev en years. Only transferring threads started within the last two weeks might be okay for GD. But here at World End it's a different story.
“I should have guessed he would desire you, it is no doubt he was behind our first contract...” Salkeen hissed as he made his way into Jericha’s room.

((That was the thing that angered Jericha, for a brief moment to Jericha everything was a lie. To Jericha Salkeen’s contracting her meant everything. It nearly destroyed her when she was told Isaik was the one behind it. If it was Isaik behind it, she believed it would make the whole thing between Salkeen and her a lie. If you remember Yumara had asked Master before she met Salkeen if he had anything to do with Salkeen’s and Jericha’s contract. Isaik said that he basically didn’t, while Salkeen’s words make it sound like Master was the reason the contract existed. If Master was behind it I wouldn’t let Jericha know, because the whole thing would tumble into dust.))
Oh yes I forgot to add something to Salkeen’s post! Damn I’ll edit!
11/13/2018 04:55 PMPosted by Salkeen
Oh yes I forgot to add something to Salkeen’s post! Damn I’ll edit!

Or maybe not, I thought Orion had directly mentally berated Salkeen for Izzabelle’s condition but I can’t seem to find it. Either way besides that if it there and I find it Salkeen’s post would stay mostly the same. ((Because he only need respond telepathically!))
11/13/2018 04:36 PMPosted by Yuiko
“I should have guessed he would desire you, it is no doubt he was behind our first contract...” Salkeen hissed as he made his way into Jericha’s room.

((That was the thing that angered Jericha, for a brief moment to Jericha everything was a lie. To Jericha Salkeen’s contracting her meant everything. It nearly destroyed her when she was told Isaik was the one behind it. If it was Isaik behind it, she believed it would make the whole thing between Salkeen and her a lie. If you remember Yumara had asked Master before she met Salkeen if he had anything to do with Salkeen’s and Jericha’s contract. Isaik said that he basically didn’t, while Salkeen’s words make it sound like Master was the reason the contract existed. If Master was behind it I wouldn’t let Jericha know, because the whole thing would tumble into dust.))

Salkeen’s assumption but I was no more behind that than I am when I mentally suggest my minions to go someplace they are needed. He found her it was his idea for the contract and ultimately his decision, but like all the other minions I did put my mental suggestion that he should contract her.

In that moment of whether he should or should not! Weighing the options I merely put more weight into contracting her. He was already about to choose her himself I just made the choice easier. In the end it was still his choice, I was just another voice in his own head saying do it.
11/13/2018 06:13 PMPosted by Salkeen
11/13/2018 04:55 PMPosted by Salkeen
Oh yes I forgot to add something to Salkeen’s post! Damn I’ll edit!

Or maybe not, I thought Orion had directly mentally berated Salkeen for Izzabelle’s condition but I can’t seem to find it. Either way besides that if it there and I find it Salkeen’s post would stay mostly the same. ((Because he only need respond telepathically!))

You don’t need to look for it, Orion never berated Salkeen, he was mentally communicating his displeasure at how Izzabelle was left broken with Yumara, who was communicating it to Master.
11/13/2018 06:18 PMPosted by Isaik
Salkeen’s assumption but I was no more behind that than I am when I mentally suggest my minions to go someplace they are needed. He found her it was his idea for the contract and ultimately his decision, but like all the other minions I did put my mental suggestion that he should contract her.

In that moment of whether he should or should not! Weighing the options I merely put more weight into contracting her. He was already about to choose her himself I just made the choice easier. In the end it was still his choice, I was just another voice in his own head saying do it.

“So, Master is saying yes he was behind the contract between Salkeen and Jericha.” Yumara cannot help but grin darkly “you’re minions would have a better chance beating that Titan monstrosity in an arm wrestling match. Then they would have trying to ignore a mental suggestion from you Master.” :)
“So, Master is saying yes he was behind the contract between Salkeen and Jericha.” Yumara cannot help but grin darkly “you’re minions would have a better chance beating that Titan monstrosity in an arm wrestling match. Then they would have trying to ignore a mental suggestion from you Master.” :)

It’s hard to quantify. Salkeen had already made up his mind to contract Jericha I just added more weight to the decision.

