Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

10/23/2018 12:10 PMPosted by Yuiko
Before I write my post Master, you do understand that the Barrier I created is to keep Ahcirej out. I do not want her getting inside of me. Ahcirej’s form isn’t inside the barrier trying to out, it is outside the Barrier trying to get in. Something I’m trying my best to prevent. what little is inside of me I’m desperately trying to get rid of.

I do know that my dear. I saw it as a opportunity to capture Ahcirej’s form... I don’t mean it in a hostile way, when a wasp makes it into a house you don’t shield yourself you capture the wasp with something. If we capture Ahcirej, it will prevent her from being damaged and meshing into you...

As a sign of good faith I wouldn’t even need to be the holder of our Ahcirej in a bottle... Perhaps we could even use her containment as a way for Isaik and Jericha to reconcile a bit...

I want to protect you Yumara but I see creating a barrier around you that the form of Ahcirej will constantly attack as a temporary fix... The moment we accidentally have the barrier weaken it might cause problems... Such why containment is better. Hopefully that shows my line of thought for my actions.
Thanks Master, it isn’t Ahcirej’s form that would be damaged if she meshes with me, my form would be destroyed. It cannot hold Ahcirej’s holy light, unless it is also holding Jericha’s void. I can switch my shield into a cocoon and try and contain Ahcirej inside. Ahcirej is smart, I’m going to explain we are not trying to trap her. After spending a few centuries trapped in a soul gem, she might not be keen on the idea of being trapped again.

I don’t want to trap her, and I’m certain that she would not fight if she knew she could leave, Master. She doesn’t want to vanish from this plane of existence, so she shouldn’t have a problem with being contained, especially if it helps to keep her here.

If we can contain her, I would like Salkeen to be the holder of Our Ahcirej Master, but not until after this battle is finished. If not Salkeen then Orion as he can stop time and that way if our Ahcirej is fading away it will freeze her as she is until we can bring her back to us.

Perhaps if Jericha can reconcile a little with Master, she won’t be so hostile towards my son....

On another note neither Ahcirej or Yumara know why Ahcirej’s form is trying so hard to get inside of Yumara.

Now to draft the posts for Yumara and Ahcirej,
I was looking at older post from back when I was always trying to RP in the lounge. I think that Izzabelle has changed the most since joining this RP.

Also I haven’t forgotten about the scroll :)
I hope my post was okay. Now to write Izzabelle’s
Post up hope I didn’t go to overboard with the idea
10/26/2018 04:27 PMPosted by Jericha
I hope my post was okay. Now to write Izzabelle’s

Isaik taps his fingers against his face, “Your post for Jericha was superb...”

10/26/2018 08:04 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Post up hope I didn’t go to overboard with the idea

This one is interesting, we still seem to see the Titan as varying sizes to one others view. I guess your piloting trip could work but I’m not sure how fast one could travel in a Titan with a space ship. I see you might have been thinking of the Death Star. Perhaps we could get something like that affect if we made the Titan Khaz Modan sized and then enter from the lower body where their are open arteries anyway. The legion ship would need damage so it can only go flying mount speed. I think we can make this work.
Isaik taps his fingers against his face, “Your post for Jericha was superb...”

Darn it half of Jericha’s original post is missing

10/26/2018 09:43 PMPosted by Isaik
This one is interesting, we still seem to see the Titan as varying sizes to one others view. I guess your piloting trip could work but I’m not sure how fast one could travel in a Titan with a space ship. I see you might have been thinking of the Death Star. Perhaps we could get something like that affect if we made the Titan Khaz Modan sized and then enter from the lower body where their are open arteries anyway. The legion ship would need damage so it can only go flying mount speed. I think we can make this work.

I Have the utmost confidence in your writing abilities, I know you can make this work. Yes I was thinking Star Wars and the Death Star, you are so smart.
I added the missing part of Jericha’s post luckily it stands okay on its own.
Hopefully my own post wasn’t too much... I must stress that Ahcirej isn’t trapped and can’t be trapped within the gem unless both Yumara and Isaik lock her inside(or Orion magic)

When I say the gem might explode I mean Ahcirej would escape, not die in such a explosion. When I said the Shadowfrost gem has experience in catching souls, it’s the same stuff Ner’Zhul was trapped within and his soul was ripped up a million times. It was the best substance to catch Ahcirej’s form which I alluded to a echo because a echo is like a soul but not. It’s like a memory of a soul. I must personally rationalize that the thing we are dealing with, concerning Ahcirej’s form is a form of soul in some way. I compare echoes because they exist when the soul is destroyed. Perhaps I could compare it to a echo of memories of what she was. Either way it’s complicated in rationalizing that she exists in a incorporeal form that is not technically a soul.
10/27/2018 11:33 PMPosted by Isaik
Hopefully my own post wasn’t too much... I must stress that Ahcirej isn’t trapped and can’t be trapped within the gem unless both Yumara and Isaik lock her inside(or Orion magic)

