Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

I hate to tell you this Salkeen but our contract is broken, I will be taking control of my life and soul back once this is over.
You should really remember previous contracts before foolishly signing others, or did you forget. Perhaps the debilitating plague had weakened your brain as well as your power. Sadly it seems only one was recovered.

Such a pity

(I tried my hardest to make it so that Jericha, Ahcirej, and Izzabelle would remain Salkeen’s and if they didn’t belong to him they wouldn’t belong to anyone. At the time I will admit, I really didn’t like Isaik, but that has changed.)
10/17/2018 08:59 PMPosted by Izzabelle
I hate to tell you this Salkeen but our contract is broken, I will be taking control of my life and soul back once this is over.
You should really remember previous contracts before foolishly signing others, or did you forget. Perhaps the debilitating plague had weakened your brain as well as your power. Sadly it seems only one was recovered.

Such a pity

(I tried my hardest to make it so that Jericha, Ahcirej, and Izzabelle would remain Salkeen’s and if they didn’t belong to him they wouldn’t belong to anyone. At the time I will admit, I really didn’t like Isaik, but that has changed.)

Poor Salkeen... Go ahead my child reclaim your life, move on and doom your friends or join me, even if it is of your own terms over his... You have seen though I meticulously plan and creep, I can trust my minions to be themselves with little commands...

I would hate to try and control you through other means... Surely you have seen it by now... Those who are reasonable can be contracted, you can define terms, and have the most freedom... A contract may bind but your mind can be free... Then we have the split minds, or the under mind duress... You may have heard Maleok say he is not the same Maleok from the lounge... He is half right of course... Wothin his mind is two personalities, one he was born with one created by me... If people don’t seem partial to being contracted with civility... We can always make a alternate Izzabelle personality that is more agreeable... Lastly you notice the homunculi, when contracts fail, and ones mind seems to resilient to split personality control, I am left with little choice but to make a copy from scratch...

((As for Salkeen not remembering the contract that’s probably me, my brain gets fuzzy from work, I gotta dig up what the terms were anyway, to find out what I broke.

As for a dislike of Isaik I do understand, from a outside view he seems like a villain who wants to control everyone, but then the layers peel away and something else is revealed... then more... and more... the secrets he holds has just begun to be revealed. Right now you see a story of a man who wants to be a god, chased by his old teacher who wants to correct his mistake... But is that the whole story? How does a simple tome of the void make someone go from a top student to what he has become now? I hope to continue this story with you as long as you are able.))
10/17/2018 08:59 PMPosted by Izzabelle
I hate to tell you this Salkeen but our contract is broken, I will be taking control of my life and soul back once this is over.
You should really remember previous contracts before foolishly signing others, or did you forget. Perhaps the debilitating plague had weakened your brain as well as your power. Sadly it seems only one was recovered.

Such a pity

(I tried my hardest to make it so that Jericha, Ahcirej, and Izzabelle would remain Salkeen’s and if they didn’t belong to him they wouldn’t belong to anyone. At the time I will admit, I really didn’t like Isaik, but that has changed.)

Don’t listen ta him, you have a choice! You can still come back from this, you can still be redeemed! Seek me out, this story has many paths, not all end in death of you and your friends!

((You ever read one of those old books that had whatever ending you chose? You go one path and the book says if you wanna do this goto page 34, if this page 56, or this page 78. You are currently in one such story, I have made many paths to this tale, the choices you make determine which side you are on and what happens in the end...))
3 I will serve Salkeen, only Salkeen. Master Isaik is not to interfere with me in anyway, in return I will not interfere, nor help with his plans in anyway, unless his plans coincide with those of Salkeen’s, then I will help, more by default.

10/18/2018 03:50 AMPosted by Isaik
((As for Salkeen not remembering the contract that’s probably me, my brain gets fuzzy from work, I gotta dig up what the terms were anyway, to find out what I broke.

Save you some digging :) Salkeen agreed I would serve only him, You Master Isaik agreed not to interfere with me in anyway. Both of you broke the contract. Also if Yumara had to choose between my life and Jericha’s, who do you think she would choose?
10/18/2018 03:54 AMPosted by Raveintis
Don’t listen ta him, you have a choice! You can still come back from this, you can still be redeemed! Seek me out, this story has many paths, not all end in death of you and your friends!

Sadly if Salkeen dies Permanently, Jericha dies permanently as well which leads to Yumara’s death of sorts. So unless Salkeen can somehow be saved the better half of us are doomed.