If 4 people vote to go to Taco Bell for dinner, and 2 say they want McDonald’s. Isaik just added another vote or two to Taco Bell. It was already gonna win but now it’s a landslide.

So in a way. Technically Salkeen’s decision to contract Jericha was his own. I just made it easier. I like shades of grey rather than direct admittance.
11/13/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Isaik
“So, Master is saying yes he was behind the contract between Salkeen and Jericha.” Yumara cannot help but grin darkly “you’re minions would have a better chance beating that Titan monstrosity in an arm wrestling match. Then they would have trying to ignore a mental suggestion from you Master.” :)

It’s hard to quantify. Salkeen had already made up his mind to contract Jericha I just added more weight to the decision.

If 4 people vote to go to Taco Bell for dinner, and 2 say they want McDonald’s. Isaik just added another vote or two to Taco Bell. It was already gonna win but now it’s a landslide.

So in a way. Technically Salkeen’s decision to contract Jericha was his own. I just made it easier. I like shades of grey rather than direct admittance.

But Master Isaik If Lord Salkeen had already made up his mind to contract her, there would have been no need for your added weight. If you’re added weight was needed it meant he wasn’t actually sure about contracting her and needed a bit of swaying. While this would greatly anger and upset Jericha, because her whole reason for agreeing to the contract, was because it was Lord Salkeen that wanted her. I myself really don’t care how the Contract came about, it no longer exists and she is with him now. Take for example, I’m a rogue, I don’t care how the gold got into my pocket, it’s there now it’s all that matters. Jericha’s life would be much simpler if she thought the same way

Also Yumara when she made the comment about you being behind Salkeen’s and Jericha’s original contract. She made it jokingly, because so far none of your minions have stood a chance of fighting off any of Masters mental suggestions.
Sorry I’ll get my posts up for Jericha and Yumara tomorrow. Between the cough I have and the insomnia acting up, I’ve not been able to sleep since Sunday morning. I feel like my brain is fried, and my body is numb. Plus it seems to take me forever to write things. Although I probably shouldn’t be writing when I’m this tired.
11/13/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Isaik

It’s hard to quantify. Salkeen had already made up his mind to contract Jericha I just added more weight to the decision.

If 4 people vote to go to Taco Bell for dinner, and 2 say they want McDonald’s. Isaik just added another vote or two to Taco Bell. It was already gonna win but now it’s a landslide.

So in a way. Technically Salkeen’s decision to contract Jericha was his own. I just made it easier. I like shades of grey rather than direct admittance.

But Master Isaik If Lord Salkeen had already made up his mind to contract her, there would have been no need for your added weight. If you’re added weight was needed it meant he wasn’t actually sure about contracting her and needed a bit of swaying. While this would greatly anger and upset Jericha, because her whole reason for agreeing to the contract, was because it was Lord Salkeen that wanted her. I myself really don’t care how the Contract came about, it no longer exists and she is with him now. Take for example, I’m a rogue, I don’t care how the gold got into my pocket, it’s there now it’s all that matters. Jericha’s life would be much simpler if she thought the same way

Also Yumara when she made the comment about you being behind Salkeen’s and Jericha’s original contract. She made it jokingly, because so far none of your minions have stood a chance of fighting off any of Masters mental suggestions.

I weighted the decision so it might cause more between them... He wanted her, I made him lust her... He wanted a minion, I made him NEED her.

At the moment Smuggs could try to fight off the mental suggestions... It would be a rather pathetic attempt however as I am unoccupied by anything and could focus on him...

11/13/2018 09:50 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Sorry I’ll get my posts up for Jericha and Yumara tomorrow. Between the cough I have and the insomnia acting up, I’ve not been able to sleep since Sunday morning. I feel like my brain is fried, and my body is numb. Plus it seems to take me forever to write things. Although I probably shouldn’t be writing when I’m this tired.

Sleep for now, that’s a order... You may post when you awaken.
I know I should be sleeping but I’m sorta compulsive, when something gets stuck in my head it stays there. Are you saying that Lord Salkeens feeling for me only exist because Isaik made him feel that way? If so that changes everything... well not really because it’s not like I would know Lord Salkeen’s feeling for me are a lie. Then again my fried brain could just be reading this all wrong.

