Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

10/04/2018 05:35 PMPosted by Izzabelle
10/04/2018 04:31 PMPosted by Isaik
Yes I agree the contract entanglement can be hard to maneuver around. Believe me when I say the same contractual obligations are not meant just for you. I had to make death not a way to break the contracts or else Salkeen would be free, as with Jericha during our first rp together, and Sericon and Varicar... Death is to easy, I had to make death something that wouldn’t break them. That’s not saying they can’t be broken by something, but not death.

The contract is more along the lines of say for example, Anduin Wrynn can’t use magic in Jericha’s presence. Salkeen can’t control Anduin but now must do everything in his power to ensure it never happens on Jericha’s presence. That means he either has to ensure Jericha is never near Anduin, Kills Anduin or controls Anduin. The reason I gave him the hard task was so the contract broke anyway, so that Izzabelle could be used to ensure Salkeen and the twins survive when things start along the good guy killing bad guy story part.

So I guess my biggest problem is the contract Izzabelle has with Salkeen. If that contract is broken, Izzabelle isn’t above using the dagger of breaking on herself to unbind her soul from Salkeen. She would also use it to free herself from Isaik, unless like with Salkeen there was a contract that prevented her from doing so. I mean technically Izzabelle could use the dagger to free herself from Salkeen’s contract. She will not do that because she gave her word to honor the contract, believing Salkeen would do the same.

Also wouldn’t the breaking of the contract remove Jericha’s safe place?

Are you so sure you would want to be free from me, I would give you more freedom than Salkeen. I trust my minions to be more independent... I am sure you could still stick around Jericha and her Lord but feel stronger for the fact you don’t have to follow his commands.

In all honesty Izzabelle could use the dagger to leave but the fate of Salkeen and the twins would turn very grim... Plus my dear, you know I am more likely to honor my deals and contracts than the arrogant and volatile demon lord.

Correct breaking the contract removes the safe place but as discussed with Yumara, there was no real reason for her to have a safe place from Isaik. That doesn’t mean a new contract will be drafted with much more reasonable terms to give Jericha a safe space again.
Darn I can’t have Izzabelle do what I had planned now, and I was going to use it as another reason, for Isaik to step in and remove her from Salkeen’s control.

This rp keeps me on my toes and constantly having to change everything I previously thought out.

also I might not want to be free, but it is nice knowing that I possess a way of freeing myself. You are also correct, that I would be better off serving you than that pompous arrogant jerk. But alas you are a god of deceit, you can twist minds into believing almost anything that you wish. Still for Jericha’s sake I would remain your loyal servant. The things Yumara, Ahcirej and I do all for Jericha’s sake, baffles me at times.
10/04/2018 09:39 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Darn I can’t have Izzabelle do what I had planned now, and I was going to use it as another reason, for Isaik to step in and remove her from Salkeen’s control.

This rp keeps me on my toes and constantly having to change everything I previously thought out.

also I might not want to be free, but it is nice knowing that I possess a way of freeing myself. You are also correct, that I would be better off serving you than that pompous arrogant jerk. But alas you are a god of deceit, you can twist minds into believing almost anything that you wish. Still for Jericha’s sake I would remain your loyal servant. The things Yumara, Ahcirej and I do all for Jericha’s sake, baffles me at times.

Don’t worry my dear you can still do your plans... The contract dictated that Isaik would come to take one but it didn’t say at which time he would after the terms were broken, it is easily known by Isaik when it is allowed for him to claim his rewards... Just not yet, I trust my minions to finish Reavrix off on their own while I give Yumara a quick view of the Lair...

I’m glad the rp does that, I try to make it entertaining, and I have a general idea of where it’s headed but I can’t share or else the surprise would be ruined!

Isaik treats each of his minions differently, some seem to preform their tasks better when they feel free, others must be strictly bound in contractual entanglements to ensure loyalty in what they do... When you finally meet the Assassin, you will see one who despises the master as much as Jericha does...
Reavrix ruined what I had planned not you.
I don’t mind Isaik having control of Izzabelle. I think I argue, because while I don’t mind him having control. I would like some say on how it happens, this contract gives me no say in how it happens.
Technically Ahcirej hasn’t used light magic yet, her army has.

(I’m writing on Lhashira because I’m on the road and won’t have access to my main account until I get to my destination.)
10/05/2018 02:17 AMPosted by Lhashira
Reavrix ruined what I had planned not you.
I don’t mind Isaik having control of Izzabelle. I think I argue, because while I don’t mind him having control. I would like some say on how it happens, this contract gives me no say in how it happens.
Technically Ahcirej hasn’t used light magic yet, her army has.

(I’m writing on Lhashira because I’m on the road and won’t have access to my main account until I get to my destination.)

I apologize madam, I just try to make the story amazing in every way! Technically you are correct in a proxy kind of way, it’s a technical run around but that’s how Isaik works so I’ll accept it!