However for now we have a weak wannabe Demon Lord I don’t mean Salkeen to interrogate and kill after we destroy his oversized doll. The next chapter of our story hasn’t quite begun yet. :)
Don’t forget Ahcirej is no longer connected to Salkeen in anyway. All he retains would be memories of her, from when they were connected. Other than that there is absolutely no form of connection. Desiring for Salkeen to have some form of connection to her doesn’t make it so. Ahcirej’s mind was disconnected from everyone and everything, It doesn’t exist in her blood, her body, Jericha, Salkeen... etc. The homunculi will be able to give homunculi Ahcirej all of the memories Salkeen has of her, all the memories that Isaik retains of her. But as for Ahcirej’s mind, that will not happen. Curious as to what something that looks like Ahcirej but cannot ntsins nne of her soul and mind would look like. Also Ahcirej’s holy light cannot be remade or copied, it cannot be given to a clone or homunculi. Both Jericha and Ahcirej’s abilities are tied to their minds, and under a plethora of powerful protections to prevent them from being stolen or recreated. Didn’t need hundreds of void witches and holy lights running about :) The homunculi can possess holy magic, it will not be Ahcirej’s holy light, and will not effect Jericha or her void in any way. Well expect being painful if attacked with it, Jericha does have an aversion to holy Magic’s because of the void within her.

On another note having an Homunculi Salkeen is interesting, not surprising but interesting. Well now I can write a reply for Yumara, It’s nice to know Salkeen doesn’t completely despise her.
I do apologize my dear those to two sentences alluding connection to Ahcirej are supposed to be past tense. My darned phone always autocorrects everything to present tense and I must have missed them. I’ll change them.

And I don’t know if you will truly feel the same way I do about Troggs and kobolds, but I use them because I see potential... I could have easily used the pale, but I felt it was to obvious that something shadowy would be going on nearby. I did research into many lower humanoids of subterranean habitats and found these two perfect for the task...

Kobolds are completely frail and cowardly only seeming to engage on their own territory and in great number... I saw they had potential to be the mindless pawn for Isaik and the homunculi. Basically the Kobold are to Isaik as the Wyrmtongue are to Salkeen. I also chose the kobolds for another purpose, the lore of kobolds have some controlling Troggs through a version of geomancy... I felt that would let the species coexist more naturally so Isaik wouldn’t be suspected. The kobolds inhabit the deeper caves deprived of most light, they were given enough intelligence to create fungi farms for their sustenance and ingredients for us below them...

The Troggs inhabit the cave tunnels that attach to the surface in some way, being that they seem carnivorous I felt they should be in a area where they can go out and hunt and bring back the food for their colonies.

All the colonies have a purpose in the subterranean kingdom, the Troggs keep everyone out with their aggression and hideously large numbers, some preform tasks via geomancy for the kobolds to ensure they can survive. The kobolds mostly fungi eaters survive deeper, never truly bothered by the upper world though have a kingdom of traps should someone ever get this deep... the kobolds have multiple fungi farms to give ingredients for whatever we might need... And lastly while Troggs are pretty cannibalistic, I found kobolds less so, the highly prolific kobolds provide biomass to us below them when they die...

I thought it was a fun way to create a working subterranean ecosystem that left the Dark Master below as the alpha predator...
I actually think that you had a wonderful idea with the Troggs and Kobolds. The pale would have drawn way to much attention to something dark and sinister near by. The fact that the two races have been known to coexist, makes it so that no questions are raised. I don’t see many beings choosing to mess with Troggs especially considering they have nothing they would be interested in. As for he Kobolds unless there’s a great candle shortage, they too wouldn’t garner much interest. Also there’s a balance to everything that helps Yumara to obtain and keep herself balanced.

She will need to return to her forest at some point. Now however she needs to be in Masters presence.
I don’t see many beings choosing to mess with Troggs especially considering they have nothing they would be interested in. As for he Kobolds unless there’s a great candle shortage, they too wouldn’t garner much interest.

Ah but again dear that’s where the fun comes. By common opinion Troggs have nothing of interest, I mean the best things that can make are loincloths and stone tools... But Troggs are known to gather Titan relics... There is a pile of Titan tech the Troggs mindlessly gathered and dragged to the center of their home... However is Titan tech worth fighting a never ending army of Troggs in a cave system you can be lost within? The kobolds even gathered massive amounts of the shiny pieces of gold from the Troggs, so when the time comes for Isaik to be killed... This is a full fledged dungeon for heroes to trek, stocked with treasures, monsters, traps, the whole enchilada!

She will need to return to her forest at some point. Now however she needs to be in Masters presence.

We will be returning to the vessel soon my dear, we must be involved when Reavrix is finally laid out and Izzabelle is purged of that meddlesome soul Thief.
10/19/2018 01:20 PMPosted by Isaik
This is a full fledged dungeon for heroes to trek, stocked with treasures, monsters, traps, the whole enchilada!