When I say the gem might explode I mean Ahcirej would escape, not die in such a explosion. When I said the Shadowfrost gem has experience in catching souls, it’s the same stuff Ner’Zhul was trapped within and his soul was ripped up a million times. It was the best substance to catch Ahcirej’s form which I alluded to a echo because a echo is like a soul but not. It’s like a memory of a soul. I must personally rationalize that the thing we are dealing with, concerning Ahcirej’s form is a form of soul in some way. I compare echoes because they exist when the soul is destroyed. Perhaps I could compare it to a echo of memories of what she was. Either way it’s complicated in rationalizing that she exists in a incorporeal form that is not technically a soul.

Ahcirej is unbound she cannot be trapped or bound in, too, or by, anything unless she allows it. She doesn’t have any form of soul but I do understand that you might need to rationalize it as a soul, or some form of soul, and I am fine with that.

However I will say that nothing exists now, or will ever exist that can copy, or steal, Ahcirej’s mind or her special holy light. Basic thoughts yes those can be copied, holy magic and fire magic can by copied. The special light magic that she has that effects Jericha’s void, and is needed to fight the Soul Thief, only Ahcirej in her true form can, and will ever possess. no Clone, homunculi, or even child of hers will ever be able to use or possess that holy light.

(I say this because I know you like your Homunculi, and I don’t trust that you wouldn’t try and steal some of her magic and her thoughts away to give it, while she is inside of this gem. This is my way of protecting that from happening. Now I cannot be sure if you had planned on doing this, but I want to protect Ahcirej just in case.)

Now to formulate my posts for Yumara and Ahcirej, the moment of truth is upon us, will Ahcirej allow herself the protection of the gem or will she destroy it believing it’s a trap. It will come down to just how much she can trust in Yumara and Isaik to keep their words.

((I just spent the last hour and a half trying to get this to post, it’s going to be one of those days...sighs long and loud. Let’s see if it will work this time))
However I will say that nothing exists now, or will ever exist that can copy, or steal, Ahcirej’s mind or her special holy light. Basic thoughts yes those can be copied, holy magic and fire magic can by copied. The special light magic that she has that effects Jericha’s void, and is needed to fight the Soul Thief, only Ahcirej in her true form can, and will ever possess. no Clone, homunculi, or even child of hers will ever be able to use or possess that holy light.

Though I like how you are starting to recognize my game, this time I must truly say I will leave Ahcirej and her powers free from attempted theft.

(I say this because I know you like your Homunculi, and I don’t trust that you wouldn’t try and steal some of her magic and her thoughts away to give it, while she is inside of this gem. This is my way of protecting that from happening. Now I cannot be sure if you had planned on doing this, but I want to protect Ahcirej just in case.)

I had a feeling you might have thought such actions of me my dear. Rejoice, you are lucky those were not my plans... I plan to do exactly as Ahcirej asked....

Now to formulate my posts for Yumara and Ahcirej, the moment of truth is upon us, will Ahcirej allow herself the protection of the gem or will she destroy it believing it’s a trap. It will come down to just how much she can trust in Yumara and Isaik to keep their words.

My words are true, I will not steal your magic or attempt to. I will not attempt to lock you within the gem, unless it is a danger to Yumara or yourself... I am a decent man sometimes... Your place is already set if you decide to reside within the gem, I will put you exactly where you asked to be.
Question does the Shadowfrost shard that you are using contain any type or form of Void Magics?

I will write Ahcirej’s post after I hear from you.
10/28/2018 09:30 AMPosted by Yuiko
Question does the Shadowfrost shard that you are using contain any type or form of Void Magics?

I will write Ahcirej’s post after I hear from you.

Truthfully I don’t know. It’s a incredibly rare mineral found ridiculously deep inside the twisting nether. It’s is a dark blue shade, it is the literal throne that the Lich king was encased and sat upon. It was used by Kil’jaeden to place Ner’Zhul’s soul inside after he tore it up thousands of times.

Originally I thought it might be more related to frost than void but I also used Mightstones, a mineral in wow that can asborb, channel or contain any kind of magic. During my spell I was combining them to make a new Ahcirej echo catching gem, when Ahcirej releases the light blast the Mightstone component should catch and absorb the magic, then I guess it would be more attuned to Ahcirej right after.