Also understandable, I am currently drafting up several posts for Maleok, Salkeen, Sericon, and probably Smuggs. So I might be a bit before I release a slew of posts.
Lord Salkeen now knows that Ahcirej is about to use holy Magic in Jericha’s presence. He knows that if she does, Jericha will lose her safe place and he will lose one of his minions. Ahcirej has no idea that she isn’t allowed to use holy magic before Jericha, what will Lord Salkeen do?
10/05/2018 08:35 PMPosted by Ahcirej
Lord Salkeen now knows that Ahcirej is about to use holy Magic in Jericha’s presence. He knows that if she does, Jericha will lose her safe place and he will lose one of his minions. Ahcirej has no idea that she isn’t allowed to use holy magic before Jericha, what will Lord Salkeen do?

Lord Salkeen is gonna try to control to much of the situation! Let’s see if this works out for him, co-star?

That’s right Sericon, Ahcirej and Jericha don’t know about the contract yet! What they think and feel may affect this battle!

Also if you haven’t noticed I’m trying to turn the Ered’Kiel itself into a stationary base, I’ll prpbably get Salkeen a new ship... I tend to destroy his ever other rp thread!
10/06/2018 06:46 AMPosted by Sericon
10/05/2018 08:35 PMPosted by Ahcirej
Lord Salkeen now knows that Ahcirej is about to use holy Magic in Jericha’s presence. He knows that if she does, Jericha will lose her safe place and he will lose one of his minions. Ahcirej has no idea that she isn’t allowed to use holy magic before Jericha, what will Lord Salkeen do?

Lord Salkeen is gonna try to control to much of the situation! Let’s see if this works out for him, co-star?

That’s right Sericon, Ahcirej and Jericha don’t know about the contract yet! What they think and feel may affect this battle!

Also if you haven’t noticed I’m trying to turn the Ered’Kiel itself into a stationary base, I’ll prpbably get Salkeen a new ship... I tend to destroy his ever other rp thread!

Ahcirej is about to vanish, she is going to understand that she cannot use holy light in Jericha’s presence. Of course not knowing about the contract she will jump to the only conclusion she can think of.

Salkeen controlling the situation might work out wonderfully. Except! let’s just say all the void corrupted Titan flesh and blood, I’ve ingested, probably wasn’t a great idea.
Hope you don’t mind Izzabelle throwing a monkey wrench into the situation. I figure madness isn’t really madness if it only strikes at convenient times. However if you desire I can change my posts and have the madness strike her a bit later.
So did my snapping and attacking Jericha and Salkeen, mess up what you had planned. I had thought about waiting, but figured that void insanity would most likely strike at the worse possible time.
Salkeen’s post comes soon, looming near the surface... However clarification must be had. The generals and army that Ahcirej commands is a army of light beings tgat appear like gryphons, warrior and such? Are they a version of mage copies? I get they are magic created entities but by which magic is my question.
It’s an army of holy light and fire, they are a magically created army and they do not resemble her. Most would resemble whatever race/races that lived their before the planet was destroyed. They are more of a magical/spiritual army given corporeal form.

So they are a magical army given a form of life, through both holy light and fire. Both exist within them. Their bodies are created by the shades, and echoes of lost thoughts and emotions. the things that are forgotten, the dreams that pass briefly through ones mind. I know how they are created, but explaining it isn’t easy. If you need me to I can try harder.

The magic they use is more akin to what they might have had if they were truly alive. Ahcirej’s holy light, and fire, would be the blood that keeps them alive.
I do apologize if I miss anything it’s currently 4am and my brain won’t let me go any farther. I’ll edit if I must. But for now I slumber...
You missed nothing your posts were all great.

I have a posts up for Ahcirej, and Izzabelle I’ll have a post up for Jericha in the morning. How do you like the way the story is going, I myself am loving all the twists. This battle has indeed been epic.
Jericha’s post is up, it is now Past 5:30 here and I shall be heading to bed, I will not break Lord Salkeen’s command on me getting enough sleep.

Goodnight may your dreams be filled with world domination when you finally get to bed yourself.
So ever sorry about the delay my dear my sub had a minor lapse that has been corrected! I am drafting responses and am nearly complete, I hope to post a slew of posts by tomarrow. Again sorry for the delay, the responses are coming!
10/15/2018 02:01 AMPosted by Raveintis
So ever sorry about the delay my dear my sub had a minor lapse that has been corrected! I am drafting responses and am nearly complete, I hope to post a slew of posts by tomarrow. Again sorry for the delay, the responses are coming!

Don’t worry, I thought it was either a lapse in your sub, or your work place was insane again. :)
Question was Lhashira’s brother still in Reavrix’s citadel when it was destroyed?
I won’t try to actively kill Varicar, but I will ask that he stop trying to heal me. Whenever he is near or tries healing me it activates my fight or flight mode. The more he does it the harder it gets to control. As of now Jericha is shielding herself against Varicar.

If Jericha were to use her Artifact Eye to determine whether or not Izzabelle was lying, it would show her as telling the truth. Because to Izzabelle it is the truth, she has no knowledge of the clause that protects Jericha. She only knows Lord Salkeen signed a contract giving Isaik the right to take any of them away, should Ahcirej ever use her light in Jericha’s presence.
Ahcirej’s army is now gone, you could say they left with a bang. Ahcirej herself is going to try and find a way to destroy her holy light so that she can be with Jericha, Izzabelle and Her Lord again. Izzabelle is being tempted by the Soul Thief, and is once more trying to turn Jericha against Lord Salkeen. So much is happening, what will happen to everyone once this battle with Reavrix comes to an end?