((This really excites me, makes me wish it were a tabletop role playing adventure. It would be so fun to bring a group of would be heroes through a place like this.))
10/19/2018 01:20 PMPosted by Isaik
We will be returning to the vessel soon my dear, we must be involved when Reavrix is finally laid out and Izzabelle is purged of that meddlesome soul Thief.

I get the feeling Purging Izzabelle won’t be easy, and probably really painful if she fights it. She will fight it especially if the Soul Thief has convinced her that we are the enemy. It would seem Izzabelle was a lot more dependent on my mental protections than I thought. Then I didn’t quite see Salkeen ripping her soul from Jericha’s thus ending those protections. I knew the Soul Thief was interested in her, because although Jericha constantly beats the crap out of her, she is also really protective of her. If He can get Izzabelle he is fairly certain Jericha would try and save her. He is also interested in her immortality, she can be killed but she never remains dead. If The Soul Thief could trap or destroy her mind and soul he could take over her body, and leave the tower that he is trapped in.
I know weekends are usually extremely busy for you. I haven’t written for Jericha or Izzabelle in 5 days and I’m really itching to write more. Is it okay with you if I write for them again?
Wish granted... Also I know I didn’t respond to the light army detonation yet, I am not ignoring it I just wanted to wait a bit longer before Reavrix responded.

As for the dark master? He doesn’t wish for Ahcirej to never use her light just not now to free Izzabelle from all current contracts, it would probably prove fatal... She would be free at first cast, whether it hit or not wouldn’t matter! At this point Izzabelle has the choice even in her madness, willingly choose to be separated so she can save her friends or resist and make them all
Susceptible to the warlock with the mark of him...

I think that’s everything? I might be forgetting something but that’s also cause my brain is shutting down since I been awake to long!

Hopefully I made some good fun posts?
As for the dark master? He doesn’t wish for Ahcirej to never use her light just not now to free Izzabelle from all current contracts, it would probably prove fatal... She would be free at first cast, whether it hit or not wouldn’t matter! At this point Izzabelle has the choice even in her madness, willingly choose to be separated so she can save her friends or resist and make them all
Susceptible to the warlock with the mark of him...

Izzabelle is going to realize that the contract between her and Salkeen has been broken. This is going to make her distraught, and she is going to reclaim her soul from Salkeen. She won’t leave before the battle is over, she said she would help with Reavrix. She will keep her word, because honor means a lot to her, she now however sees, Jericha, Salkeen, Yumara, and Master Isaik as lacking honor. She still respects the power Master Isaik and Yumara wield, but she feels distraught, confused, unwanted, and the Soul Thief isn’t above using these feeling to his advantage. She does plan on using her demonic gateway and leaving once the battle is over and Reavrix is contained.

Also Izzabelle has no idea as to why Isaik would break the contract between her and Salkeen. She doesn’t know why Salkeen would break their contract, she just feels like she isn’t really wanted and no one keeps their words. Contracts are meaningless when dealing with those who lack honor.

Ahcirej only knows that she cannot use her holy light before Jericha, so she believes it’s because it will harm her. Also remember Ahcirej’s mind was effected when she was bound to Salkeen. The longer she spends away from them, the more her mind is going to start reverting to How it was before.
I will write Yumara’s post a little later tonight, So as of right now the contract between Salkeen and Izzabelle stands as does the new one between Salkeen and Isaik. Izzabelle technically could consider their contract broken, because of Salkeen signing the new contract with Isaik. He has no way of knowing that Ahcirej wouldn’t use her holy light in Jericha’s presence. She would never do it purposefully but accidents do happen.

Remember Ahcirej isn’t anywhere near them, she still doesn’t know the full extent of the the newest contract. She doesn’t know the stipulations behind Izzabelle’s and Salkeen’s contract. She is hoping that everything will be cleared up, however she wasn’t expecting what is happening between her and Yumara.

Orion along with Lord Salkeen are preventing Jericha from fleeing, should Ahcirej use her holy light. Still when Isaik says in Jericha’s presence what does it mean? Like if Jericha is inside her room aboard the Ered’kiel and Ahcirej is outside of the Ered’kiel and uses her light, would it be considered as being n her presence. Or do the two of them need to physically be in the presence of each other?

As for the detonation of her army I am just going with all this is taking place moments before it happens. Also I’m not sure if you realize that Ahcirej was nowhere near Jericha or Salkeen. The distance between them would be equal to the distance between Reavrix’s artillery field and Salkeen’s army when they first arrived, perhaps even a little further. She approaches after Jericha and Izzabelle are gone.
I will write Yumara’s post a little later tonight, So as of right now the contract between Salkeen and Izzabelle stands as does the new one between Salkeen and Isaik.