So truthfully I don’t know if Shadowfrost the gem has void in it. Presumably because of the name it might, but it honestly really doesn’t ever show it. It seems more attuned to ice naturally, but again why I used mightstones was to change that.
Ahcirej is now safely contained within the gem. I have to go with the Shadowfrost shard not containing void. If it did it would destroy Ahcirej and her holy light being trapped within it. The loss of her and her lightbwould lead to Jericha’s destruction and Yumara’s. I read nothing anywhere they says shadowfrost shards contain void, so I’m going with that. I hope you don’t mind that I made the containment a layered sanctuary that isn’t so easily broken free of.

I trust once Lord Salkeen is done with Reavrix you will give him the gem that contains my mind and form.

((I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do concerning Ahcirej, so it came down to a dice roll. Odd she was going to shatter the gem and vanish. Even she was going to be locked within the Gem, capable of escape but with a risk she wouldn’t be willing to take unless she was truly desperate. I rolled a 22))
Now the true thoughts of how to flip forward in this rp? Should I go with the battle of demon lords? The cracking of a Titan? The drama of binding? So hard to choose... But I did choose well!

Now before I go on, I must say thought I completely agree with Jericha’s plan and commend it for her accuracy, I must say... I cannot allow Salkeen and Jericha to succeed in separating Reavrix from the Titan yet! There is more going on then you think, it has to be discovered!

So our story must start with cracking a Titan! Being a pilot!
10/29/2018 08:44 PMPosted by Isaik
Now the true thoughts of how to flip forward in this rp? Should I go with the battle of demon lords? The cracking of a Titan? The drama of binding? So hard to choose... But I did choose well!

Now before I go on, I must say thought I completely agree with Jericha’s plan and commend it for her accuracy, I must say... I cannot allow Salkeen and Jericha to succeed in separating Reavrix from the Titan yet! There is more going on then you think, it has to be discovered!

So our story must start with cracking a Titan! Being a pilot!

I didn’t figure that the separation of Reavrix from the Titan would be easy. I figured it would take at least a few more posts from us before this could possibly happened.

On the plus side Ahcirej is now as safe as she can be.
I’ll hopefully be able to post for Sericon and Maleok soon...
You do know I’ve mentioned it a few times if Salkeen dies Jericha dies. There would be no avenging him the moment he dies, she dies.
10/30/2018 01:15 AMPosted by Yuiko
You do know I’ve mentioned it a few times if Salkeen dies Jericha dies. There would be no avenging him the moment he dies, she dies.

He’s bluffing, Reavrix doesn’t know that if Salkeen dies Jericha does. It’s just demon lords trying to power play each other. Plus as the vision for tells, it’s one with a mark of him that kills Salkeen((if he gets that chance))

Basically for all my characters I like to make many many paths for their stories. If this happens, this will happen. The mark of him I have alluded to a warlock((the warlock is alluded because all have the taint of a warlock)), but it’s actually one of four possible individuals who might be the cause of Salkeen’s death... However there is a hidden fifth choice that is not the death of Salkeen if he fights it, it’s the defeat of Salkeen. From defeat the choices become many for a different kind of story.

Also when Salkeen dies would it kill Jericha on Centralis? Salkeen is a demon, if he dies he would just float to the nether to regenerate. I suspect you mean Ahcirej and Jericha would only truly die if Salkeen truly dies. Again that true death is only at the hands of four possible individuals...
10/30/2018 02:24 AMPosted by Isaik
Also when Salkeen dies would it kill Jericha on Centralis? Salkeen is a demon, if he dies he would just float to the nether to regenerate. I suspect you mean Ahcirej and Jericha would only truly die if Salkeen truly dies. Again that true death is only at the hands of four possible individuals...

Yes if Salkeen dies on Centralis Jericha dies as well. If Salkeen dies on Azeroth Jericha would die, anyplace Salkeen dies Jericha will die as well. The difference being she will always return to life once Salkeen returns to life. When Salkeen finally truly dies Jericha will truly die as well. The only thing other than Salkeen true death, that would bring about Jericha's true death, would be the complete obliteration of her mind. Both scenarios will lead to Yumara's death of sorts. One of these days she will explain to Master Isaik, why Jericha is so important to her. Also Jericha has been mentally communicating with Salkeen, othing she said to him was spoken out loud, I wasn’t sure if you knew that.

((I feel kinda like I’m lacking Character wise, you have to write for like a bazillion characters. With Ahcirej being trapped in the gem I only have to write for three.))