Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

Had Isaik not sent Ahcirej to Lord Salkeen, Jericha would have remained In pure holy form. Jericha is most powerful when she becomes the true holy light. Which can only happen when she’s in protection mode. She barely even got the chance to act before Ahcirej appeared and reclaimed the light that Jericha was utilizing.

As you can see though using light magic is extremely dangerous for Jericha. I wonder if Isaik has seen way back at the beginning that the light could taint Jericha’s void. Now she is back to normal and I now have to decide what to write for Yumara, which luckily doesn’t have to be anything long. Izzabelle’s post will come after Sericon’s.
10/30/2018 04:09 AMPosted by Yuiko
10/30/2018 02:24 AMPosted by Isaik
Also when Salkeen dies would it kill Jericha on Centralis? Salkeen is a demon, if he dies he would just float to the nether to regenerate. I suspect you mean Ahcirej and Jericha would only truly die if Salkeen truly dies. Again that true death is only at the hands of four possible individuals...

Yes if Salkeen dies on Centralis Jericha dies as well. If Salkeen dies on Azeroth Jericha would die, anyplace Salkeen dies Jericha will die as well. The difference being she will always return to life once Salkeen returns to life. When Salkeen finally truly dies Jericha will truly die as well. The only thing other than Salkeen true death, that would bring about Jericha's true death, would be the complete obliteration of her mind. Both scenarios will lead to Yumara's death of sorts. One of these days she will explain to Master Isaik, why Jericha is so important to her. Also Jericha has been mentally communicating with Salkeen, othing she said to him was spoken out loud, I wasn’t sure if you knew that.

((I feel kinda like I’m lacking Character wise, you have to write for like a bazillion characters. With Ahcirej being trapped in the gem I only have to write for three.))

Interesting to know, it means that Salkeen should watch himself if he dies first he’s gotta leave revenging up to Izzabelle and Isaik’s minions. I know the talk of Salkeen’s death may worry you but rest assured it is unlikely to happen anytime soon... Half of them occur only when it’s time for Isaik to fail as well... You can see why he is so eager to change paths to the most likely to succeed. Isaik won’t admit it but Salkeen is pretty close on his high ranking minions list... If Salkeen dies it is a major loss for Isaik.

As for my foresight with Jericha? One could say my skills of deduction are quite high... I constantly scan WOW lore for areas of interest. Now to craft some posts for Sericon, Maleok and Smuggs again...
10/30/2018 05:53 PMPosted by Isaik
Interesting to know, it means that Salkeen should watch himself if he dies first he’s gotta leave revenging up to Izzabelle and Isaik’s minions. I know the talk of Salkeen’s death may worry you but rest assured it is unlikely to happen anytime soon... Half of them occur only when it’s time for Isaik to fail as well... You can see why he is so eager to change paths to the most likely to succeed. Isaik won’t admit it but Salkeen is pretty close on his high ranking minions list... If Salkeen dies it is a major loss for Isaik.

He probably doesn't want to be dying with the frame of mind I'm in now. I'm more apt to dance a jig than avenge either Him, or Jericha. Perhaps there's a chance that Salkeen doesn't know that Jericha dies whenever he dies. On the bright side that specific problem is no longer something Ahcirej needs to worry about. I can see why Isaik is eager to change paths, If Salkeen dies a permanent death, Isaik loses Salkeen, Jericha and Yumara.
10/30/2018 07:32 PMPosted by Izzabelle
10/30/2018 05:53 PMPosted by Isaik
Interesting to know, it means that Salkeen should watch himself if he dies first he’s gotta leave revenging up to Izzabelle and Isaik’s minions. I know the talk of Salkeen’s death may worry you but rest assured it is unlikely to happen anytime soon... Half of them occur only when it’s time for Isaik to fail as well... You can see why he is so eager to change paths to the most likely to succeed. Isaik won’t admit it but Salkeen is pretty close on his high ranking minions list... If Salkeen dies it is a major loss for Isaik.