That is how I view it too. Glad we choose the same page!

Orion along with Lord Salkeen are preventing Jericha from fleeing, should Ahcirej use her holy light. Still when Isaik says in Jericha’s presence what does it mean? Like if Jericha is inside her room aboard the Ered’kiel and Ahcirej is outside of the Ered’kiel and uses her light, would it be considered as being n her presence. Or do the two of them need to physically be in the presence of each other?

I could go with foot distance or affective distance of magic but as that might be wildly different and confusing we will go within a physical presence of one another. If Ahcirej and Jericha are in the same town and cast their magic but not physically next to each other it will be ok. I don’t see it breaking the contract now as the Ered’Kiel is a large ship even while grounded! If Ahcirej casted her magic, it would be as if she did so outside the Exodar, and Jericha was within the Exodar!

As for the detonation of her army I am just going with all this is taking place moments before it happens. Also I’m not sure if you realize that Ahcirej was nowhere near Jericha or Salkeen. The distance between them would be equal to the distance between Reavrix’s artillery field and Salkeen’s army when they first arrived, perhaps even a little further. She approaches after Jericha and Izzabelle are gone.

I had a feeling it might be like that, I was hinting it on the best that there was a minor telepathic link in their somewhere for communication. It’s complicated story and the dynamic changes nearly constantly, and these are for just the villains! When those pesky heroes join it will get even more chaotic!
I had a feeling it might be like that, I was hinting it on the best that there was a minor telepathic link in their somewhere for communication. It’s complicated story and the dynamic changes nearly constantly, and these are for just the villains! When those pesky heroes join it will get even more chaotic!

Yes those pesky heroes, always there to mess up a good plan. Much is happening, it would seem this story now has many possibilities.
Now comes the hard part... making a super post for Reavrix to show what has been going on with the Titan! It might take a bit of effort, I’ll get it up as soon as possible...
I have the greatest confidence in your writing capabilities, I know the post will be awesome. I cannot wait to read it.

On another note, when Jericha finally left the safety of Eago’s rooms, and reentered the lounge. Did you expect that five months later we would be having an epic battle against a flesh Titan. Or that we would have an RP that is nearly 700 posts long, that has effected so many of our characters.
I have the greatest confidence in your writing capabilities, I know the post will be awesome. I cannot wait to read it.

Thank you madam, I am truly trying to make it a good post but I say it may be one to three more and Reavrix will fall on the last.

On another note, when Jericha finally left the safety of Eago’s rooms, and reentered the lounge. Did you expect that five months later we would be having an epic battle against a flesh Titan. Or that we would have an RP that is nearly 700 posts long, that has effected so many of our characters.

*stares in calculated mental manipulator visage* You make it sound as if this isn’t exactly what I planned madam. Do you not remember when Jericha and Salkeen died in their first adventure against the heroes, a shadow was present among the crash? I have always been watching... Carefully pulling strings and strands to bring people to this moment... As I said, some events are seen via my future peering gift, it was always destined to happen.

So you could say I might have expected this and influenced it, I could tell you were the kind of roleplayer to do this with on your first posts.
*stares in calculated mental manipulator visage* You make it sound as if this isn’t exactly what I planned madam. Do you not remember when Jericha and Salkeen died in their first adventure against the heroes, a shadow was present among the crash? I have always been watching... Carefully pulling strings and strands to bring people to this moment... As I said, some events are seen via my future peering gift, it was always destined to happen.

Yes I remember, I recall being tossed from the Ered’kiel at that time. It was that which caused my dislike for Isaik and made me not want to bind any of my characters to him. As you can see that changed, I couldn’t imagine Yumara being tied to any of your characters other than Isaik. Although it is the reason that Jericha originally disliked him and one of the reasons she still dislikes him.

I knew that there were going to be changes in Jericha’s and Izzabelle’s characters. Ahcirej’s path however was totally changed along with Yumara’s when I brought Yumara into it. A lot of the things I wanted to happen are coming to pass, but I will admit there’s been changes I wasn’t expecting as well.

Now to figure out what to write for Jericha’s post, she isn’t about to let Orion hold her frozen n time while Lord Salkeen has all the fun.
Before I write my post Master, you do understand that the Barrier I created is to keep Ahcirej out. I do not want her getting inside of me. Ahcirej’s form isn’t inside the barrier trying to out, it is outside the Barrier trying to get in. Something I’m trying my best to prevent. what little is inside of me I’m desperately trying to get rid of.