((For you Isaik having his strings in everything is important I believe. For me having the contract between Salkeen and Jericha just be between those two was important. I cannot explain why it was just important to me, without Salkeen Jericha would have died a few posts into the infernal testing RP.))
11/14/2018 01:57 AMPosted by Jericha
I know I should be sleeping but I’m sorta compulsive, when something gets stuck in my head it stays there. Are you saying that Lord Salkeens feeling for me only exist because Isaik made him feel that way? If so that changes everything... well not really because it’s not like I would know Lord Salkeen’s feeling for me are a lie. Then again my fried brain could just be reading this all wrong.

((For you Isaik having his strings in everything is important I believe. For me having the contract between Salkeen and Jericha just be between those two was important. I cannot explain why it was just important to me, without Salkeen Jericha would have died a few posts into the infernal testing RP.))

Oh I know how you feel my dear, Salkeen’s love for Jericha is his own. My extra weights didn’t affect those emotions, Salkeen has his feelings for Jericha by his own and her own actions. I merely added weight to the decision so as to allow her to climb the ranks quicker.

Isaik taps his chin in thought of how to describe what he did. Salkeen joined the legion, when he did so I may have altered some perceptions of the demonlords above him about him. It means I made sure he started out at a much higher ranking and when the moments were made that demons got to be promoted I made Salkeen the favorable thought.

Jericha was chosen by Salkeen on his own, his feelings for her are his own. Her starting position as his right hand women however... She may have had her pros and cons altered... She may have started out as a sergeant, but I ensured she was placed a bit higher, within range for them to be closer...

If you ever saw suicide squad(dc movie)? Amanda Waller put Rick Flag and Dr. Moon near each other, in the hopes they might develop feelings and get personal.

Isaik made sure that Salkeen had Jericha closer to him within the working body of the legion. Their feelings are their own however. Isaik isn’t so good and fabricating love. ... Isaik has his limits. It’s hard for a psychopath to feel real emotion...

Is this acceptable? I made it so the contract would regardless of Isaik’s influences resorted in Jericha and Salkeen together but it might have taken them longer to say kiss before death in that end scene without his influence.

I think I see what you desire which is a true connection between the two without Isaik’s influences which I can assure you exists. Salkeen’s feelings for Jerichs are his own. His choosing to contract her his own. I just wanted Isaik to speed it up a tad? But he’s not altering anything that wasn’t already there.
11/14/2018 02:51 AMPosted by Isaik
Is this acceptable? I made it so the contract would regardless of Isaik’s influences resorted in Jericha and Salkeen together but it might have taken them longer to say kiss before death in that end scene without his influence.

I think I see what you desire which is a true connection between the two without Isaik’s influences which I can assure you exists. Salkeen’s feelings for Jerichs are his own. His choosing to contract her his own. I just wanted Isaik to speed it up a tad? But he’s not altering anything that wasn’t already there.

Yes it is very acceptable, thank you for clearing everything up.
It feels like my posts are lacking something...but it could be that I’m so use to writing long replies that when I write shorter ones they seem like they are missing something.

I’ll write Izzabelle’s post after Sericon and Smuggs.
Master, I need Salkeen to agree to a new contract between him and I that will replace the old one. Because right now way to many things break it, the creation of Ahcire and homunculi Ahcirej would break it. Nothing in the contract will change when it comes to Jericha herself, and Salkeen. Jericha would always have to belong to Salkeen and only Salkeen until either he permanently dies or her mind is destroyed. The new contract however wouldn’t tie the other aspects of her to the same fate.

Right now the contract states all aspects of Jericha must remain in Salkeens sole possession at all times. Ahcirej was never Jericha’s twin, Ahcirej is Jericha, just the light side of her. Ahcire is technically another aspect of Jericha, The homunculi even more so. After seeing what happened with Izzabelle I don’t think tying others to that fate is a great idea Master.
At the moment Ahcire would be bound to Salkeen, the second one, the homunculus isn’t old enough to be bound yet. So long as they are bound to him the contract would remain however, you wish to unbind these two new entities?

Who would you suggest Ahcire and the unborn be bound too?

I don’t disagree with your path, if you wish to adjust the contract you may try. Just keep in mind I must rp each character as their own, while Isaik is fine woth such actions, I’m not sure the demon lord wishes to lose more minions... His avarice is legendary...