He probably doesn't want to be dying with the frame of mind I'm in now. I'm more apt to dance a jig than avenge either Him, or Jericha. Perhaps there's a chance that Salkeen doesn't know that Jericha dies whenever he dies. On the bright side that specific problem is no longer something Ahcirej needs to worry about. I can see why Isaik is eager to change paths, If Salkeen dies a permanent death, Isaik loses Salkeen, Jericha and Yumara.

I wish to survive, I know these people are key to my survival, I do will do what I must to ensure their survival so they ensure mine.

Sericon’s post is up, he is airborne and ready. You may need to call him down on his own, I merely suggested he take to the skies.

As for my suggestions, if I ever tried to mentally manipulate Izzabelle, that’s how it would be. Mental suggestions, she can refuse them if she desires, she could eventually learn as Salkeen has that those suggestions come from Isaik. They are just suggestions to do one thing or the other, it makes things much easier than wantonly commanding minions around. If I was connected to Izzabelle now I might mentally suggest you take the gnome along for your ride... I might also mentally suggest that you get to Smuggs quickly when he sees Sericon airborne...
If I was connected to Izzabelle now I might mentally suggest you take the gnome along for your ride... I might also mentally suggest that you get to Smuggs quickly when he sees Sericon airborne...

10/26/2018 08:01 PMPosted by Izzabelle
She turned when the Life tinkerer spoke to her, yes she very much wanted to bring this monstrosity to its bitter end. She shadow steps behind the Gnome after hearing his idea.

I’m already there.

Now I have to figure out how to make this work, it seemed not that impossible at first, now it’s much more difficult. I was originally thinking of traveling through the Titans massive arteries, that doesn’t seem like much of an option anymore.
10/31/2018 02:40 AMPosted by Izzabelle
If I was connected to Izzabelle now I might mentally suggest you take the gnome along for your ride... I might also mentally suggest that you get to Smuggs quickly when he sees Sericon airborne...

10/26/2018 08:01 PMPosted by Izzabelle
She turned when the Life tinkerer spoke to her, yes she very much wanted to bring this monstrosity to its bitter end. She shadow steps behind the Gnome after hearing his idea.

I’m already there.

Now I have to figure out how to make this work, it seemed not that impossible at first, now it’s much more difficult. I was originally thinking of traveling through the Titans massive arteries, that doesn’t seem like much of an option anymore.

Another mental suggestion, watch his gun... He just lost his prized beast and what he feels was one of his favored beasts... The fault for that death lies with two people...

As for where we are going? Madam rest assured I figured out a proper course that would be close enough to arteries and just as fun... I try not to disappoint.
10/31/2018 02:54 AMPosted by Isaik
Another mental suggestion, watch his gun... He just lost his prized beast and what he feels was one of his favored beasts... The fault for that death lies with two people...

As for where we are going? Madam rest assured I figured out a proper course that would be close enough to arteries and just as fun... I try not to disappoint.

Whelp to late for that I already wrote Izzabelle’s post, besides she actually wouldn’t be able to hear the mental suggestions with Yumara’s protection being in place at the moment. If Isaik was capable of speaking into her mind and leaving mental suggestions, the The Soul Thief would be able to do so as well.

Which two people does Smuggs blame for the death of one of his favorite genetically enhanced beasts. To me blaming Sericon if he does, seems kinda redundant. It’s like “here take this device, if you see the ship might me in trouble press this button, but I will probably try and kill you if you do.” My thoughts are don’t give a weapon of that magnitude to someone if you don’t want it being used. Now those are just my thoughts on the matter.

Cannot wait to see what course you have planned for us.
Quick Question for you, I haven’t done it yet because I wasn’t sure if it was aloud. Is the Soul Thief able to communicate with, and try to influence your characters?
You may try if you wish, some characters will be more susceptible than others though. I have a feeling your thinking about going after Smuggs? Your right his mind is pretty vulnerable, he’s got a lot of issues! Do you want stuff to work with for why he acts up?

But if you do I might use his avatar as a posting thing so I don’t get confused. Try any thing you want, again though realize some are more or less susceptible. Smuggs might be affected do to his mental state, Isaik is gonna laugh at the attempt.
I must say if you want some hints... I believe you have met everyone of the individuals who might be responsible for Salkeen’s death in the lounge... You should have even met the hidden fifth member who only causes Salkeen’s defeat.

I must ask how much do you know about Avatar the last Airbender? Depending on your choices as much as mine, the story of Salkeen might change.
I have never watched Avatar the last airbender, so I know absolutely nothing about it. Other than my nephew really liked it.

I had no intentions of going after Isaik with the Soul Thief, he isn’t an idiot. Right now he is most interested in acquiring Izzabelle, and believes he might be able to use Smuggs to help that along.
10/31/2018 03:23 PMPosted by Izzabelle
I have never watched Avatar the last airbender, so I know absolutely nothing about it. Other than my nephew really liked it.

I had no intentions of going after Isaik with the Soul Thief, he isn’t an idiot. Right now he is most interested in acquiring Izzabelle, and believes he might be able to use Smuggs to help that along.

If only the Assassin was here... They have history... Personal history... I may control my minions well, but occasionally you can’t have two different minions in the same room...

Is the Soul Thief able to prod at open wound like memories? If you do want to go down this path do you want information or do you wanna explore your way through?
10/31/2018 03:54 PMPosted by Isaik
10/31/2018 03:23 PMPosted by Izzabelle
I have never watched Avatar the last airbender, so I know absolutely nothing about it. Other than my nephew really liked it.

I had no intentions of going after Isaik with the Soul Thief, he isn’t an idiot. Right now he is most interested in acquiring Izzabelle, and believes he might be able to use Smuggs to help that along.

If only the Assassin was here... They have history... Personal history... I may control my minions well, but occasionally you can’t have two different minions in the same room...

Is the Soul Thief able to prod at open wound like memories? If you do want to go down this path do you want information or do you wanna explore your way through?

Yes the Soul Thief is very capable of prodding at open wounds, like memories. It would almost be considered part of his M.O. He doesn’t make up that msg that aren’t there. He more twists the things that have happened, and the thing that are happening. He makes them seem worse than what they are, right now he’s working on manipulating Izzabelle. Recent events have made that exceptionally easy for him to do.

As for Smuggs he has a few things he can work with, as of now most he can do is mentally try and manipulate people. He can open portals to bring things to him, but the only one he can openly attack outside of his tower, are Jericha and Ahcirej because of their family ties.

I think for now I will have him go on what he knows, Although I feel I will need more information as this progresses.
Just saw Lord Salkeen’s new look 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% approval he looks great. :)
10/31/2018 09:52 PMPosted by Jericha
Just saw Lord Salkeen’s new look 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% approval he looks great. :)

You don’t think the master designed a red crystal that radiates power on accident? Then just happens to place it between my horns? I had a feeling you would enjoy it.
10/31/2018 10:09 PMPosted by Salkeen
10/31/2018 09:52 PMPosted by Jericha
Just saw Lord Salkeen’s new look 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% approval he looks great. :)

You don’t think the master designed a red crystal that radiates power on accident? Then just happens to place it between my horns? I had a feeling you would enjoy it.

Lord Salkeen if I had known you looking like this was going to be the end result, I would have offed Ahcirej myself.... just saying :)
I’m meaning to create a post for Sericon but I can feel my brain fading fast. If I don’t get it up tonight I am for sure tomarrow.
The Soul Thief is still whispering to Izzabelle whenever he can break through the defenses Yumara put on her temporarily. However now the others aren’t going to be privy to most of what he is saying. He needs to break her trust in Salkeen, Jericha, and Isaik. He has to make her see them as the enemy, and he is able to use recent events to make everything seem that way. The corrupted Titan blood and flesh she consumed just made it so much easier for him.

For now however he isn’t going to act, he doesn’t want to accidentally kill Izzabelle before the correct time.
Ok I got a post up for Sericon and Smuggs together. I will be getting one up for Maleok, which will lead into Salkeen and Isaik in there.
Sorry that it took so long to get a post up. I’m up in Maine for the week packing up my grandmothers Trailer. There’s no internet, so I’m stuck depending on my phones cellular connection. Which is rather dreadful were I am.

I’m not sure what Izzabelle’s going to do. Vanishing when this is over, still seems like a good idea to her. She’s going to try and recruit Smuggs’s aid in helping her to get away if she goes with that option